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Splitting an array into stride by 2

i've written a basic function to split an array into stride by 2:

[z] -> [x],[y]

    func splitArray(Z x:[Float64])->(Real:[Float64],Imag:[Float64])
      guard (x.count % 2 == 0) else {"BOMB:: need even number of elements in array \(#file) \(#line) \(#function)"
      return ([0.0],[0.0])
      var Real:[Float64] = zeroD(npts: Int(x.count/2) )
      var Imag:[Float64] = zeroD(npts: Int(x.count/2) )
      var ida:Int = 0, idb:Int = 0
  for elem in stride(from:0, to: x.count-1, by:2)
      Real[ida] = x[elem]
      ida += 1
  for elem in stride(from:1, to:x.count, by:2)
    Imag[idb] = x[elem]
    idb += 1
      return (Real,Imag)

Does anyone have a faster map? Sometimes map is not that fast and just hides the loop?

I'm hoping for solutions which have been designed to crunch big data arrays or like google's big table, although not sparse. Something like a Metal/GPU pipeline? hyper-threading model? an Atomic que/stack? pulling in an external optimized lib like boost?

The algorithm behind map is unknown, sometimes it's faster than a simple loop sometimes not. It's not deterministic, generally not a good thing, but it's easy to implement.

I've tried unrolling loops in Xcode flags but seems to make no different with an arrays of size MxN>[500,500].