I have created a bit of path-finding code in response to this code golf question. Since this is one of my first large bits of code in Groovy that I have written, I would like to see how I could improve it.
def invalid() {
println "Invalid map."
def map =
//map = [""]// TODO remove this, this is type checking only
//reader = System.in.newReader()
//line = reader.readLine()
//while (line != '') {
// map << line
// line = reader.readLine()
def size = map[0].size()
map.each { if (it.size() != size) invalid() }
def startLocation = [0, 0]
def endLocation = [0, 0]
map.eachWithIndex { it, idx ->
def startIdx = it.indexOf('S')
def endIdx = it.indexOf('E')
if (startIdx != -1) {
startLocation[0] = startIdx; startLocation[1] = idx
if (endIdx != -1) {
endLocation[0] = endIdx; endLocation[1] = idx
def validPath = []
testMove = { x, y, visited ->// visited is an array of x y pairs that we have already visited in this tree
if (visited.contains([x, y]) || y >= map.size() || x >= map[0].size() || x < 0 || y < 0)
def chr = map[y][x]
def newPath = visited + [[x, y]]
if (chr == 'E') validPath = newPath
if ('J0S'.contains(chr) && !validPath) {
testMove(x - 1, y, newPath)
testMove(x + 1, y, newPath)
testMove(x, y + 1, newPath)
testMove(x, y - 1, newPath)
testMove(startLocation[0], startLocation[1], [])
if (!validPath) invalid()
println validPath
def orintation = 0
def path = ''
validPath.inject { first, second ->
def chr = map[second[1]][second[0]]
def sub = [first[0] - second[0], first[1] - second[1]]
def newOrin = [[0, 1]: 0, [1, 0]: 1, [0, -1]: 2, [-1, 0]: 3][sub]
path += ((((orintation - newOrin) == 0) ? '' : (newOrin > 0 ? 'R' : 'L')) + (chr == 'J' ? 'M' : '') + 'F')
orintation = newOrin
println "path: $path"