Making long story short, I got a chance to jump from DevOps to Software Development (Frontend). Because I'm quite new to JS design patterns, I need some quality advice about the job I've done recently.

The goal is to create a component which checks if there's a particular class on the current page, and if yes, add event listeners for the document (one default & one custom) that will hold the logic for triggering a popup. The popup should appear only once, then the event listener should not perform any anymore actions. For this, I defined the `lockPopup` variable (state management). There is also `screenEdge` flag available, since the requirements for this project are changing and it basically flips around quite often.

I chose a kind-of revealing module pattern, with init function that will be called on jQuery's `$( document ).ready()` method. 

    var Popup = (function() {
      // Component state management
      var lockPopup = false;
      var screenEdge = 'top';
      // Variables for jQuery selectors
      var passableClassName = '.passable-class';
      var animatedClassName = '.animated-class';
      // Cache DOM
      var $elementToSelect = $(passableClassName);
      var $elementToAnimate = $(animatedClassName);
      // Entrypoint for application
      function _init() {
      // Conditional event binding
      function _conditionalEventBind() {
        if (typeof $elementToSelect[0] !== 'undefined') {
          $(document).on("togglePopup", _togglePopup);
      // Event listener callbacks
      // Determining the position from selected item in document
      function _determineValidPosition() {
        var $scrolledDistance = $(window).scrollTop();
        var $itemTopOffset = $elementToSelect.offset().top;
        if (screenEdge === 'top') {
          return $scrolledDistance >= $itemTopOffset;
        if (screenEdge === 'bottom') {
          return ($scrolledDistance + window.screen.availHeight) >= $itemTopOffset;
      function _notifyEventToBeDispatched() {
        if (!lockPopup) {
          if (_determineValidPosition()) {
            $.event.trigger({	type: "togglePopup" });
            lockPopup = true;
      // Function definition for popup animation
      function _togglePopup() {
      // **************************** Component initialisation *
      // Returning main entry point for application, so the rest of
      // component features are private & not accessible from outside
      return {
        init: _init

Example how will be called:
    $( document ).ready(function() {

I will be extremely grateful for any hints regarding this style/logic that I've applied here.