The Art and Science of Java, a course book that uses the ACM library has an exercise that reads like this.

> Implement a new class called Card that includes the following entries:
> • Named constants for the four suits (CLUBS, DIAMONDS, HEARTS, SPADES)
> and the four ranks that are traditionally represented in words (ACE,
> JACK, QUEEN, KING). The values of the rank constants should be 1, 11,
> 12, and 13, respectively.
> • A constructor that takes a rank and a suit and returns a Card with
> those values. • Accessor methods getRank and getSuit to retrieve the
> rank and suit components of a card.
> • An implementation of the toString method that returns the complete
> name of the card.

Now, this question is a little hard to understand, but nevertheless I done a class that I think answers this:

    /** Ficheiro:
    * Classe que vai representar os diferentes valores e naipes de uma carta de um baralho normal
    * de 52 cartas. Exercício para construir uma classe completa juntamente com construtores,
    * gets de Valores e Naipes e de método toString.  */

    public class Carta {

	// Constantes do Naipe (Rank) das Cartas
	public static final String AS = "Ás";
	public static final String REI = "Rei";
	public static final String DAMA = "Dama";
	public static final String VALETE = "Valete";
	// Constantes do Valor Facial (Suit) das Cartas
	public static final String COPAS = "Copas";
	public static final String PAUS = "Paus";
	public static final String OUROS = "Ouros";
	public static final String ESPADAS = "Espadas";
    * Cria uma nova carta de um baralho regular de 52 cartas.
    * @param valor O valor facial da carta (ex. Ás, Rei, 10...)
    * @param naipe O naipe da carta
    public Carta (int valor, int naipe) {
	    valorCarta = valor;
	    numNaipe = naipe;
	 * Obtém o valor facial da carta (existem 13 valores faciais)
	 * @return O valor facial da carta em String
	public String getValorCarta() {
		switch (valorCarta) {
		case 1: return AS;
		case 11: return REI;
		case 12: return DAMA;
		case 13: return VALETE;
		default: return "" + valorCarta;
	 * Obtém o naipe da carta (existem 4 naipes)
	 * @return O naipe da carta em String
	public String getNaipeCarta () {
		switch (numNaipe) {
		case 1: return COPAS;
		case 2: return PAUS;
		case 3: return OUROS;
		case 4: return ESPADAS;
		default: return ("Naipe Inválido");
	 * Cria uma representação em String da Carta (Valor e Naipe)
	 * @return Representação em String da Carta (Valor e Naipe)
	public String toString () {
		return getValorCarta() + " de " + getNaipeCarta(); 
	// variáveis de instância que registam o Valor e o Naipe da Carta em integers.
	private int valorCarta;
	private int numNaipe;

Sorry about the commentaries, I speak portuguese and I written the commentaries in that language. I hope the code is easy enough to understand.

So my question is if I have written well the class, according to specifications, especially the Public Constants and the Get Methods.

I am not sure if they wanted me to make the Constants Int types instead of Strings. Also I didn't assign any parameters to the Get Methods, so they will only give me the rank or suit of a new Card Object. I am not sure if they wanted me to attribute an int param to these methods.

As a sidenote, I wrote then a short program that demonstrates this class in action, in choosing and displaying a random card (note that the run method is the main method in acm libraries):

    import acm.program.*;
    import acm.util.*;

    public class testeCarta extends ConsoleProgram{
	// Escolhe uma carta aleatóriade um baralho de 52 cartas e imprime no ecrã
	public void run () {
		println ("Este programa vai seleccionar uma carta aleatória");
		Carta cartaAleat = new Carta (rGen.nextInt(1,13),rGen.nextInt(1,4));
		println (cartaAleat);

	// variável de instància que permite a utilização de gerador de números aleatórios
	public RandomGenerator rGen = RandomGenerator.getInstance();