Intersection ------------ it seems a little like cheating to me to use a `HashSet` here. I would probably write my own contains method for the linked list (which is bad for performance, but performance is not really the point here). Other than that: largerListNode != null This check seems unnecessary. It's the larger list, after all. `items.size() > 0` should always catch this. Union ----- The return value should probably not be named `intersectionlist` :) It also does not do union. The code should look something like this: public IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> union(IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> list) { // ... in case this list should not be changed, copy it first. Otherwise, this list will be result of the union // traverse through the input list. add nodes from input list to beginning of this list Node listCurrentNode = list.first; while (listCurrentNode != null) { // ... if you do not want duplicate elements, check for them. or remove them at the end Node listNextNode =; Node thisPreviousFirstNode = this.first; = thisPreviousFirstNode; this.first = listCurrentNode; listCurrentNode = listNextNode; } return this; } General ------- The diamond operator is only supported since Java 7. So I would still use this: Node<T> node = new Node<T>(item); instead of this Node<T> node = new Node<>(item); if possible. see also my answer [here][1] [1]: