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Python - Displaying messages in ArcPy/IDLE

I have created a wrapper for displaying messages with ArcPy and IDLE (as that is all I have available to myself due to certain circumstances) as I frequently use both to test and develop new tools. ...
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HR Data Entry Form allows addition of new employees and update of existing employees

Business Process: Data entry form allows HR employees to input data for new employees, update data for existing employees, or terminate employees. Three data storage sheets exist for existing ...
Kerry's user avatar
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Single-threaded fully asynchronous server, with a SocketSelector that dispatches events

I need a fully asynchronous single-threaded server written using .Net Core. Searched for options and, surprisingly, did't find any. So I decided to write a simple prototype. Borrowed idea from python'...
CKK's user avatar
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Julia set in Julia (and other fractals)

I've made the following to draw a series of zooming in images of a fractal. ...
Oscar Smith's user avatar
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Implementing a TCP client in Golang

I am very new to concurrent programming in general and want to know if my implementation is thread-safe. I'm currently working on implementing a TCP client in golang. The service listens on a port ...
Jayaram's user avatar
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DSL for Makefile generation for dotfiles using symlinks

As I explain in my rant, I have been searching for a replacement to hand-crafted POSIX-make-compatible makefiles to manage my dotfiles (which use symlinks). I ...
D. Ben Knoble's user avatar
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Drawing a line in any direction with pixels

I am doing an image drawing and rendering library, and would like some feedback on this code, it simply draws a line in any direction. The equation for that is: m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) b = y1 - m ...
Guest's user avatar
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Recursive conversion from ExpandoObject to Dictionary<string, object> #2

Because my original question was lacking many details, I have been advised to ask a new question. I will repeat the important parts of the original question and add examples etc to hopefully make it ...
Joelius's user avatar
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C++17 implementation of std::invoke

C++17 introduces std::invoke which calls the exposition-only INVOKE. Here is an implementation. This isn't a large amount of ...
L. F.'s user avatar
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How to speed up simple linear algebra optimization probelm in Julia?

I implemented the LSDD changepoint detection method decribed in [1] in Julia, to see if I could make it faster than the existing python implementation [2], which is based on a grid search that looks ...
Johncowk's user avatar
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Cubic spline interpolation in Python from scratch

I implemented the cubic spline interpolation explained in as a Python class. Of course, such an interpolation should exist already in some Python ...
Ivan ZAR's user avatar
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Converting between cooking measurements

I've made an Android app that converts between cooking measurements, taking into account the type of product you use (that way it can convert between mass and volume by using the density). What are ...
Jeroen Vannevel's user avatar
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Generating integer partitions

I've tried to implement integer partition algorithm as described in blogpost below (author implemented it in Python): Generating integer partitions I'm still trying to learn best practices in ...
Kamil Niski's user avatar
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2048 AI in Python 3

I am working on an 2048 AI and this is my code so far. In the game 2048 you have a 4x4 grid in that some random so named tiles spawn. Each tile has a number. The lowest number is 2. By using the left,...
codeglow's user avatar
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Creating a new language: FreezeFlame

Where it shines FreezeFlame shines in readibility while still maintaining most of the C-like syntax. It also implements a few (Planning on several) operators that are still in testing for other ...
FreezePhoenix's user avatar
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Resource cache based on Stroustrup 22.2.4

I recently read "The C++ programming language" chapter 22 and I thought the example given in chapter 22.2.4 was quite interesting. I thought it should be possible to make this system caching, so it ...
Theo's user avatar
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Page and center UICollectionView like App Store

I need a collection view to page through cells and center it like the App Store, where a portion of the previous and next cells look like this: The native ...
TruMan1's user avatar
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Office CommandBarButton Icon Browser in the VBEditor

Frustrated with the solutions that I found online I decided to write my of Icon Browser. From the onset I decided that my Icon Browser should work from the VBEditor and not show any of the thousands ...
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Advanced Logging Function

Way more blood, sweat, and tears have went into this then I would care to admit, but this has been a function I have been using in some shape or form for quite a while and it has taught me alot. It ...
Nick W.'s user avatar
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Simple Neural Network in C

A neural network is a structure of connections and nodes that takes input and generates an output. It can be "taught"(adjusting weights and biases of connections) from a teacher data set ...
J. H's user avatar
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C++ string Formatter Again Part-4

Previously asked here. The code is now available on GitHub. Since the previous review I have added unit tests. Since it is big it will come in a couple of parts. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ...
Martin York's user avatar
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Connect Four implemented via smart contract

I'm learning Solidity development, so I decided that Connect Four would be a fun side-project to work on. Here's the current flow: A user creates a new game and sends ether to the contract, then ...
Daniel M.'s user avatar
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OCaml safe uninitialized array

One of the annoying things about OCaml arrays is that every cell has to be initialized when the array is first created. I'm trying to implement an array in OCaml that distinguishes ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Read stock files, gets the candles sequence and makes a report - follow-up

My first question: Read, calculate, write The only thing I kept is the function try-block. This is still a work in progress, that's what I have done so far. Source: ...
DiDi's user avatar
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Laminar flow in a pipe animation using Tkinter

I wrote this simple particle flow animation with Tkinter. I wanted to ask if there is some major improvements you can think of regarding the animation motor or the documentation of my code? I noticed ...
Putzikki's user avatar
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Authenticate ASP.NET Web Api 2 using OWIN and Firebase

I'm about to go live with an app, and would, therefore, appreciate a review of my firebase authentication setup. I haven't been able to find many resources describing how to perform such ...
thilemann's user avatar
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Fibonacci heap in Python

I have this implementation of the Fibonacci heap in Python: ...
coderodde's user avatar
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Selection sort with reduced comparison count: Python iteration 2

Follow up to Selection sort with reduced comparison count - semi-final Iteration? My goal (and excuse not to tag reinventing…) is to have presentable code to argue the viability of reducing the number ...
greybeard's user avatar
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Example of multithreading in Python3 / PyQt5 using QThread

I wanted to make a simple example of multithreading with QThread in PyQt5 / Python3. The script generates a set of QLineEdits and buttons to start and stop a set of ...
SDiv's user avatar
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Idris - Bowling scoring

Having read the great Type Driven Development in Idris book, I started fiddling with an implementation for a Bowling scoring system in Idris. My initial goal was to model the score with types and ...
theimowski's user avatar
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Character-based transitions (part of a lexer)

As part of my prep for the Code Review community-challenge (which looks like it will be Write your own programming language), I've been working on an LL(1) lexer generator in Rust. Yes, lexer ...
CAD97's user avatar
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Creating a PowerShell Streamer Function w/youtube-dl, ffmpeg & ffplay

My question is in regards to combining youtube-dl, ffmpeg, ffplay and PowerShell to handle video URLs. Some examples I've seen have piped a binary stream from youtube-dl to an external player using ...
Adam Chilcott's user avatar
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Makefile for CodeReview (and other Stack Exchange sites)

This makefile (for GNU Make) has grown slowly as I've been building code samples from this site and others. One thing that's different from most project makefiles is that each binary tends to have its ...
Toby Speight's user avatar
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Simple AR Tag classifier

I have been working on creating a simple AR Tag classifier, for detecting a simple AR Tag glyph. Spitting out an image that looks like this: With the red circle indicating the corner closest to the ...
Mark Omo's user avatar
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Iterate through all the photo library in iOS

This function is supposed to return a map of all unique local identifiers of images that are on the iPhone using the IOS Photos Framework. (it is a map so nSnull or (any object can be mapped to it) ...
Noam Segev's user avatar
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FRP: Processing task lists

I recently heard about functional reactive programming and thought it was rather interesting. Therefore, I started out with writing a simple program which processes a list of tasks. (In this example, ...
APlessner's user avatar
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Value semantic type eraser

I've been using std::unique_ptr for cases where I want to store a derived-type value with type erasure, and felt that unique_ptr being nullable was an undesirable ...
Brent's user avatar
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Solve alphametics puzzles in non-brute-force, iterative manner

The goal: Trying to optimize solution for the alphametics problem on exercism. From the question text: Alphametics is a puzzle where letters in words are replaced with numbers. For example ...
stevensonmt's user avatar
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Finding the length of arbitrary ASCII character strings

I have implemented this MIPS code to determine the length of given ASCII character strings. Is there a simpler way to implement this code? Is there is a built-in function in MIPS? Given String: ...
Adam's user avatar
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brainF*** interperter in lua

For a personal project I may need to load and execute something that will basically be a very simple programming language. Though I am not at all close to this part of the project yet and I can most ...
lenscas's user avatar
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Android component animatable on its height

I'd like to have a code review for a component which is supposed to be animatable on its height. It's supposed to be a transitioning element. I find it quite laggy on my phone. ...
Astyan's user avatar
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Simple virtual machine prototype for Lisp-style languages

I found a post I made here an year ago (Compiler for a minimal LISP dialect to run on the Java Virtual Machine) and got interested on this subject again. This time I decided to implement the ...
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Swift class to check ApplePencil reachability

I've implemented a class that lets you check out whether there is an ApplePencil connected to the device or not. ...
regetskcob's user avatar
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Pyspark Solver for Tiered Board Games

I've written a Pyspark program that will completely solve a tiered board game (no loops, each game position is a member of only one tier) and writes each tier to a file. It also determines the ...
Michael's user avatar
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Decode HTML Entities in VBA using regex and dictionary

I receive HTML-encoded text that includes named and numbered entities, and I need the decoded HTML. There were just too many bad solutions for this online. I use regex pattern ...
ThunderFrame's user avatar
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Calculate and apply realistic velocities when animating sprites

I am brand new to Scratch (and animation in general) and have been playing around with various techniques I feel will probably come in handy. My project in question can be viewed here. It started as a ...
Daveh0's user avatar
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Pseudo-parallel depth-first search

I'm writing a small program that generates a file containing an adjancency matrix, it then reads from that file, constructs a graph and does something like a parallel depth-first search (dfs) on it. ...
user3719857's user avatar
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MSTest Data Driven Test Inline Data

Background: Didn't what to have to reference bulky 3rd party lib for inline data driven tests and wanted to use standard MS testing framework. Created helper ...
Nkosi's user avatar
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Implement two level caching using spring's cache abstraction Cache and CacheManager

Details about spring's caching framework are here. When I was reading this link, I thought the composite cache mentioned there was one that used levels of caching based on the order given to the ...
shrewquest's user avatar
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Console Command module (in-game console or base for script engine)

I've created a console/terminal command handling module that allows the programmer to bind functions to a command name and later execute them from std::string. What's new is that it handles most stuff ...
RippeR's user avatar
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