Questions tagged [yaml]

YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language. YAML is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages. In some cases it can also refer to YAML: Yet Another Multicolumn Layout. An open source CSS framework. See

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3 votes
1 answer

Settings and global variables in one place [closed]

I have a configuration (YAML) file used across related modules. I also have a few additional variables to be accessed globally in my modules. I want to have them at one place (an instance of a class ...
Imtiaz's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Cleaning Yaml Data in Python

I'm working with a bunch of yaml files that are rather sloppy. This is outside of my control unfortunately, so I'm trying to clean up the data after the fact. My approach doesn't allow for nested ...
Jan van Wijk's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Ansible playbook to install Docker Swarm

this is my first ansible playbook. it installs docker in swarm mode and automatically joins the cluster. could you guys please review my code and show me where it can be improved? ...
RASG's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Python password generator class

I am a self taught python developer and I trying to write clean code as mush as possible. Since I do not have any environment that can give me constructive criticism, I would like to hear your ...
TheOriginalOdis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Parsing financials from a YAML file. Is this normal/idiomatic in Rust?

I wrote this Rust code to parse my financials from a YAML file and my main concern is the large match branches (although general code review is welcome; still a ...
aonemd's user avatar
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2 votes
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MAC address-based presence detection

This code integrates with dweet and freeboard to produce a dashboard display of which occupants of a house are probably at home, based on the presence or absence of their phones' MAC addresses on the ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Recursively merge n-level maps of values and lists

I was looking for a solution for a way to easily merge maps of serialized Yaml and came up with this. Reference to a similar question (not asked by me):
Zhro's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Listing my StackEchange communities user id

Extending this answer solution, I've wrote the following bash script to get the html of my StackExchange accounts page and parse it to a YAML file. The objective ...
artu-hnrq's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

AWS Lambda stack definition YAML

Design My desired outcome is as follows: S3 event triggers Lambda Function startTextractStateMachine Lambda Function ...
ChumiestBucket's user avatar
2 votes
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Makefile for a document generation system

This is my first shot at writing a makefile for a document generation system. Please identify any more ways to refine it. Some pointers on how it works: The INPUT files initially are templates to be ...
KevinRethwisch's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

PyYaml - overwrite yaml file automatically with inserted argparse parameters [closed]

what I am loading a yaml file and updating it with argparse. what is your feedback on how to update yaml parameters automatically without checking if a argparse parameter is None. There are almost 20 ...
Majid Azimi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Script that fixes YML SIDs to be simplified for production

I work with YML files that include SIDs and the following structure: ...
Balaclava's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

jenkins deployment making the build very slow

I am new to Jenkins. I am doing a build through Jenkins, but the build is very slow. Is there any way I can speed it up? ...
zi zi's user avatar
  • 49
3 votes
1 answer

Passing restored packages as artefacts in GitLab Continuous Integration

Introduction I'm writing a script in YAML for building ASP.NET Core 2.2 project using GitLab Continuous Integration. In all YAML samples I could find (and there are not many) for building .NET Core ...
Prolog's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Flight API querier

I am learning Go and wrote a small application that queries the Skyscanner API as my first attempt at learning. I was hoping someone more expert than me in the language could look over it at broad ...
Spencer Stolworthy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Elastic Beanstalk configuration using ebextensions container_commands combining leader_only and test

For our Django app running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, we use a web-server/worker setup. The same code is deployed to the web-server and worker environments, and environment-specific configuration is ...
djvg's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Parse YAML file with nested parameters as a Python class object

I would like to use a YAML file to store parameters used by computational models developed in Python. An example of such a file is below: params.yaml ...
wigging's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

PyYAML - Saving data to .yaml files

So I've picked up PyYAML over the past few days but I feel like some of the documentation is vague or I'm misinterpreting it. Here is a function for writing data to a .yaml which can write the values ...
Xanmashi's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Improving my bootstrap class (MVC)

I need feedback on my Bootstrap for the MVC architecture that I follow. I load the routes via yaml. Here is an example: ...
DaAmidza's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Simple C++ wrapper over libYAML

For a personal project, I need to parse YAML file. I chose to use C-based libYAML instead of yaml-cpp, because: I try to keep my dependencies to what's commonly installed and Debian statistics show ...
spectras's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

TodoList in Symfony 3

This little project is about working with doctrine Entity object and everything is working fine. This is my first project in Symfony 3. Please review my service file and give me some advice to ...
Keramik's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Set ENV variables for Ruby on Rails

I've followed the steps from this video from railscasts for setting ENV variables. This is my configuration: config/database.yml ...
ltdev's user avatar
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4 votes
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Converting Logstash YAML style configuration file into ElasticSearch Logstash JSON style config

I am new in python and have written first code to convert Logstash YAML style configuration file into ElasticSearch Logstash JSON style config. Please have a look at my piece of code and let me know ...
nat's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Settings Model to read multiple settings files and writes to one

I am writing a Model to read, write and store settings. I think my code is pretty good, but I am not 100% sure. Any advice on how I could possibly improve it is welcome. ...
Matthias Schreiber's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Simple YAML-based config file parser

I have written a simple yaml based config parser in Python. The idea is that it will get passed around in other scripts after being initialized with a config file within a main function. I am ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Web scraping with Nokogiri

At work we have a need to know what printers are getting dangerously low on their toner, and paper consumption, etc.. So I've created a program that pulls the printer information off the websites the ...
user97942's user avatar
4 votes
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Command-line ssh address book app

I'm trying to learn a bit about Golang and decided to try out building an SSH address book command-line app. I used a YAML library to serialize and store data in a configuration file. The app has a ...
Inondle's user avatar
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4 votes
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Usertool For Website Admins -- Follow up

A while ago, I posted about creating a user tool for forum admins that allows them to add, edit, and delete users from their desktops. This still is not complete, posting for review on tool so far I'...
13aal's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Usertool to Edit Forum Members from Desktop

I've created a Forum website tool for admins to add, edit, and delete users from their desktop, saving to a file, and uploading the file to the database, the program is not completed I'm posting it ...
13aal's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

English Translator - follow up

Awhile ago I posted a Translator app that I have been in the process of making. I edited some features in it and I've decided to post it again. My questions: Is there anything I should add to this? ...
13aal's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Translator for the English language

I made a translator for the English language. As of now it only translates from Spanish, Russian, and Arabic (will be adding more languages). The program pulls the input from a yaml file with a list ...
13aal's user avatar
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1 answer

Build scripts driven from yaml file

I'm trying to run a build scripts framework, so build scripts can be configured via yaml file tasks.yml: ...
Xabs's user avatar
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2 votes
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Ruby script to deactivate or add users to database table

I have a Ruby script meant for some basic database tasks, such as add a user and deactivate a user. The end user can load up the script and follow the basic path of "Do I want to add a user?", or "Do ...
Taylor Ackley's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Attempt at Abstracted YAML Configuration Loader

I've been playing around with writing a simple static blog generator in Haskell (mostly for experience, since there's probably more than a few already made choices that fit my needs). I don't have ...
gntskn's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Serialization: Step 2 YAML Parser

After this question, the next part. Coding to the same interface as the previous question: Note: Since not every system has libyaml installed, the config script tries to detect its existance and ...
Martin York's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Autotools detect YAML library

I have been updating my build tools to optionally use autotools (autoconfig/automake/libtool etc.). As part of this change I have written a couple of M4 macros. This not being something I have done ...
Martin York's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Parse a config-file and add to command-line-arguments using argparse in Python

I am trying to parse the command line arguments using argparse, and if the user specifies a yaml file for the config-file, add those arguments to the args from argparse ...
Mark's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Update only specific field of specific item (data) in List from YAML

I don't like the logic to update [Repository] list here because I need to map whole list to change only specific field of specific node, I especially don't like ...
cnd's user avatar
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0 answers

App.yaml configuration for Google App Engine [closed]

I wonder if the following configuration is correct and the handlers are in the right order: ...
Mori's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

YAML Configuration file

I have recently started working on a server software in Java and wanted to add a configuration option to the program. I have gone through a few revisions of this class because I never liked what I ...
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Converting SpriteSheet Metadata .txt to .yaml

For practice I decided that I wanted to write an animation class for SpriteSheets. The problem is that a single Sprite can have different widths depending on the action they are drawn to act. A tool ...
IAE's user avatar
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