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Finding specific promotions from two columns [closed]

I'm trying to build a function that identifies those who are promoted into a list of jobcodes, or are promoted within that list of jobcodes. Initially I was using ...
Gage's user avatar
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Exponentially-weighted moving mean and standard deviation of an irregularly-spaced weighted time series

The following numpy/python function computes exponentially-weighted moving mean and standard deviation of an irregularly-spaced weighted time series. I want to make it faster by getting rid of the ...
yuri kilochek's user avatar
3 votes
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Vectorizing a working custom similarity function further using numpy

I am new to python, and even more new to vectorization. I have attempted to vectorize a custom similarity function that should return a matrix of pairwise similarities between each row in an input ...
dddxxx's user avatar
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1 answer

Computing the angle between two vectors (vectorized) for small angles and with few copies

I am implementing a function that computes the angle between two vectors when given two n-dimensional arrays and an axis along which to operate. I want to do this with as few copies as possible, and ...
FirefoxMetzger's user avatar
5 votes
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Snake game from the viewpoint of the snake

I wrote a little game of Snake where you can see the field in which the snake moves fixed and you can also see the "viewpoint" of the snake, which is basically calculating the positions of ...
Javier Camacho's user avatar
5 votes
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Implement vectorization instead of nested loops on dataframe

I have a dataset ('sample_data.csv') of the form below: ...
rfguy's user avatar
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Can this numpy code be vectorized?

I've written the following function to produce n realizations of a CIR process for a given set of parameters: ...
John Smith's user avatar
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condensed nearest centroid classifier in numpy

This is my attempt to write a numpy-optimized version of a nearest centroid classifier to classify some images from the MNIST data set of handwritten digits. I am ...
Grayscale's user avatar
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2 answers

PyTorch Vectorized Implementation for Thresholding and Computing Jaccard Index

I have been trying to optimize a code snippet which finds the optimal threshold value in a n_patch * 256 * 256 probability map to get the highest Jaccard index ...
yiping's user avatar
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Vectorized N-Dimensional Random Walk in Cartesian Coordinates

I have written a random-walk routine that I hope to build upon in the future. Before doing so, I was hoping to get some critique. I believe the implementation is correct. I noticed that many other ...
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1 answer

Find first threshold crossing in numpy array

Given the following artificially generated data: ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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6 votes
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Compute a numerical derivative

Since I could not get numpy.gradient() to compute a derivative successfully, I wrote a script to compute it manually. Running the script below will output a plot of ...
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Merging bin-data via a bin count threshold

When performing a chi-squared test, one takes the square of the differences of the expected counts per bin and observed counts per bin, and divides these per-bin differences by the expected counts per ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Normalise list of N dimensional numpy arrays

I have a list of N dimensional NumPy arrays. num_vecs = 10 dims = 2 vecs = np.random.normal(size=(num_vecs, dims)) I want to normalize them, so the magnitude/...
Seanny123's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Remove outliers from a point cloud

This function accepts a cloud of points, and returns those points that are within delta distance of the average (mean) position. ...'s user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Calculate the closest point to many hyperbolic paraboloids

In this question I asked for a way to compute the closest projected point to a hyperbolic paraboloid using python. Using the iterative approximation answer, I'm able to use the code below to ...
Fnord's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Efficient calculation of bond overlap

For a small library dealing with molecules, I have to calculate a so called connectivity table for the chemical bonds. I assume that there is a bond between atom i and atom j, if the distance between ...
mcocdawc's user avatar
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2 answers

Vectorizing a pixel-averaging operation in Numpy

I am reading from a file containing some segments (irregular parcels of the image) and trying to average the entire segment to have one pixel value. This is the code I use: ...
shaunakde's user avatar
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1 answer

Find signal's maximum peak in window

I have a 9-dimensional signal (as a csv from this Gist) that looks like this: A signal peaks every 30 steps. I want to get the maximum values of the peaks in that ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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Generate a random discrete signal

I currently have this code to generate a discrete signal with random amplitudes, but a fixed frequency: ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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2 answers

Jacobian product

Do you have in mind a way to compute the following sum $$R_{i,j,k} = \sum_{l=0}^{2} J_{i,j,l+3k} v_{i,j,l}$$ obviously in a vectorised fashion? This may sound like an equivalent of: ...
John Ludos's user avatar
1 vote
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Vectorizing in Python [closed]

I have the following code: ...
FacundoGFlores's user avatar
9 votes
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Efficient element-wise function computation in Python

I have the following optimization problem: Given two np.arrays X,Y and a function K I ...
Daniele's user avatar
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3 answers

Scaling and incrementing non-zero elements of a NumPy matrix

I have a NumPy matrix C and want create a copy of it cPrime, which has some operation of the original matrix to all non-zero ...
Max Rosett's user avatar
8 votes
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Vectorized numpy version of arange with multiple start stop

Given a single start and stop, numpy.arange is a good solution for building a NumPy array of evenly spaced values. However, given an array of start and an array of ...
andrew's user avatar
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NumPy eliminate double loop [closed]

How can I vectorize this code snippet and eliminate this double loop? Even with "only" 1001 elements in a this takes almost 30s. ...
S.Later's user avatar
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Modeling and plotting neuron responses

I want to assign the row of a matrix the return value of a function, but the only way I can figure out how to do this is with a for-loop. I'm assuming this is bad ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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2 answers

Generate random unit vectors around circle

I'm trying to generate a bunch of uniformly distributed unit vectors around the unit circle. Here's my code, which is working, but unfortunately I have a for-loop. How do I get rid of this for-loop? <...
Seanny123's user avatar
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Extracting maximum values from each of the subsets of an array

Problem description: I have a numpy array cps from which I want to extract the maximum value in each of the subsets of the array (a subset is defined as non-zero ...
Dataman's user avatar
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1 answer

Bernoulli trials using a condition in a vectorized operation

I was wondering how to vectorize the following code instead of using the for-loop and still be able to check for a condition. ...
Dataman's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculating mesh centers runs very slowly

I have a piece of code that is used to calculate the cell centers in a rectangular mesh. The mesh size is pretty large (650 columns by 1150 rows). The code runs very slowly. I was wondering if I could ...
Prashanth's user avatar
3 votes
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Using Gibbs sampling to segment an image

I have been reading some NumPy guides but can't seem to figure it out. My TA told me I should be able to speed up my code by using a NumPy array instead of a for ...
marcopolo's user avatar
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