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Questions tagged [user-interface]

The part of the application that users directly interact with. Use this tag for reviews of code that defines how an application's user interface works and looks.

22 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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19 votes
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Progress Bar for Excel

Any future updates can be found at Excel-VBA-ProgressBar What I've been using so far For the last 6 years I've been using a progress form which I wrote in VBA using just Windows API calls. The code (...
Cristian Buse's user avatar
6 votes
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Page and center UICollectionView like App Store

I need a collection view to page through cells and center it like the App Store, where a portion of the previous and next cells look like this: The native ...
TruMan1's user avatar
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5 votes
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Implementing a Basic Camera UI using WebGPU and JavaScript

Context I am currently in the process of throwing myself into learning graphics programming, and my chosen platform is using JavaScript and WebGPU. After successfully making a basic glTF JSON renderer ...
user2628206's user avatar
5 votes
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Reducing complexity in NSView event handling code in Swift

My Cocoa event code always tends to descend into madness, I need to advice on how to reduce complexity. I've spend a few hours putting this example together. CanvasView is a layer hosting subclass of ...
boyfarrell's user avatar
4 votes
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Implementing a TTY loading / waiting animation

I implemented a class to animate waiting for processes: ...
Richard Neumann's user avatar
4 votes
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Creating Android layout with GridLayout

I'm trying to create a Layout with two columns which are next to each other (I'm accomplishing this behavior with a LinearLayout). Inside each column, I have two TextViews and two Buttons, which I ...
Larpee's user avatar
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3 votes
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Maintaining a complicated installer supporting per-user and everyone

Another challenge for developing rubberduck VBA project is to develop an installer that support per-user mode and everyone-mode. Normally with an MSI package, one has a bootstrapper so it is possible ...
this's user avatar
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Reusable, manipulatable plots

I'm interested in mimicking a simple version of Mathematica's Manipulate function in javascript. This is my first project in javascript, but I was hoping to make a library that I can use to quickly ...
Commander Ellen Tigh's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding swipe support to multiple classes

I have implemented swipe functionality using UIPanGestureRecognizer in a project. What I have done is added PanGesture to ...
LC 웃's user avatar
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Multiple select widget in CoffeeScript

I created a widget to handle multiple selections in CoffeeScript. There's a working attached snippet that uses the compiled JavaScript (Stack Snippets don't support CoffeeScript), which is available ...
Mohamad's user avatar
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File input control with rounded buttons and styled textbox

We have orange rounded buttons as a standard on our site. For our purposes, we switched everything over to use an anchor tag, instead of input type=button. The exception to this was the File Upload ...
Lucas Fowler's user avatar
2 votes
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Accessible nested multiselect list

I'm trying to figure out the most accessible and semantic way to allow users to select one or more options from a hierarchical list. Think a taxonomy of categories and subcategories. I came across a ...
Sean's user avatar
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2 votes
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Create a map where countries can be selected using react-leaflet

I've only just started learning javascript and decided to try and make a simple app where individual countries can be selected, highlighting them, and the name appearing in the top corner. The code ...
Zbee's user avatar
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2 votes
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Generic DialogueBox class with different parameters

I have implemented a DialogueBox class which can be static, singleton, service locator, etc. I have written it as a singleton pattern and implemented it in Unity3d engine. It is a part of a game. I ...
Mahdi's user avatar
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2 votes
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CRUD UI for managing banners in React

How can I improve this code? I am a beginner learning react. This is a UI for managing banners. Users upload the image for the banner and specify a start date and end date between which the banner ...
circularsoggy's user avatar
2 votes
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App showing a welcome page with an animal's picture

I have an app which shows a welcome page with an animal's picture. Also, we can navigate to a second view, where there are two canvas, and a collapsable panel which hosts controls' inputs. The aim of ...
Yone's user avatar
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Comments on singleton Swift status bar alert

I was trying out some projects like a status bar alert. It made most sense for this status bar to be a singleton: there is only one alert visible at a time. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Comments on a 'PullableView'

I created a view called PullView which adds a level of interactivity to UI components. PullViews can be pulled sort of like a ...
IHaveAQuestion's user avatar
2 votes
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Kivy language code of my Vehicle Details app

So I've written my first android app in kivy. This app takes a Vehicle License Number as input from the user and submits it to a sites and shows the results from the site. The complete Source Code ...
user3620828's user avatar
2 votes
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Graphical Flowchart Programming

This is an incomplete implementation of something similar to scratch. It's incomplete because right now, I'm working purely on the user interface. I used Swing to make the basics of it, but then ...
Kyranstar's user avatar
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Determine the maximum content size for a box such as a modal dialog

For a personal project, I try to write as much of my own code as possible, minimizing the use of libraries. I have a dialog box which contains an image and an arbitrary number of other elements that ...
Scott Severance's user avatar
0 votes
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Enable a textbox when the previous one is no longer empty

I've written this JavaScript code, which disables textboxes if the previous textbox is empty. This is so people enter the text in order — write first in the first textbox, only then the second textbox ...
MrKnowsNothing's user avatar