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2 answers

Javascript convert number string to Boolean

I'm making this control toggle between hide and show base on the value in this hidden value. I wanted to use a Boolean because I ...
Jefferson's user avatar
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1 answer

Building user friendly inputs on a mobile device

I am working on an e-commerce website. The home page has 2 inputs: Looking for and Location. The user would enter their desired product and location and click on Search as shown below: The first ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
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1 answer

HTML table with repeatable rows and live-calculated column totals with row grouping indication

I created a quick "demonstration of proposal behavior" tool for my post on MSO: A proposal to put ALL answerers on a path to curating better content. Because I have never asked for a review ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Javascript Slider that controls TinySlider - feels inefficient [closed]

I feel like the main point of inefficiency is how I create "notches" and must loop through all of the created notches every time the value for the slider is changed. ...
peter k's user avatar
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1 answer

Backbone/Marionette form with list of inputs

Using Backbone/Marionette, I'm building a simple widget that looks like: I'm hoping to get some feedback on my approach because I think I may be doing it wrong. jsfiddle ...
jbarreiros's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Toggle-item inside a Bootstrap dropdown-menu

I have this working code for a toggle-item inside a Bootstrap dropdown-menu. See demo here. I suspect that it should be possible to improve it : in order to have a shorter code and avoid all the <...
Basj's user avatar
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4 votes
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Checkbox multiselect user interface

I wrote a small multiple select interface in jQuery, and I'm looking for any feedback on code quality/usability. It has to do the following: When check all is checked, all boxes must become checked ...
Mohamad's user avatar
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Populate dropdown B on selection in dropdown A

On selection from drop-down A (HTML select) I need to populate another "sub"-dropdown with a different list of values. For instance, on selection of country in ...
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Efficiency of this constantly running time processor for an HTML5 video control bar

I built a custom HTML5 video control bar, and for each second, it updates two readings: Time Elapsed Time Remaining in hh:mm:ss notation, like so: Because of how often this function runs, I want it ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

DRY multiple if statements used to show/hide elements based on slider value

I'm showing and hiding 4 svg paths based on the value of a slider, all is working as expected, but it still feels a little cumbersome. Does anyone know a way to "DRY" it out a little more? jsFiddle <...
apaul's user avatar
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Extracting Javascript functions

I have this jQuery click handler function that has three jobs: Set the time interval for the refresh rate Change the color on the clicked refresh rate selection Callback the tablesort functions to ...
steve_gallagher's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

File input control with rounded buttons and styled textbox

We have orange rounded buttons as a standard on our site. For our purposes, we switched everything over to use an anchor tag, instead of input type=button. The exception to this was the File Upload ...
Lucas Fowler's user avatar
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1 answer

Optimizing a jquery user interface application

I'm working on a javascript intensive user-interface application. (At least it's intensive for me, it's my first serious javascript project). I have a few jquery functions going whenever a div is ...
user961627's user avatar