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Creating Dedicated Database for database test cases (Tests that I need to check the data are written or read sucessfully) in phpunit

I am making a base test class that bootstraps database Test cases ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

C++20 Performance Test Code Generator

My previous question about a generic dictionary class for C++ raised some valid concerns. I have made some modifications based on the previous review, but it needs extensive testing and further ...
pacmaninbw's user avatar
  • 24.8k
5 votes
1 answer

FORTRAN90 test suite for Project Euler

The intent of this test file is to go through each of my Project Euler solutions and see if they: return the correct answer, and do so in under 60 seconds (unless expected otherwise). I am using ...
Olivia A's user avatar
0 votes
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Fuzz-test the performance of SmokeDetector's keywords regex

I had an idea for attempting to detect bad performing regexes in Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector, by using Atheris (a fuzzer for python code). The theory behind it is that a bad performing regex will most ...
micsthepick's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Testing framework with a single assertion macro

I usually use the Catch2 testing framework in my C++ projects. Unlike other frameworks, it has only one core assertion macro for all comparisons. Instead of writing ...
elehtine's user avatar
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1 answer

Swift: Mocking a REST API-request

I have read the last two days through several tutorials about how to mock a HTTP-request against a REST API. Finally I made a prototype for applying, what I have understood from the tutorials. Here's ...
michael.zech's user avatar
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Project for reading and printing IPs

It's a small project which consists of Ip class and functions for reading and printing IPs, unit tests for this code, and a driver app. The driver app is just ...
qloq's user avatar
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unit testing with test double for DataLakeDirectoryClient object of Azure Storage Files DataLake

I want test review on my unit test code. As I got feeling like this unit test code given in Listing 2 is quite not trustworthy. My production code(Listing 1) is accessing or precisely downloading the ...
Siva Sankaran's user avatar
3 votes
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Fluent VBA: Two (Almost Three) Years Later

Part 1 - A fluent unit testing framework in VBA: A fluent unit testing framework in VBA Part 2 - Fluent VBA: One Year Later: Fluent VBA: One Year Later Two (almost three) years have now passed since I ...
Brian Gonzalez's user avatar
2 votes
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Testing PHP CodeIgniter 3 controller with PHPUnit

I want to unit test my PHP website, which uses the outdated framework CodeIgniter 3. CodeIgniter 3 uses the MVC pattern, and each page on the website corresponds to a public method in a controller. I ...
RedDragonWebDesign's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Build a dictionary from a string by the extraction of data from all the pairs <TAG|VAL> contained inside the string and clean string from TAGs

I have written code to manage a string and retrieve from it a dictionary which must contain pairs key-value dependent from the string. To be more clear I'll show ...
User051209's user avatar
1 vote
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General Purpose Utility Constants, Macros, and Functions

Overview: I have bundled together different macros and functions I often require in different projects into a single compilation unit (utils.h and ...
Harith's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Generic Min() for Integer Types (including Boolean)

This is a follow-up to Generic Max() for Integer Types (including Boolean) and An Attempt at Creating Generic Min()/Max() for Fundamental Types. What's new: MIN(), ...
Harith's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Generic Max() for Integer Types (including Boolean)

This is a follow-up to An Attempt at Creating Generic min()/max() for Fundamental Types. What's Changed: MIN() has been forsaken for the time being. Mixed types ...
Harith's user avatar
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Stub-Based Unit Testing 5 Read Routines (revision)

This is a follow up to: Stub-Based Unit Testing 5 Read Routines. What's Changed: OP's goal of reducing the source files' count has been achieved. There is now a single test source instead of 18 ...
Harith's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Stub-Based Unit Testing 5 Read Routines

Requirements: Following are the functions I need to test, along with the cases where they can fail: ...
Harith's user avatar
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5 votes
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Unit Tests for an Arena Allocator

In my last post about the allocator, I received some comments about unit-tests: The code looks correct on the majority of the cases, I will suggest run valgrind or define a good set of unit tests ...
Harith's user avatar
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2 answers

simple Text Table utility

A small utility to print data in an ascii table TextTable ...
Martin Frank's user avatar
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Goal: Writing Effective Unit Tests to Ensure a Datetime Conversion To/From Local-UTC Works

As the title lists, I am trying to write an effective unittest suite to ensure that the function that converts a date to UTC from local or vice-versa is doing as planned. But it seems hard because ...
0004's user avatar
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1 answer

A simple unit test library for C - version II

I have improved my code here and it looks like this: Code assertlib.h: ...
coderodde's user avatar
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7 votes
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A simple unit test library for C

(This post is followed up by this one.) I have rolled this simple unit test library for C: com_github_coderodde_my_assert.h: ...
coderodde's user avatar
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Event manager based on decorators

This module is a simple event manager that works with decorators. I would like feedback on: Bugs Any ideas to get rid of the classevent decorator, which ...
rdesparbes's user avatar
5 votes
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Testing binary search module, based on bisect

The bisect module can only find the index to insert an element. I created a simple class based on the bisect module for precise searching and covered all the edge cases that came to mind with tests. ...
Aycon's user avatar
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Testing code for An+B microsyntax parsing library

I have a small package that provides some API for playing around with the <An+B> CSS microsyntax. It is 100% type hinted and tested, but doesn't actually have any real/useful features and this ...
InSync's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Python strong password validator ( with unit test )

Lately, I was studying the concept of unit testing in python, so I have decided to write a imperative strong password validator ( checker ) and also attach a unit test to it. I would like to know if ...
KhodeNima's user avatar
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2 votes
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Test suite for population-count function, using random input

For the purpose of this discussion, I have the following function: ...
joseville's user avatar
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Simulate M random walkers N times and visualize relationship between walker number and grid size

Problem statement: Suppose that n random walkers, starting in the center of an n-by-n grid, move one step at a time, choosing to go left, right, up, or down with equal probability at each step. Write ...
x27ca61a's user avatar
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Multi-Client Socket Communication with Thread Pool in C++

I've been working on implementing a multi-client socket communication system with a thread pool in C++. The system comprises three main components: logger.h, socket.h, and thread.h, which handle ...
user avatar
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HTTP routing with Mongoose

I'm trying to extend the Mongoose RESTful server example with URL routing. This code relies on the Mongoose library available here. This is heavily inspired by the routes class from this question but ...
S Meredith's user avatar
1 vote
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Change unit-test structure to avoid try/except/finally clause

I have 10 or 20 tests with the same structure which I would like to improve. The test itself is nested within a try/except/finally clause to make sure that some of ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Unit testing a Linked List implementation in C++

Recently I wanted to use the gtest library to unit test my program but for some reason, it's incredibly hard to make it work and configure (at least for me it was), ...
I_throw_but_dont_catch's user avatar
4 votes
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Money class in python

I have recently created the Money class with a helper class Currency. What do you think about the following code? I created unit ...
whiteman808's user avatar
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Generate INSERTs from function parameters with jinja2

I'm writing unit-tests with pytest for sqlite database and reporting functions and I need to arrange them by inserting minimal ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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Blocking Queue Class Unit Test

I would like any feedback on making the unit test for a BlockingQueue class more robust or better? improvements to the coding style, use of the ...
KetDog's user avatar
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A singly linked list implementation

Here's yet another implementation of a singly linked list. You may base your review on the following questions: Review goals: Is the API well thought of? Does this design include undefined behavior, ...
Harith's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Test the log in functionality of a web page with incorrect credentials [closed]

I'm new to playwright, so I'm unsure if this is the correct or best way to go about testing. I basically want multiple tests on the same webpage. I've been able to successfully accomplish this using ...
Aeton's user avatar
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Protein Translation Learning Exercise from

I'm learning Rust by solving exercises from different tracks on Exercism. The below code is an implementation of "Protein Translation" from the Python track. I split ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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Unit testing and alternative to mocking in Haskell

Let's say you have a simple pure function that applies a discount of 30% if the total price of a list of Items is over 30.00 (let's not delve into the fact that I'm ...
Jir's user avatar
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N dimensional array index utility Improved

This is a continuation from a previous question; I updated the code with the suggestions and added an additional iteration. Templates are not an option because of the usage: The objects are stored as ...
Dávid Tóth's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Clean up directories and files when a unit test fails

While running unit tests (most of them integration tests) with Python I create some directories. They need to be deleted after the test or when the test fails. The execution of the cleanup code need ...
buhtz's user avatar
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Transliterate between Cyrillic and Latin scripts

I want to get a code review on the following transliteration code. I wrote it because there were some libraries that I have tried and they were specifically failing with the name "Yuliya" ...
nop's user avatar
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Fluent VBA: One Year Later

A little over a year ago, I asked for feedback on Code Review for a unit testing framework I created in VBA. Development of this project has been off and on for the past year. Sometimes I wouldn't ...
Brian Gonzalez's user avatar
4 votes
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Unit testing for a multi-dimensional array class

I have designed a class bunji::Tensor which is a multi-dimensional array. I have designed it to have a similar interface to a multi-dimensional ...
finlay morrison's user avatar
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Python unit tests for storing and loading objects

I wrote some code and thought I may get better with some feedback. I program for almost 5 years, mainly in python. I care most about the unit testing. I am not really sure, how industry standard unit ...
Cjw9000's user avatar
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Astronomical calculations in C for python bindings

I've started teaching myself c/c++ with the intent of being able to writing python bindings to c code. I have a c library used ...
Jason Leaver's user avatar
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Unit test for a React click-counting component

Take this basic component using state: ...
user8758206's user avatar
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String / Char Vector Concatenation Performance Comparison in Matlab

Considering the suggestion of using modern string arrays instead of char vectors proposed by Cris Luengo, I am trying to make a code snippet for performance comparison of these two cases. The ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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UPDATE on Newspaper Bill Calculator CLI with Python (3 of 3, Database)

Code is posted after explanation. Due to the size of the project, this is being posted in three separate posts. This also ensures each post is more focused. Post 1 of 3, Core: UPDATE 1 on Newspaper ...
eccentricOrange's user avatar
1 vote
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UPDATE on Newspaper Bill Calculator CLI with Python (1 of 3, Core)

Code is posted after explanation. Due to the size of the project, this is being posted in three separate posts. This also ensures each post is more focused. Post 2 of 3, CLI: UPDATE 1 on Newspaper ...
eccentricOrange's user avatar
2 votes
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Get ffmpeg command to encode video in x265 codec and downscale to `max_height` resolution

I'm translating the python program video-diet as I am learning rust. The program is to recursively compress video files in a directory, but here I'm just preparing ...
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