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A method that calls multiple async tasks with error handling, done the right way?

I've got a method, CheckForValue(), that uses named pipes to send a message to another process running locally, and then receive a message from that process, ...
user3591541's user avatar
5 votes
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SemaphoreSlim extension method for safely handling cancellation and disposal

I have often found myself using a try {semaphore.Wait()} finally {semaphore.Release()} pattern when using a semaphore, so decided I wanted to try and write an ...
Interminable's user avatar
2 votes
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WebAPI Handling fire and forget exceptions

This is a fire and forget task from within an existing WebAPI service. The code below simply sends a log event (might be that a client has connected to the service to perform some task) to another ...
user104164's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Tasks: exceptions and cancelation

I need to do a long running task. I've done this by executing a Task while there's a loading box on the UI. When an exception is thrown, I want to stop the task and show a msgbox to the user. If ...
Koen's user avatar
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