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2 answers

Generic stack implementation (revision)

The below post is a follow-up of Generic stack implementation. Below follows a header-only implementation of a generic stack (inspired by stb-libraries, following these guidelines: stb-howto.txt). ...
Harith's user avatar
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Generic stack implementation

The provided code (a header-only library inspired by stb libraries] defines functions for creating a stack, pushing elements onto the stack, popping elements from the stack, peeking at the top element ...
Harith's user avatar
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4 answers

Stack using doubly linked list

I have implemented my stack based on a doubly linked list. The code is tested and works; however, I am interested in any improvement ideas. ...
V_head's user avatar
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Simple stack of integers

I've a simple push/pop implementation in my program: ...
3rdgrade-dropout's user avatar
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C Finding strongly connected graph components in linear time using Kosaraju's algorithm

I followed this algorithm to find strongly connected graph components in C and this code works (I think ... maybe there are bugs I am not aware of). I am wondering can I please get some feedback? ...
Node.JS's user avatar
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A (Sort of) Generic Stack Implementation in C using Macros

I spent some time implementing a generic stack in C using macros. Apart from general bugs and bad practices in my code, I was wondering about the viability of an implementation like this that uses ...
vim_overlord's user avatar
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Basic Stack Operations using Linked List in C

I have made a few functions for some basic stack operations using linked lists. Please review my code and suggest some ways to increase its readability. I would also love to hear ideas on how to make ...
Ultimate's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Stack implementation in C programming Language

I have tried to implement a Stack and associated functions in C, in order to understand the data structure better. Just wanted to know what do you think about my code overall. Furthermore, I am using <...
KmerPadreDiPdor's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Pseudo-Generic Array Stack in C

I have implemented an array based pseudo-generic stack in C using macros. The code works fine for all data types. Is it a good idea to implement such a data structure using macros? array_stack.h ...
DIVIJ_404's user avatar
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Stack API for generic values

I'm trying to create a stack library from scratch. It stores generic elements which are passed in void* pointers. This is the defined structure: ...
Christian Diekmann's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Calculator in C - Parsing arithmetic expression using the shunting-yard algorithm

This is a simple arithmetic calculator, which parses mathematical expressions specified in infix notation using the shunting-yard algorithm. This is one of my personal projects and I would love to ...
Andy Sukowski-Bang's user avatar
1 vote
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Stack of integers in C

I'm learning C, and currently I follows C99 standard. Here is my implementation of integer-stack, which is just a stack you can do: push, pop, and print the content ...
RainningTW's user avatar
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Generic stack implementation in C

I haven't separated the stack code into its own header and source yet, this is just a proof of concept for now. Haven't chosen better function names yet because I ultimately want to integrate this ...
liewl's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Error Code Stack Trace and Propagation Library in C

I've been programming in Go and I enjoy how easy it is to create descriptive errors and propagate them up the call stack. I wanted that sort of ease and consistency in C so I created a small error ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Dynamic Array Based Stack in C

I wrote a dynamic stack in C that uses an array as a structure. I tried to maintain O(1) for push and pop and believe I have done so. I want to know what can be written in a cleaner way and if there ...
guitarcat's user avatar
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Convert infix regular expression notation to postfix

This is a small part of a larger program for implementing a limited syntax regular expression constructor using Ken Thompson's construction algorithm. Converting to postfix before the regular ...
user avatar
10 votes
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An attempt at a toy Vm

I usually use c++ so it may not be best practice for c. This is a stack based toy vm and as a result it is very primitive, and it has no bitwise instructions 64k might be a bit overkill for a toy vm. ...
SomeDude's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Dynamic stack implementation in C

I've been studying C for a while, as a programmer coming from a C++ background, I'm used to the standard library, STL, etc., and I quickly realized that I need some kind of a containers library/data ...
user avatar
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Basic 'char' Stack implementation in C

the_endian's user avatar
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Stack implementation using linked-list

typedef struct Stack { char v; int x; int y; struct Stack* next; } Stack; Above is my stack struct. ...
anon12's user avatar
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C pointer based growable stack rev2

Following on from my previous question: C pointer based growable stack I have made some improvements (hopefully!) based on the very helpful comments and suggestions. I have checked that the stack can ...
NoOdle's user avatar
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3 answers

C pointer based growable stack

This is my first attempt at writing a C program, it a generic stack that can grow accordingly. It appears to work correctly, however I am worried that is just a fluke and I could be doing something ...
NoOdle's user avatar
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5 answers

Safe stack abstraction

Here is the stack abstraction that I've written. I've designed it to be safe and without undefined behavior. I use ugly_cast to discourage casting and to make ...
S.S. Anne's user avatar
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Unix tail command using stack

I'm working on a version of the Unix tail command that works by iterating over a file, pushing line by line into a stack. Finally, the number of desired lines will be popped and printed to the screen. ...
sage's user avatar
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Implementing a stack using a linked-list

In my intro CS class we're reviewing data structures. I'm currently working on implementing a stack using a linked list (LIFO) in C. I'd appreciate a review of the implementation as well as of my ...
Ivan Stimac's user avatar
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A Stack Implementation In C

I've written a very simple linked list based stack implementation and was wondering if this is the standard way to do it in C. ...
Silver's user avatar
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Converting prefix expressions to infix

Here is my new working code. Man, working with strings in C is tedious and annoying. I had built the algorithm in short time, took hours figuring how to implement it properly in C. Tell me if there ...
Gameatro's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Generic fixed-size Stack implementation in C

Coming mostly from C#/Java background, I'm trying to implement a simple fixed-size stack data structure in C. The main concern about the "fixed-size" part is that pushing new elements to a full stack ...
galah92's user avatar
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Checking for parentheses balance in C

A recent assignment asks me to create a program that checks for parentheses balance in a given string. As I can't find any duplicate questions that have code written in C, I decided to post another ...
54D's user avatar
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A C stack with minimum and maximum values

I have this C stack implementation that knows its minimum and maximum values: minmax_stack.h ...
coderodde's user avatar
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Minimal stack from unsigned int to track boolean values wtih bits

This grew out of a need to track sequential ctrl+shift+Left/Right-arrow keypress events on a gtk editor. It is a small stack implementation for boolean values (for <...
David C. Rankin's user avatar
10 votes
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Dynamic stack C implementation

I'm a C beginner. I'm studying and implementing some data structures. I'd like to get feedback. This is a stack implemented with an dynamic array. In main there ...
MarcoLucidi's user avatar
5 votes
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FIFO, FILO, LIFO and LILO integer stacks in C

One of my current side projects includes a stack-based interpreter written in C for a programming language I'm designing, SSBL. Since the entire language is stack-based, I needed a way to create and ...
Ethan Bierlein's user avatar
6 votes
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Stack and Queue Linked List Implementations

I'm relatively new to C as a language, but I wouldn't call myself a beginner. That being said, I don't believe my C "coding style," so to speak, is particularly developed. Also, I'm new to error ...
robbie's user avatar
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2 answers

Linked deque implementation in C

I wrote a deque implementation in C for storing char *. It uses a doubly linked list, but I'm calling it a deque since it can only push/pop from the head and tail ...
LT_'s user avatar
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Concurrent stack in C - follow-up

This is a follow-up question to Concurrent stack in C The pop function not just removes the top element from the stack, but also returns it. If a pthreads call ...
coderodde's user avatar
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Concurrent stack in C

(See also the follow-up question.) I was in the mood for pthread.h and decided to write a concurrent stack data structure. My requirements: the stack has maximum ...
coderodde's user avatar
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3 answers

Stack abstraction

Here is the Stack abstraction: ...
overexchange's user avatar
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Very simple stack in C

I'm starting to learn C and thought it would be a good idea to try and implement some data structures. I started with a very simple stack and would like to hear some opinions. Stack.c ...
bw0248's user avatar
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Trying to build a bare metal stack on the stack [closed]

I'm trying to implement a stack data structure, but not on the heap but using the stack. Also not using any Node or Element struct but raw ints. Is this feasible? This is my code (with debug printfs) ...
AdHominem's user avatar
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Designing stack and queue from scratch in C

As a beginner and curious guy I'm interested in implementing data structures and algorithms from scratch. Here's my implementation of Stack and Queue, the most fundamental data structures. Are ...
ph03n1x's user avatar
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Building a Stack with C structs

After reading the book from which this example is from I started using APIs like this ...
fra9001's user avatar
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C stack for Linux and BSD

My stack uses char data and is not tested. I use it to save command in a unix pipeline for my own POSIX shell. Maybe you can find a bug or a possible improvement. ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
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Dynamic array stack and bag implementation

I've have methods for a stack and bag using a dynamic array in C. As far as I can tell everything is implemented correctly, but I'm wondering what I can do to improve this code. dynArray.h ...
123's user avatar
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Simple stack structure in C

I just started to learn C, and for practicing, I tried to implement a simple stack data structure, and I want to know if I'm making any mistakes, or how could I improve it: My stack.h: ...
Isty001's user avatar
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C Stack data structure

I have implemented a Stack data structure in C and I would like to know if there is something that could be improved. Stack using linked list: ...
BrokenProgrammer's user avatar
8 votes
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Simple Stack Implementation in C

This is my implementation of the stack data type in C language. It is static meaning it does not grow in size. Any suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated. ...
penguinguy's user avatar
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Postfix evaluation using a stack in c

I have written a program to evaluate a postfix expression using a stack. I had my stack implementation using a linked list reviewed here, so I am only including the header file here. I have taken ...
In78's user avatar
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Stack implemented using a single linked list

I am studying data structures and I have implemented a stack using a linked list. stack.h ...
In78's user avatar
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ADT stack with a dynamic array (revision 1)

Here's the second draft of my ADT stack code which I posted here before after carrying out most of the improvements suggested there. I decided to expose a function called ...
diwakar_wagle's user avatar