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Questions tagged [search]

This tag is for questions about search algorithms, tools, and technologies.

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3 votes
4 answers

Determining if a target string is found in an array of strings

I wrote this simple function in CoffeeScript to see if elements are found in an array: ...
JAMESSTONEco's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Checking for an existing word in a file

This piece of code basically just asks for a word and sees if it exists in a file. If not, the user is asked if it should be added to the file. I am new to C programming and I want to know what you ...
apprentice's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Java alphabeta search

Is this code correct? This code was adapted from this alphabeta pseudocode. AlphaBeta search is often mentioned but getting the code 100% correct is tricky. IGame...
Tom's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes
0 answers

Moving from Solr (Sunspot) to ElasticSearch (Tire), Review needed

I would like a review regarding the following code in which I index and search the City model. Currently both solr (with sunspot gem) and elaticsearch (with the tire gem) are show. I am migrating from ...
Bruno Miranda's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

ElasticSearch, Tire - refactor autocomplete method for multiple resources

I am using ElasticSearch and Tire for search in my app across all models. I would like to refactor autocomplete method because it looks to complex for me. Am I using a good pattern for searching ...
tomekfranek's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Searching for an element in a 2D array

For example, given a 2D array (a matrix): {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}} What are the solutions to find a number, such as 6? Here's the code I ...
Ashwin's user avatar
  • 111
3 votes
3 answers

Search form sample pattern

I've just started to practice coding in OOP and just wanted to ask if my code's pattern is correct. I need your comments or suggestions so I can improve it. sample_class.php: ...
ytsejam's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
4 answers

Array-search algorithm for identical sequences and character distances

Here is Python code written to perform the following operations: Find each occurrence of a three-letter sequence in a character array (e.g. a sequence such as ...
Peter's user avatar
  • 33
6 votes
1 answer

Randomizing and mutating algo class - functionality

See Randomizing and mutating algo class - style I'm looking for a review of the functionality of this code, answers to the above question which also describes the code use focus on style instead. ...
alan2here's user avatar
  • 289
2 votes
2 answers

Tree node filtering with List<TreeNode>

I had a question about filtering tree view and returning just first match. I've tried to create list<treenode> and change the code. Is it possible improve ...
masoud's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
1 answer

Iterative implementation of alpha beta tree search

This is an iterative implementation of alpha beta tree search in C#. Please help me confirm the correctness of my code. search() is called when the search begins. <...
resgh's user avatar
  • 214
5 votes
2 answers

Randomizing and mutating algo class - style

I've updated this question to be about code style only, as all of it's answered focused on this aspect. For the codes function, see Randomizing and mutating algo class - functionality ...
alan2here's user avatar
  • 289
5 votes
2 answers

Golang solution to Project Euler #81 (min path through a matrix)

Project Euler problem 81 asks: In the 5 by 5 matrix below, ...
cobie's user avatar
  • 457
17 votes
7 answers

Finding repeating numbers in an array

I want to search through an array of n numbers and find the numbers that are repeated. So far I have this code, which does the job, but I find it to be a rather cumbersome method, but I can't seem to ...
Hatori Sanso's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Shifting Paths problem (Code Jam)

I was trying, just for fun, to solve I can easily solve the small set, but I struggle to solve the big one (my implementation would ...
luke14free's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Kindly review this class [closed]

What I can think of improving is: Show stack on screen to fail gracefully i.e. improved catch part of try..catch Make the try part shorter to improve readability Make imports with * to improve ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

UVA 10474 - "Where is the marble?" time limit

I have a problem from UVA online judge here. I have read it tons of times, and as they said, I have to get the answer really fast. I have used a binary search and ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
  • 133
6 votes
1 answer

Java 2d array nested loops

Okay, So I have this method I made that searches a 2d array of user input column length and row length comprised of integers. The method is suppose to find 4 alike numbers in rows, columns, and both ...
Alec Horne's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Multi column search

I have 4 text columns, a mix of Varchar and Text. I need to find rows in a table where all words searched for are present across the 4 columns. The 4 columns are: name type keywords description So ...
Deepweb's user avatar
  • 23
4 votes
1 answer

Improve search keyword

I've been given the following PHP code: ...
SomeKittens's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Regex Refinement

I'm trying to parse addresses out of blocks of text, and have the following expression to do so: /\d+\s(?:[sewnSEWN]\.?\s)?[\d\w]+\s(?:(?:[\d\w]+\s){0,3})?\w+\.?/ ...
ayyp's user avatar
  • 232
3 votes
3 answers

Finding the highest values a and b from an array

I struggled a short while to make this work, so I'm wondering if there are any smarter ways for finding the highest of two values per array element? Uh, hard to explain by words, but by code its easy: ...
Rookie's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
1 answer

need help improving mysql and php filter code

I only recently started coding so I know my code is not very good, but i would really appreciate any help on improving my code. my database table looks like this game_id |title |developer |...
hugoismyname's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Implementation of Kosaraju's algorithm for strongly connected components

To learn and practice coding in C++, I wrote an implementation of Kosaraju's two-pass algorithm for computing the strongly connected components in a directed graph, using depth-first search. This was ...
voithos's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Word lookup code optimization

I have a Java class which accepts some data and reads it in as a raster of characters x by y. The class is used then to look for occurrences of a certain word in any direction of the raster and store ...
jb10210's user avatar
  • 133
2 votes
1 answer

Refactoring binary search algorithm in Ruby

I wrote the binary search algorithm with Ruby, the code is below. The question is if there's any way to make it look cleaner? ...
mac-r's user avatar
  • 35
4 votes
3 answers

Is there a better, more object oriented way to write this Finder method?

I have several lists of objects which are stored in different locations, based on what they are and who needs them - the system, or the user, for example. There are times where I am only given an ID ...
Cody's user avatar
  • 241
4 votes
1 answer

Searching an object tree structure

I have this recursive function that searches an object tree structure: ...
Matthew Nichols's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Searching for a value from one CSV file in another CSV file

I am writing a script that takes one CSV file searches for a value in another CSV file then writes an output depending on the result it finds. I have been using Python's CSV Distreader and writer. I ...
gingebot's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Search module methods

Constructive criticism is required for the 2 methods below. I'm trying to develop better OO skills. ...
Jack's user avatar
  • 41
2 votes
2 answers

Searching for a string in a web page

I have written the below code to search for a string in a web page. This is working fine but I need suggestions on improving this code to start using this. This is written to work under IE. ...
SoI's user avatar
  • 175
6 votes
2 answers

Sorted grep in Haskell

This program implements a sorted grep, that is, a specialized version of grep for sorted files. It uses binary search for the lines of a file that begin with a ...
lbolla's user avatar
  • 388
5 votes
7 answers

Efficient Binary Search

My implementation: ...
Oliver Morgan's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Optimizing a search for list of artists in iTunes library

I'm trying to get a list of all artists on an iPhone / iPod touch music library. The best way I've found has been to group by artists (the convenience constructor on MPMediaQuery) and to iterate over ...
wjl's user avatar
  • 173
6 votes
1 answer

Determine if an element exists in a sorted NxN matrix

The point of this algorithm is to see if an element exists in a NxN matrix that has its rows and columns sorted. What would you change? What did I do well? Both perspectives help so I am not left ...
Matthew Hoggan's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Search for products based on criteria

The method must search Products found by criteria and store them in @products. The criteria are as follows: If the user enters ...
user600115's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Review Request: Python code that searches query words in a given text

I have this code which looks for query words in a given text. I preprocess the give text and store it in an inverted-index (dictionary with word as key and position in text as value). Searching for a ...
Amm Sukon's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is this a reasonable Trie implementation? The basic idea is to support fast searches via prefix matching. In my implementation, I allow each node to store all of the words that match its given prefix, and ...
Anthony Pegram's user avatar
39 votes
5 answers

JavaScript binary search

I wrote an implementation of binary search in JavaScript earlier for kicks, but I noticed my version was significantly different than those found on Google. Here is an example of binary search I found ...
Reid's user avatar
  • 493
4 votes
2 answers

SQL paged search results

I'm trying to figure out a way to simplify implementing paged searching in sql server. My restrictions are: has to be in a proc. can't use dynamic sql. Here's my sample query: ...
ChrisLively's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Finding subtuple in larger collection?

I've got a flat array of < 1000 items and I need to find the indices of a smaller tuple/array within the array. The tuple to find can be a varying length (generally between 2 and 5 items, order is ...
Steve Jackson's user avatar
156 votes
20 answers

Searching an element in a sorted array

I was applying for a position, and they asked me to complete a coding problem for them. I did so and submitted it, but I later found out I was rejected from the position. Anyways, I have an eclectic ...
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