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2 votes
1 answer

A search function that searches for a contact inside a vector [closed]

I have this function to search for a specific contact inside a contact management program. I want to know the following: Is returning the contact object as a pointer(...
HusenPatel's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Speed up searching for the lowest element that is not in the array

I try to solve this question: B. Informatics in MAC at Codeforces To solve it, I think I need to calculate the prefix and suffix array of MEX. I made observation that making only 1 subsegment will ...
Szyszka947's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Fast search for the longest repeating substrings in large text (Rev.4)

This is the forth iteration of the Fast search for the longest repeating substrings in large text (Rev.3) code review. Special thanks goes to G. Sliepen who conducted all the reviews. Functional ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Incremental upper bound in sorted range

Since initial question Increasing binary search for mismatch in sorted range contained defects in code and can confuse the readers, here is the updated version of the question. Is the code below ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Fast search for the longest repeating substrings in large text (Rev.3)

This is the third iteration of the Fast search for the longest repeating substrings in large text (Rev.2) code review. Special thanks goes to G. Sliepen who conducted the first two reviews. Functional ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Fast search for the longest repeating substrings in large text (Rev.2)

This is the second iteration of the Fast search for the longest repeating substrings in large text code review. Special thanks goes to G. Sliepen who conducted the first review. Functional ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Fast search for the longest repeating substrings in large text

Is there a chance to implement the code below better with the features of recent C++ versions? Functional specification Having a large text and already built prefix array find the longest substrings (...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Spatial radius search in Boid simulation

I am working on a Boid simulation with 10,000 boids. I've successfully utilized geometry shaders and an array<GLfloat[3], MAX_BOIDS> for vertices to enhance ...
nowox's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Copy file with text replacement

I am currently learning C++. I coded a tiny program for school and I wonder if there could be issues (like bugs or security issues) with it. Any ways to make it have weird behaviours would be very ...
BobDeTunis's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Counting the number of patterns that exist in a particular string

I am solving this problem where the function returns the number of times a pattern is found in a said string word. It could be easily solved via ...
xyf's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Sort and search vectors by different criteria

Class class Player { std::string name; int score; int id; }; I thought about how to write a code to sort and search vector ...
MeoH's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

C++ implementation of depth-first search

I got the C++ implementation of depth-first search (DFS) from here and made slight modifications to it. The modified code is as follows: ...
a_sid's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Check if is it possible to get to a point that is presented by a number [closed]

Problem description from an Iranian online course, translated with the help of Google Translate: Tired of coding, Mehdi has gone on to his childhood games. But because he doesn't know who to play ...
Arshia R's user avatar
1 vote
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Inventory system codebase

I'm here looking for a review over my current code-base. Please: Ignore using namespace std; this is for educational purposes mostly so the usage of using namespace std; does not matter for this ...
ii69outof247's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Java TreeMap.floorKey() equivalent for std::map

I wanted something equivalent to this Java program: ...
santosh kumar's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Filter for CANbus frames

The actual data types here are probably not relevant to post an answer. I use Qt types here, but the question should apply for other structured types as well. I ...
darkmattercoder's user avatar
4 votes
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Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm in C++

First of all, I know there is huge amount of information about KMP on the internet but many examples are just the code without any explanation. So I've decided to implement it on my own. Secondly, I ...
LRDPRDX's user avatar
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0 answers

Array Search Algorithm

Recently, I've been experimenting with an array searching algorithm that I'm not sure I've seen anywhere (minor references here). I'm still not fully-learned on how to state the efficiency of what I'...
Lapys's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Search for rows in a 2D array that contain a given sequence

I have a 2d array of m * n dimension (m and n can vary from 1 to 100000). The following snippet of code checks if the sequence exists in the row and stores the index if it exists. The time taken by ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Insertion of a node in M-way search tree

I am currently studying data structures and i am looking to see if my implementation of the insertion method in an M-way search tree is good and i am looking forward to improving my coding approach. ...
sazharsha's user avatar
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C++ implementation of Monte Carlo Tree Search with Python wrapper

Important Prebuilt Python Extensions built for Python 3.6 Includes Python f-strings (3.6+) Complementary GitHub link Notable: Previous attempt with stock ...
Luke's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Filling a string at minimal cost

I'm solving the following problem. Here is the problem statement: You are given a string with wildcards, e.g. X***Y*Z. Your goal is to print an input string ...
CaptainTrunky's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Variadic function to find the first matching (string) argument in a larger array

Playing around with parsing a data buffer I wrote a small search function to find the first complete match out of a set of (string) arguments. The (simplified) buffer class with the find function: <...
Stefan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Slow execution time of search algorithm

I have solved a problem of a game named 'Set'. The full problem is detailed on it's website: However my code for the search algorithm is ...
Vinícius's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Search function for a trie tree

I have made a search function that seems to work for passing the tester. I am just unsure if it will always be without errors. Can someone tell me if they see any flaws in the logic, and if so, where ...
user136380's user avatar
2 votes
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Finding a path across a grid after randomly filling some proportion of it

Essentially, we must be able to get from one side of the grid to the opposite side of the grid. My code tests for up to down and left to right. However, this is painfully slow and I'm wondering if ...
qwert's user avatar
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1 answer

Search function for books

I was making a library program for trying to practice C++. I wanted to use a vector to store all the books, the books being a struct to hold the general things the books would have. ...
mohhamed rafi's user avatar
0 votes
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Sentinel based find with conditional fallback to std::find

I've got bored, so I decided to write a code using ancient knowledge of sentinels. Sentinel based find Basically what we do is put value that is needed to find at the end, and then write an endless ...
Incomputable's user avatar
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Detect if string contains more than 1 period

This function returns true if the string contains zero or one periods, and returns false if the string contains more than one ...
esote's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Exponential search

I recently discovered the exponential search algorithm which can be used to find whether a value exists in an ordered range. An exponential search checks whether a value is smaller than the \$2^n\$th ...
Morwenn's user avatar
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Mapping phone numbers to names [closed]

Problem description: You are given a phone book that consists of your friend's names and their phone number. After that you will be given your friend's name as query. For each query, print the ...
Sindhuja C S's user avatar
5 votes
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Search file for keyword program

Just looking for some advice and I know using std namespace is bad but I didnt have the time to do all the using stuff. I want help on what here is good and what is bad practice :). ...
Magirldooger's user avatar
3 votes
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Finding nearest float values corresponding to a data point (of three variables) in a table with multiple columns using C++

I have a data file which contains floating point data arranged in 4 columns. Each row represent a specific data point. The first column(X) is made up of 100 different values but the values are ...
Swati45's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Bash command helper in C++

I'm writing a program to help with remembering complex bash commands. On invoking the program, it asks for a description of the desired operation, e.g., "increase volume" or "find orphaned packages", ...
Big McLargeHuge's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Array search algorithms: performance comparison

I'm making a program that compares multi-key sequential search and Interpolation search in a sorted array by the number of array accesses for my assignment. ...
Stefan Stanković's user avatar
9 votes
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Trinary Search Tree

I'm probably not the first to think this up, but here we go. An trinary search tree is a generalization of a binary search tree in the sense that instead of a comparison function returning true or ...
prestokeys's user avatar
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Breadth-First Search heuristics to find solution to Water Jug Challenge

I started learning AI recently. In AI, searches should be avoided and everything in AI is a search problem. One of the easiest problem where we could use general AI search techniques is the water jug ...
Namit Sinha's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Contact search application

Create a C++ program which will act like contact search app in mobile. For example, if the following contacts are saved in contact list: Massi Pradip Prasad Praveed Raju ...
Pradip Das's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Searching a string of consecutive characters in a binary bar code

I am writing a program that will take a binary bar code and convert it to a zip-code. I need to validate the bar code. A valid binary bar code contains no more and no less than two 1s in any position ...
Ritchie Shatter's user avatar
4 votes
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Search key in a rotated sorted array without repetition of elements

Is there any improvement possible in this implementation? ...
Steephen's user avatar
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Optimizing variadic template pack subsequence matching algorithm

I'm building a small MPL module in one of my utility libraries for fun and learning experience. One of the problems I'm trying to solve is getting a list of all indices where a sequence of types ...
Vittorio Romeo's user avatar
4 votes
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Test if two nodes in a binary search tree are cousins

Cousins are nodes at the same level of the tree, with different parents. They don't have to share the same grandparent. My solution depends on having a binary search tree with unique elements. This ...
japreiss's user avatar
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12 votes
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strstr() implementation

In this strstr implementation, I am basically skipping the already matched and checked characters with an if else condition. Is ...
Software Engineer's user avatar
3 votes
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How to search for a word in a sorted text file efficiently?

I want to write my own program to search for a word in a sorted text file. In the text file each word is in one line. I want to write this myself because I did not find any simple program (without ...
Bernard's user avatar
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Searching and comparing a record

I am still a beginner in C++ and I am always curious about good/best coding methods. Let's say I have a program which allows a users to edit the salary of a employee. The system will prompt the user ...
user2211678's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Can this FindString function be optimized further, in terms of speed?

Hex4869's user avatar
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Improving speed of word search algorithm

I've been working on this word search algorithm and had some issues about its speed. It kinda looks like it takes a little too much time. If anyone could offer suggestions on making this better and ...
iCoRe's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is this implementation of binary search correct?

Is this implementation of binary search correct? Any special or edge cases that I missed out? Maybe it should be optimized for elements that are less than the first element of the array or greater ...
Desmond Hume's user avatar
6 votes
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Randomizing and mutating algo class - functionality

See Randomizing and mutating algo class - style I'm looking for a review of the functionality of this code, answers to the above question which also describes the code use focus on style instead. ...
alan2here's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Randomizing and mutating algo class - style

I've updated this question to be about code style only, as all of it's answered focused on this aspect. For the codes function, see Randomizing and mutating algo class - functionality ...
alan2here's user avatar
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