Questions tagged [screen-scraping]

Screen-scraping, also known as data-scraping, is a software technique used to collect and parse information from user interfaces. Web-scraping is a specific kind of screen-scraping.

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1 answer

Extracting the SKU and description of products from an invoice by querying the DOM

I have a site where a person can buy something. This site is built on a platform that allows any person to build a site without coding knowledge. One of the features of this platform, is that after ...
2 votes
1 answer

Finding hidden field values in a web page before submitting a login form

In order to submit a login form using wget, I need to find the values for the hidden field that were added to the form recently. Grepping for the names gives the ...
3 votes
3 answers

Merging website info into an array

I'm scraping a title and a link from a website and placing them in a single array. The $i variable seems a bit wrong to me, or is it perfectly fine? ...