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3 votes
2 answers

Prey Throbber using CSS Animation

I'm migrating to web development and wanted to learn CSS animations better. I was playing Prey last night and realized the "throbber" on the elevator screen would be interesting to ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
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Christmas tree made up only with HTML and CSS

I've created a Christmas tree using only HTML and CSS. It's pretty sure that the code can be written in a more efficient way. Also, the lights are turning on and off at the same time, is there a way ...
Leo Messi's user avatar
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CSS animation of ravens flying in a circle

I just made a little experiment on codepen with this animation. But I get some performance issues: sometimes it's not as smooth as it should be. Does someone know some practice I could use to ...
GordonFreeman's user avatar
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"Spinning wheels" - Animated spinner with SVG and Sass-CSS

I've made this little animation using SVG, CSS-keyframes and a bit of Sass. ...
michael.zech's user avatar
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"Star Field" Animation with JavaScript and Sass-CSS

I've have make this animation on the weekend as a "just for fun" thing. And for to play with various techniques I've seen in others code. I think it works quite alright. Nevertheless I would ...
michael.zech's user avatar
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Animation with JavaScript and Sass : Neon light banner

After reading a bit about CSS3-text-shadows and seeing a few advanced examples I had the idea for a "neon light"-banner. Next idea was to animate it. Finally it has become a mixture between a Sass-...
michael.zech's user avatar
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