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1 answer

ASCII game in console [closed]

Overall, I want to make a game in console, something Pokemon-like but with typical rpg scenery - swords, magic and all that. I want to make player able to move around the map, find dungeons, fight ...
supermaciu's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

RPG text game WIP

I would appreciate any constructive feedback on my game, I intend to add simple 2d graphics at some point but want to make the "skeleton' of the game first using just text. One question I had is a ...
Zacc Weldon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Inventory system for RPG

I'm working on a inventory system for a rpg. I want to be able to compare items, restrict access for specific items(i.e. consumables) for specific inventory slots(i.e. leg, head), summarize items ...
Durrahan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Text-based fighting simulation in C++

This is my first attempt at a big project in C++ (made in Visual Studios). It is a culmination of concepts I have been learning, like classes, inheritance, and the STL (only vectors). The basic idea ...
Jimmy Bob Thorton's user avatar
55 votes
6 answers

ASCII text-based RPG game in C++

I started to make a C++ RPG game just for fun. It does have quests but it isn't just one long adventure that lasts like 30 minutes. I would like to know what I did well on and things on which I can do ...
Handge's user avatar
  • 653
6 votes
3 answers

Learning C++ with an RPG game

I'm particularly focused on learning object oriented design right now there's some SDL code but it does nothing save generate a window. For now I am working with text until I get a better ...
user2350585's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Character classes and character creation for an RPG (early prototype)

So, I've only started to learn actual programming about a week ago (only did some basic matlab scripting before) and because I wanted a challenge I decided to start with C++. To get more familiar ...
user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Text-based RPG (WIP)

I wanted to see how this code looks, what can be improved and how those improvements can be implemented. I'm still new to C++ so I hope it isn't too sloppy. ...
Adyn_G's user avatar
  • 121
8 votes
3 answers

Beginning of simple rogue-like RPG (in console) in C++

I've started to learn programming recently and it's my first more or less "big" project. But coding this project for me is quite hard. I spent a lot of time to understand what I've done and my coding ...
Hagartinger's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

Text-based C++ video game

Please critique this and make suggestions on the best practices. ...
user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

C++ Text Based RPG Backpack System

Here is my backpack system. Please critique and give me advice on the best practices. ...
Andrew Tew's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Text-based RPG in C++

It is currently unfinished; only case 1 of the switch(hunt) is available for choosing. Please give detailed feedback and/or ...
Adyn_G's user avatar
  • 121
5 votes
1 answer

Enumerations for a game character's statistics

I would like to improve my functions and work properly on enums without all of those IFs as well as make it more consistent (for example ...
Gabbek's user avatar
  • 85
1 vote
1 answer

Character class for an RPG game

I have an RPG-like program that uses a Character class to specify and return information about an individual player/character. I was curious about a way to best set ...
Austin's user avatar
  • 125
3 votes
2 answers

Text-based RPG game in C++

This is a text-based RPG game I've made in C++ and would love some review on it. I am a 100% complete newbie with maybe 2 weeks of C++ experience so I'd love some lessons on what I did wrong and how I ...
Adyn_G's user avatar
  • 121
4 votes
2 answers

RPG Skeleton, Part 2 - The Entity, and a SpecType

This question is a followup to Simple RPG skeleton, Part 1 - The Character. This is the second "part" of my development of this skeleton, and it now includes two new classes, ...
Ethan Bierlein's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

RPG skeleton, Part 1 - The Character

I've been on a quest to learn C++, and to learn, I've started building a small Role-Playing-Game skeleton to help myself learn the language. I've tried to make sure that I've followed C++ styles/...
Ethan Bierlein's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Menu class/struct for RPG

I plan to use this menu struct in an RPG played in the terminal. I want to make a RPG similar to D&D. I would like advice on my methods for the menu struct, especially the "hide" and "unhide" ...
dylan's user avatar
  • 397
4 votes
1 answer

Mediator class to handle a bunch of rules between objects

When a LivingBeing attacks another LivingBeing, an attack roll is made to determine if a hit occurs. If a hit occurs, a damage ...
prestokeys's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

C++ text-based RPG

I have made this small text-based RPG in C++ which is based around one quest. I did this to practice what I have learnt so far. How could I improve it? Be as picky as you'd like. ...
Elliot Morgan's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Battle system in C++

I am not really having any problems with this. I'm just wondering if anybody has any ideas for a path for me to look down for bettering this little FF turn-based style of game in my free time. I ...
John Snow's user avatar
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