Questions tagged [quiz]

Question-and-answer programs involving questions with a well defined correct answer, especially those that track the player's score.

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2 votes
1 answer

Basic quiz game in HTML and JavaScript

I wanted to know whether this approach is correct or not for a basic quiz game. I have not used object oriented programming style, Defining the quiz questions as array elements and looping through the ...
A K's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
1 answer

Programming paradigm quiz

I have this code, which isn't for the moment optimized: ...
Festim Besim's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

My 1 Week Python Journey — A Quiz Game that I made in Python

I started my Python Journey almost a week ago from now. I had been following a Youtube tutorial earlier, but switched to Harvard's CS50P instead. I decided on making a little Quiz Game with my ...
Hissan's user avatar
  • 343
2 votes
1 answer

Python CLI math game

I'm a self-taught programmer starting out with Python and my latest project is this game: It runs in the console, displays an equation, takes the user's answer, and increases your score if it's ...
gZee's user avatar
  • 23
3 votes
0 answers

Simple python quiz

I'm learning python and i'm trying to practice what I learned recently. I wanted to make a quiz game using pandas. What do you guys think? Is there anything I could do better? ...
sandor's user avatar
  • 31
4 votes
1 answer

This function creates dynamic multi-choice questions

I'm into Python from only about a month, coming from nothing. I didn't make any complex program yet, but I'm almost there, as one is almost ready to be used, like if I'd sit there for another hour or ...
SRK7Kyros's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Quiz to help practice mental arithmetic

I made a tool that would help in practicing and increasing the speed of Mental Arithmetic, below is the code that I wrote in java. Please suggest if there are any improvements that I can make or any ...
Yash's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Arithmetic quiz on the command line

I am writing a program that asks questions, takes the user's input, and responds according to whether the answer they gave is correct or not. I am looking to improve my code with respect to ...
Dat Le's user avatar
  • 21
6 votes
1 answer

U.S. State Capitals Quiz (Python)

I have a program that gives the player a random U.S. state, asks for its capital, and keeps score. This keeps going until the player decides to stop playing. At the end, it prints out both the amount ...
am2021's user avatar
  • 315
4 votes
1 answer

Python history quiz program

This program allows users to manage questions and quiz users from years of historical events. I'm looking for suggestions on how can I better organize my code, maybe apply OOP for functions and avoid ...
user231566's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

I made a Java quiz program

I made a Java quiz program. The program will let you take the Java quiz and then display the quiz's result according to your score. ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Feedback on a Small Trivia Game in C#

I wanted to get some feedback concerning the program. It's console based and in C#. If I should try to add constraints like making sure only the 4 questions shown are able to be typed in and nothing ...
Rhion Kendall's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Beginner Quiz game (True or False)

This time I made a quiz game, in which the player is asked questions and receives points for each question answered correctly. Some people told me I should learn about classes, so this is what I came ...
Tlomoloko's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

GUI for a quiz tool or game

I just started working on a little project to help me study for a course I'm taking. Is there anything I can do to improve code readability / bad practices? I had to remove most of the labels and ...
JGProgrammer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

simple python music quiz [closed]

I'm currently learning python and created a simple music quiz. the rules of the game are as follows: The user has two chances to guess the name of the song If the user guesses the answer correctly ...
Krishna's user avatar
  • 85
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0 answers

Quiz with lifelines

The following code is of a quiz. Is there any way to generalize the code further? Example: If lifelines are used once, I've to a copy the code check the correct user each time. the same is for ...
Prometheus_26's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Bash script for speedreading training

I have coded a speedreading training bash script. My targed was to make some experience with bash in a funny way. It ...
Enlico's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Personal quiz with input validation

The object of the code is to prompt the user with a quiz and collect the g's, y's, 0's, and 1's and if there is more than one then the user passes (else, they fail). I am a beginner and would like to ...'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Browser quiz game

I have made a little game in JS. Are there any remarks? The game asks a question through the console and accepts the answer through prompt. If the answer is correct you'll get points. To stop the game ...
Quintis's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Multiple Choice Four-Function Math Game

I created a very simple multiple choice math practice game in C for a fun project. Essentially the user first enters how many questions they want, then they enter what operation (+, -, *, /) they want ...
kelas3's user avatar
  • 23
7 votes
1 answer

Quiz game with timer

This is my first Go program. I would like to know what could be improved, what is done wrong, and anything else that I should know. The CSV contains 10 questions with the 10 answers separated by a ...
lucarlig's user avatar
2 votes
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2-team fraction quiz/test in Python 3 with Tkinter

I created a math quiz/game called "Factions". In the game, there are 2 teams. Red team and Blue team. They take turns answering questions relating to fractions. If they get it correct, they gain ...
Jerry Cui's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Quiz for random boolean expressions

Inspired by the various quiz programs on this site, as well as Simon Tatham's puzzle collection, I thought I'd write a quiz that constructs its questions automatically and randomly. A typical session ...
Roland Illig's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Quiz program that asks 10 questions, repeats incorrectly answered ones a second time, gives results at end

I'm currently attending ERAU (online), and in my Computing for Engineers class we are learning C#. An ongoing project throughout the class is to build a "quiz" program that asks 10 questions, in order,...
MX372's user avatar
  • 41
1 vote
1 answer

A quiz to practice some of the notion of the chapter four of app development with swift

I just want feedback about the code. Better implementation, more commentary etc. app Delegate.swift ...
C.Calvinno's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

General Knowledge quiz

I have made a General Knowledge quiz in python as a project from my school ...
colkat406's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Quiz programme for GCSE

I made a quiz programme for my GCSE Computer Science NEA. I just want to make sure it is OK to submit. There are also 5 files: Usernames, Passwords, Song Names, Artist Names and High Scores. Any ...
H. Walker's user avatar
1 vote
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Timed arithmetic quiz

In this program you have to solve 20 exercises. The time you need will be measured. If you break a record, you'll get an entry in the highscore list. The program can be downloaded here. You can only ...
Dexter Thorn's user avatar
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2 answers

Mathematical quiz game

I have been studying C#, and I have made a simple math quiz program. Is my program reasonable or is there anything I need to improve? ...
user10443653's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Arabic language lesson program

The program I have been working on has been developed almost exclusively as "train-of-thought" style code. Things happen linearly (for the most part) thru the code. The goal of the program is to house ...
Jack Duane's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Console based Vocabulary Trainer Version 2

After a long break I took the suggestions from Console based Vocabulary Trainer and reworked the Trainer. It contains of the following parts Vocabulary.h/cpp: Save and read vocabulary from/to text ...
Sandro4912's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Simple arithmetic game in Python

Coming from a C/C++ background, this was my first python code I wrote to grasp a few basic concepts. The game involves giving random arithmetic operations to the users and scoring their responses. ...
N_H1922's user avatar
  • 237
7 votes
2 answers

Simple Math Quiz Game

I have been studying C# for 2 weeks already, I wrote a simple math game but not quite sure how bad it is. I'm just teaching myself to code through internet references. If you could review my work, I ...
Evan Michael Jore's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Python Multi Choice Quiz with a score to count

I am trying to make a multi choice quiz with a score to count. This is the first time I've used Python and I'm finding it difficult to make the code work properly. How can I make the code shorter and ...
Njood's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
1 answer

Quiz for studying word stems

I'm wondering how I could condense the following (redundant on many levels) code: ...
Plqsmic's user avatar
  • 197
3 votes
0 answers

Python quiz game

I have the following program for a multiple choice quiz game. Before I get stuck in some habits, can anyone please review and propose suggestions for improvements? ...
Bruno Vermeulen's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Math Quiz program - programming excercise number 5 chapter 6 from "Art and Science of Java"

I have written the following program: Math Quiz. It is a programming exercise number 5 chapter 6 from the book "Art and Science of Java". The program seems to be working. However, I would be ...
Eldritch's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Vocabulary trainer for terminal

To train my Python skills I have made a vocabulary trainer which runs on a terminal: ...
michael.zech's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Console based Vocabulary Trainer

This code was reworked and repostet in Console based Vocabulary Trainer Version 2 I wrote a console based Vocabulary Trainer to practice C++. Its possible to add and remove vocabulary and practice ...
Sandro4912's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

StackExchange quiz

I've made a quiz where you get a random question, and you have to guess which StackExchange site it's from. ...
Kruga's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Rails controller for a vocabulary quiz

I'm new to refactoring and I have just refactored an old Rails project that had bloated controller methods. I spun off the bloated methods into its own separate controller following this logic, since ...
MLZ's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Simple math game in JavaScript

Created a simple math (addition/subtraction) game to practice my JavaScript. Any feedback on the JavaScript appreciated. Can play in: CodePen Instructions: A math equation will show up and simply ...
Lou Bagel's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Foreign language vocabulary trainer

This program has the goal to teach the user words of another language. The user has to learn words of a current section and than they get tested. The program can be modified easy. The programmer just ...
Dexter Thorn's user avatar
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2 votes
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SQLite Quiz with Questions Table and Categories Table

Edit: I changed my approach. I am trying to add categories to my existing SQLite quiz. This is my approach, what do you think about it? Do you think the foreign key restriction is necessary? I am a ...
Florian Walther's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Python CLI program to learn words using Wordnik API and SuperMemo2 algorithm

Motivation I wanted to write a simple console application to improve my vocabulary by using the Wordnik API to get words and definitions and using the SuperMemo2 spaced-repetition algorithm to ...
igal's user avatar
  • 381
5 votes
1 answer

JavaScript quiz game

Here is the JavaScript code: ...
doubleOrt's user avatar
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1 vote
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Multithreaded arithmetic quiz with 20-second time limit

I learned something about threads and I tried to use them in an programming exercise. The user of the program has to solve as many exercises as he can within twenty seconds. After that time the ...
Dexter Thorn's user avatar
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Checking if all questions were answered with javascript

I made a quiz project and I made a code to see if all the questions were answered, using JavaScript. It works, but its way more exhaustive than I wanted it to be. I first check every single option ...
Mateus's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Quiz app from a JSON file

My code fetches quiz data from a JSON file, displays the questions sequentially and records the user’s answers. It keeps track of the user’s score and at the end displays their result based on a ...
hb20007's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Multiple-choice questionnaire

I'm new to C# and for my assignment I have to design a multiple choice questionnaire where the student can login and take the test, view the memo, etc. I'm not very concerned about the GUI, but rather ...
Keegan Fargher's user avatar