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2 answers

Prefix search by trie tree

I'm working on the prefix search problem: Given a set of words, for example words = ['a', 'apple', 'angle', 'angel', 'bat', 'bats'], for any given prefix, find ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Using range minimal query for lowest common ancestor (LCA) -- part 2

Here is my code to use range minimal query to resolve the LCA problem. I applied comments from here. Any advice on code bugs, performance improvement in terms of algorithm time complexity, code style ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Using range minimal query for lowest common ancestor (LCA)

Here is my code to use range minimal query to resolve the LCA problem. Any advice on code bugs, performance improvement in terms of algorithm time complexity, code style are appreciated. More ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Vertical sum in a given binary tree

I'm working on this problem, Problem statement, Given a Binary Tree, find vertical sum of the nodes that are in same vertical line. Print all sums through different vertical lines. Examples: ...
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Serialize and deserialize binary tree

Here is my code of serialize and de-serialize a binary tree, looking for advice. One issue in my mind which I cannot resolve is, I am using a global variable index, wondering if more elegant solutions ...
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Serialize and deserialize a tree

Suppose each node of a tree has maximum n children. I want to serialize and de-serialize for a tree. My current solution is doing pre-order traverse, and using <...
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Find the shortest whole repetitive substring (part 2)

This is a continued improvement from discussion here (Find the shortest whole repetitive substring), since code has changed a lot dues to improvement, I post it here. Major smart ideas are from ...
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Trie Tree match string containing ? and *

Using Python 2.7 and here is my code which implement trie match for a whole word, and also support if the whole word contains ? (match any one character) or ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Print tree level by level including Empty node

Here is my code to print tree in a level by level way. It needs to print an empty node as well to keep tree structure like full binary tree for elegancy reasons. I'm wondering if anything you think ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Print tree in a zigzag manner

I want to print a tree in a zigzag manner level-by-level. I'm wondering if there are any logic issues in my code and any further performance improvement ideas by using a smarter algorithm ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Prove that the graph is a valid tree in Python

I recently solved this leetcode problem: Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), write a function to check whether these edges make ...
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Count number of matching nodes in a Binary tree

Problem Count the number of matching nodes in the subtree rooted at some node n. Solution ...
CodeYogi's user avatar
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Binary tree data structure

I am learning about the binary tree data structure and implemented some basic functionality. It was working great with module level functions until I realized that I need to keep track of the root ...
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