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Simple AR Tag classifier

I have been working on creating a simple AR Tag classifier, for detecting a simple AR Tag glyph. Spitting out an image that looks like this: With the red circle indicating the corner closest to the ...
Mark Omo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Speeding up the implementation of Stochastic Gradient Ascent in Python

I am implementing a time-dependent Recommender System which applies BPR (Bayesian Personalized Ranking), where Stochastic Gradient Ascent is used to learn the parameters of the model. Such that, one ...
Leo's user avatar
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Code for training machine learning linear regression and SVM

Ok , for my final year project I've wrote this piece of code to train my machine learning model on a this dataset , here the code i used ...
Espoir Murhabazi's user avatar
4 votes
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Simple chat server in Python

I'm new to both Python and socket programming and figured setting up a simple chat server would be good practice. In addition to general critiques of the code, I have specific questions: What are the ...
JeremiahDixon's user avatar
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Combining CSV files of simulation results

This script is a subset of a larger script where I have the output of many test simulations in the form of CSVs. Each file starts with the model name and includes the number of elements in my file. ...
dylanjm's user avatar
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Improving SVM fitting accuracy

I have this attempt on classifying CIFAR10 images. I'm curently training my SVM only on 1 of 5 sets, and decided on using polynomial kernel(degree=3,C=0.1 [changes have no effect],gamma=2 [changes ...
CIsForCookies's user avatar
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subprocess with logging module: tee with StringIO

I've got a long-running process. Once it finishes I need the output. But the user should be informed while it's running. With the logging module I get timestamps ...
A T's user avatar
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Script that reads data over usb from Arduino to RaspberryPi, cleans it up and publishes to an MQTT broker

This is a continuation from this question: Reading analog moisture signal from Arduino over USB to RPi3 and publishing via paho MQTT I made the advised changes, and added a bunch of new stuff, I'd ...
Dinocv's user avatar
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Python script that getting list of all files with specific ext starting from the current folder. Using timer for reporting about the process

I am using a function that returns a list of all files (full path for each of them) with the given extension in the given folder and all subfolders. As the process is quite long and user can get ...
SlavaB's user avatar
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Store special deals, like 3 for 2

I have to apply two deals on the cart. Buy 3 (equal) items and pay for 2 Buy 3 (in a set of items) and the cheapest is free Items in cart: ...
Ciasto piekarz's user avatar
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Animation of an incremental rotary encoder

While reworking my teaching materials for an exercise of an introductory course on mobile robotics, I recently created a animation/simulation of an incremental rotary encoder, e.g. often used for ...
AlexV's user avatar
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Pygame : processing speed independant image loop displayer

I made this in order to teach myself pygame. This displays an images loop at the same speed on any computer (It will lag on a slow computer). Is my time management good or do my datetime call could ...
Heetola's user avatar
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OLED display application for Raspberry Pi

Python script to output status information to a small OLED screen connected to a Raspberry Pi. I'm relatively new at writing python so although the app works and outputs correct information it is far ...
David's user avatar
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code for changing from old copyright to a new one in python

This code needs to get two inputs: one is the full address of a directory and another the file extension that it will be changed. These inputs cab be added in the default section of ...
mary2018's user avatar
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Python2.7 Some xor fun

After doing the Cryptopals challanges, which I found scrolling through codereview, and finally being able to solve set1 challenge 6. I decided to have a little xor fun, and make an automated xor ...
Ludisposed's user avatar
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Quick select - shuffle to make sorting faster

I'm trying to use shuffle to improve worse case scenario of quick select (e.g. every time, selected pivot value is the largest, so each iteration, only one elements could be removed from judgement). ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Thread-safe RLockedList

I have written a thread-safe list which can be used as a drop-in replacement for a regular list. This has been tested and used internally without issue, but "The absence of evidence is not evidence of ...
Joseph LeClerc's user avatar
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Counting squares in a grid that is subdivided by line segments

Problem: Given a picture of square with a bunch of horizontal and vertical lines in it (lines are not necessarily spanning the full square length, in other words think of a fine grid with many ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Touchscreen Right Click

I have built a small script that provides touch screen right click context menu with long touch press in my ELAN touchscreen. There is no need to remove your finger in order context menu to pop up. ...
George Vasiliou's user avatar
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RC Plane Radio using the Raspberry Pi

This python code is for a homemade RC plane radio using the Raspberry Pi and a USB joystick. It sends values over serial to DSM2/X module for RC planes and other RC vehicles. This Python code is ...
ethan Johnston's user avatar
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Sliding window of entire length of the file

I have a tab delimited file which contains about 2207 rows with 4 columns of floats or int types: ...
aBiologist's user avatar
2 votes
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Interactive, real-time bikeshare web application with Bokeh

As a side project, I'm working on a Bokeh web application to display public bikeshare data on a map. The data is updated every 2 minutes using a periodic callback. Below is the full implementation. I'...
keves1's user avatar
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Find the available squares for rooks in empty board using boolean arrays

I will describe two techniques, then the question will be how I can make an algorithm that is more efficient, if possible. I want to find an efficient way to determine the squares where the pieces on ...
3sm1r's user avatar
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Extract cell values from multiband rasters

I have the following function and code snippet to extract cell values for multiple years, format it, and save to a list. Each raster has 365 bands — one for each day. A separate operation is performed ...
Ibe's user avatar
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Fully Constrained Least Squares (FCLS) Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis Method

I have written code using Python for Fully Constrained Least Squares (FCLS) Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis, which could be applied for unmixing multispectral image successfully. However, the ...
qiangqiang sun's user avatar
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PyQt frame which changes color with child focus

I am working on an application that has various "panels" contained within splitters. I wanted the panel border to change color when one of it's children gained focus. Here is a simple example of the ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Using zip to process widgets flagged as enabled

This code returns a list of widgets from spreadsheet ranges that are enabled for processing. The code works but it is poorly implemented, especially in terms of proper use of zip and layout. The code ...
flywire's user avatar
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Recursively scrape links from web pages and check them

I'm new to programming and especially new to object oriented programming. I have built a web scraper using functional programming and am trying to build another using OOP principles. The overall idea ...
ron_g's user avatar
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UK Tax Calculator - First Python program

This is my first Python program and while it's not quite finished I would like to know how I could improve in general as a programmer. This project has be a lot of fun but it has felt more like ...
adam Wadsworth's user avatar
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Convert python's strftime directives to user-friendly format examples

I'm converting python's very un user-friendly strftime date time directives to user-friendly formats so that users of an API will know how to format a date if they send an invalid format. My thinking ...
Dan Bovey's user avatar
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Python scapy subnet mapper

This a follow-up question of Python scapy - TCP port scan of subnet I've decided to make an all powerful subnet mapper in Scapy to better understand how tools like ...
Ludisposed's user avatar
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Optimization Resource File for Robot Framework

I'm looking for optimization between these files, and simplification. If something already exists to do what I have a keyword do, I'd like to know about it. is located in one of my other ...
Brandon Olson's user avatar
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Algorithm for point distribution of traversal between 2 points on a line in time

Not sure if this is best SO forum to post at, please suggest/move to more appropriate place otherwise. A synopsis of the problem 1st: Given a scenario where we have messages with data that define a ...
David's user avatar
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Parse path string

Suppose path string are encoded in this way: 2T3T5: means move 2 steps, turn right, move 3 steps, turn right, and move 5 steps 32T: which better read as 3(2T), and it means do the following operation ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Finding vtkCells in the vicinity of or coinciding with vtkPixels

I am looking to optimize this code. In its current state it is working, however, I am looking to improve it. To represent the situation. I have a vtkPixel (...
Aly Abdelaziz's user avatar
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First basic API using Flask with authentication

I've created my first basic API using Flask, that has the ability to create new tasks, delete tasks, update tasks, handles error pages, and has authentication required. What I would like to know is ...
User9123's user avatar
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Second degree connection ranking

Problem Find 2nd degree connections ( friends’ friends), output these 2nd degree connections ranked by number of common friends (i.e 1st degree connections) with you, (example: if 2nd degree ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Tarjan's strongly connected component finding algorithm

Here is my code for Tarjan's strongly connected component algorithm. Please point out any bugs, performance/space (algorithm time/space complexity) optimization or code style issues. ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Vertical sum in a given binary tree

I'm working on this problem, Problem statement, Given a Binary Tree, find vertical sum of the nodes that are in same vertical line. Print all sums through different vertical lines. Examples: ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Counting numbers in an array that are divisible by any 2 numbers

While solving one question I got stuck with a time limit error. The main objective in question is to count numbers in an array \$A\$ that are either divisible by \$P\$, \$Q\$ or both. Input format: ...
Shashank's user avatar
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Find k nearest points

I'm working on a problem to select k nearest points for a given point. Any advice for bugs, improvements are appreciated, including general advice to implement find nearest k points. My major idea is ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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format any mail into readable text

Scope is to throw any mail, html or plain or multipart into this and receive a readable formatted text that deals with special characters and html issues. Field of usage: System that imports mails ...
Roy Holzem's user avatar
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Memcached load generation

This is working but right now it is not giving me the throughput that I want. The main function has the load generation loop (where it is putting work in Queue). I ...
Wajahat's user avatar
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Optimize QuadTree to find K Nearest Neighbors

I'm looking a way to make my k nearest neighbors search more efficient. The context of the question is that I'm given a list of topics that have a unique ID (integer) and a (x,y) coordinate (floats) ...
maxbart's user avatar
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Microcast algorithm

Following is the main file in the project (executing tasks). It uses the mpi4py module, and multiple processes execute the same code. Please review the code and ...
Pranav Raj's user avatar
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Script to check a web service

I'm a Python novice. The system I'm using is called IBM Maximo Asset Management. In Maximo, we can write Python scripts that utilize Maximo's Java API/methods. So the script is technically a Jython ...
User1974's user avatar
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Reading attachment data from a PostgreSQL table with python

I have developed this script to find the counts of attachment records stored in a table in PostgreSQL for different other tables. I check if the res_id field of <...
Ibrahim Rahimi's user avatar
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Huffman encoding implementation

Here is my implementation of Huffman encoding using min-heap approach mentioned in this Wikipedia page. I'm looking for advice, using Python 2.7. ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Simple program that copies just new files from one directory to another

I'm doing a Python course for beginners, and the last assignment was to create a program using shutil and wxpython that can copy new files (created in the last 24 hours) from one folder into another, ...
Nathan R's user avatar
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Optimize Python script for memory which opens and reads multiple times the same files

I have code that works perfectly, but it uses too much memory. Essentially this code takes an input file (lets call it an index, that is 2 column tab-separated) that searches in a second input file (...
owwoow14's user avatar
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