Questions tagged [progress-4gl]

The Progress 4GL is a multi-platform interpreted language typically used to build business applications and is now known as ABL.

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2 answers

SQL Query over ODBC is slow with DISTINCT

Is there any way to simplify this query? It's being run against a Progress Database via an ODBC connection. The CustomerSalesperson table has a ...
WhiteHotLoveTiger's user avatar
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2 answers

Suggestions on improving Sorting Algorithm (Progress ABL/4GL)

I have written some sort routines for PROGRESS 4GL/ABL and wanting to get some input whether these sorts can be improved. And whether my sorts are true to name. And I would also be very interested in ...
AquaAlex's user avatar
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1 answer

Progress 4GL - Luhn algorithm

My implementation in Progress 4GL of the Luhn Algorithm. Any suggestions on improving it? ...
AquaAlex's user avatar
  • 151