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Optimizing Bingo Caller Method

I am dong a competitive programming problem I have passed all the tests. but my program times out. I need help optimizing my code so it can run faster. Task: Finish method: ...
Gringo Jaimes's user avatar
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3 answers

Adding Reversed Numbers - ADDREV on SPOJ

Today I tried solving this problem on SPOJ, in which you reverse the digits of two numbers, add them, and print the reversed digits of the sum. (When reversing, leading zeroes in the result should be ...
AnkitSablok's user avatar
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3 answers

Go Aaaaaaaaaaah

The problem is described in full here - Aaah!. Input The input consists of two lines. The first line is the “aaah” Jon Marius is able to say that day. The second line is the “aah” the doctor wants to ...
Kunal B.'s user avatar
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Project Euler 127 - abc-hits

Problem (Rephrased from here): The radical of \$n\$, \$rad(n)\$, is the product of distinct prime factors of \$n\$. For example, \$504 = 2^3 × 3^2 × 7\$, so \$rad(504) = 2 × 3 × 7 = 42\$. We shall ...
Nadav Nevo's user avatar
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Project Euler # 15 Lattice paths in Python

Starting in the top left corner of a 2×2 grid, and only being able to move to the right and down, there are exactly 6 routes to the bottom right corner. How many such routes are there through a 20×20 ...
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Finding numbers whose product of the digits are perfect squares

How can I decrease the running time and compile time of the following code? Given three integers A, B and ...
Aditya Verma's user avatar
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Tweets per second

This challenge is from Talent Buddy: Tweets per second Japan Castle in the Sky airing broke a Twitter record on August 3, 2013. At one point during the classic anime movie showing, people ...
sundar nataraj's user avatar
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LeetCode: Roman to Integer in Java

I tried solve this easy leetcode challenge in java. Challenge link Here is my solution ...
srk's user avatar
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MaxCounters solution in C# from Codility

I programmed a little in java a while back, and now I'm learning C#.This is the first exercise of "medium" or "respectable" difficulty according to Codility, so I'm pretty pleased of finding out that ...
newbie's user avatar
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3 answers

Find the corresponding closing parenthesis

Problem: "Sometimes (when I nest them (my parentheticals) too much (like this (and this))) they get confusing." Write a function that, given a sentence like the one above, along with the ...
CodeYogi's user avatar
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Counting matrices

I need help optimizing my code to run faster (it works but I get Time Limit Exceeded) for this problem. (Don't pay attention to readInt() function, its only used ...
Michael Abramishvili's user avatar
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Count Scorecards challenge problem related to partition number theory

I am having a challenge problem. I have solved the problem but my solution is slow. The problem is basically the distribution of scores among players. e.g for a 2 player game the possible scorecards ...
Azeem's user avatar
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(Leetcode) Minesweeper game

This is a Leetcode problem - Let's play the Minesweeper game (Wikipedia, online game)! You are given a 2D char matrix representing the game board. 'M' represents an unrevealed mine, 'E' ...
Justin's user avatar
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1 answer

Google Kick Start Practice Round 2019 - Mural

My code exceeds the time limit on the second test set. A suggestion/hint of a better algorithm would be appreciated. Problem Thanh wants to paint a wonderful mural on a wall that is N ...
Lewis T.'s user avatar
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Count pairs in list of integers such that their addition is equal to the input value

Given a List<int>, the problem I am trying to solve is: Find the number of unique pairs in List<int> such that their ...
silverspoon's user avatar
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Number of sub strings with same first and last character

Problem Statement: You are given a function \$f(x)\$, where \$f(x)\$ is \$1\$ if the first and last characters of string \$x\$ are equal; else it is \$0\$. You are given a string \$S\$ and you ...
gaurav's user avatar
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"Utopian Tree" challenge optimization

Problem statement The Utopian tree goes through 2 cycles of growth every year. The first growth cycle occurs during the monsoon, when it doubles in height. The second growth cycle occurs during the ...
mathlearner's user avatar
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Project Euler #3 in C# - largest prime factor

I just started doing the Project Euler challenges and right now I'm on Challenge #3 - The largest prime factor of 600851475143. I wrote some code and tried to optimize it based on some other Stack ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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2 answers

HackerEarth Girlfriend's Demand challenge, solved two ways

I solved the Girlfriend's Demand challenge on HackerEarth. In summary: Input: First line of the input contains a string S. Next line contains an integer Q, the number of queries. Each of the next ...
Ankur Anand's user avatar
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Reverse Game HackerRank Ruby Solution

Problem Statement Akash and Akhil are playing a game. They have N balls numbered from 0 to N−1. Akhil asks Akash to reverse the position of the balls, i.e., to change the order from ...
Gautam's user avatar
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Project Euler 38: Pandigital Multiples

I just solved Project Euler 38 and was wondering if you guys could provide some suggestions on how to speed it up. I've tried adding extra conditions but they increase the time. Any ideas on how to ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Leetcode: Largest Number

I was trying out leetcode's Largest Number. As per the challenge's description: Given a list of non-negative integers nums, arrange them such that they form the largest number and return it. Since ...
ccot's user avatar
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Printing pyramids in C (CS50)

I'm taking the CS50 course, and we're asked to create a program which takes an input (the total height of the pyramid) and outputs a pyramid of that height. i.e Here’s how the program might work if ...
xdxt's user avatar
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Frequency Queries (Hackerrank)

This is the problem: You are given queries. Each query is of the form two integers described below: 1 x: Insert x in your data structure. 2 y: Delete one occurrence of y from your data ...
daksh bhardwaj's user avatar
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Time conversion program optimization

I have just finished working on a problem on hackerrank dealing with time conversion in C++. I'm still fairly new to programming as I only have a few semesters of programming classes under my belt ...
Callat's user avatar
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Solution to the 0-1 knapsack

I'm using a one-dimensional array with length \$W(\text{weight capacity})\$. Is this is any better than the solutions with a two-dimensional array \$W, n\$ where \$n\$ is the number of items? I'm ...
ITod's user avatar
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Finding all factors and prime factors of a number

I am working on the Project Euler, number 3 project (finding the largest prime factor of 600851475143), but I wanted to take it a step further and write something that will list all factors and prime ...
Zach Frost's user avatar
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Pascal's Triangle Java (performance)

I need to get some information about the Pascal Triangle. What is a pascal triangle ? It is a triangle of integers with 1 at the top and at the sides. Any number inside is equal to the sum of the ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Project Euler 76: Counting summations

Project Euler Problem 76 asks: How many different ways can one hundred be written as a sum of at least two positive integers? My code is correct but just works slowly. ...
seVenVo1d's user avatar
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Code Vita: Chakravyuha

Problem Statement A Chakravyuha is a wheel-like formation. Pictorially it is depicted as below A Chakravyuha has a very well-defined co-ordinate system. Each point on the co-...
Phoenix's user avatar
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Segmented Sieve of Eratosthenes

I implemented this for the Prime Generator problem on SPOJ, but I am only getting 0.01s run-time, and would like to be able to match the run-times of the top submissions, which are all 0.00s. What are ...
badfilms's user avatar
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Project Euler #23 Non-abundant sums

I'm having trouble optimizing the Project Euler problem number 23 : A perfect number is a number for which the sum of its proper divisors is exactly equal to the number. For example, the sum of the ...
Denis's user avatar
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Optimizing O(m n) solution for longest common subsequence challenge

Given two strings string X of length x1 and string Y of length ...
swapedoc's user avatar
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Counting out game with std::list

I recently tried to solve the Josephus Problem on Sphere Online to help answer this question but am getting TLE for any solution I come up with. The exact parameters of the problem are: This is ...
Summer's user avatar
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Matrix of articles and authors from large JSON dataset

Given the following JSON data containing 4 articles by 4 different authors: ...
CodeYogi's user avatar
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Speed up lights-out variant solver in pure Python

I'm doing some challenges to learn new and interesting concepts, this one is about a Lights out variant, instead of toggling only the adjacent tiles, it toggles the whole row and col. It must be ...
Sven's user avatar
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Optimizing Code for Project Euler Problem 14

For Project Euler problem 14 I wrote code that runs for longer than a minute to give the answer. After I studied about memoization, I wrote this code which runs for nearly 10 seconds on Cpython and ...
Madushan's user avatar
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Creating a list from combinations of the original data

I am trying to create a list based on some data, but the code I am using is very slow when I run it on large data. So I suspect I am not using all of the Python power for this task. Is there a more ...
Mario Arend's user avatar
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Linear regression on points specified by the user in a GUI

Here's my take on the Linear Regression exercise from John Zelle's Python book. Open a window, let the user click on as many points as they want. Upon pressing the "Done" button the regression line ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Counting the occurrences of bank account numbers for SPOJ challenge

I am solving a problem on SPOJ and am currently unsatisfied with my submission time, given that my fastest time is 0.28s (which ranks me 123/5037) and the leading submission is 0.04s. The problem is ...
badfilms's user avatar
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HackerRank woman codesprint: minimum cost

Lauren has a chart of projected prices for a house over the next n years, where the price of the house in the i-th year is <...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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Euler Project 14 (Longest Collatz Sequence)

Project Euler 14 asks: Which starting number, under one million, produces the longest Collatz sequence? I've been trying to optimize this solution to execute in less then 1s. Agenda for first 50 ...
Simon's user avatar
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Mars Rover Simulator

Problem Statement Consider a rover and a plateau of size nxn. The rover takes three type of instructions L,R and M. 'L' and 'R' rotate the rover in the left and right direction. 'M' moves the ...
leoOrion's user avatar
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Equivalent passwords ACPC 2014

I am preparing for ACM-TCPC (Tunisia). So I started solving problems from past ACM-ACPC versions. But I got stuck in the Problem I from 2014. The problem consists of finding the number of non-...
Chaker's user avatar
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How to lose plants and aggravate people

Courtesy of a few posts around here I've discovered HackerRank. Poisonous Plants is one of their challenges. Of course, skip the following if you'd like to try it yourself. Challenge: There are \$...
Legato's user avatar
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Calculating the ranks of classmates' exam grades

The questions from hackerearth: Geeko is in worry now because an exam is coming up and he has to know what rank he can get on exams. So he goes back into the the school records and finds the ...
eshan's user avatar
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HackerRank Algorithm Challenge 1: Insertion sort

This is my solution for HackerRank's first "Algorithm Challenge, Insertion Sort Part 1". The challenge is to sort the array from least to greatest, the input being an array in sorted order, except for ...
Juuhhhstin's user avatar
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Project Euler # 62 Cubic permutations in Python

The cube, 41063625 (\$345^3\$), can be permuted to produce two other cubes: 56623104 (\$384^3\$) and 66430125 (\$405^3\$). In fact, 41063625 is the smallest cube which has exactly three permutations ...
user avatar
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Find amounts that cannot be composed using the given coins

I need to make a program that receives a set of currencies and tests which values between 1 and 10,000 units can not be produced with these currencies. The program must have 2 input data: The ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Dijkstra finding shortest path satisfying given constraints

The question is originated from Hackerrank. Suppose there are 1 to N stores in a city which are connected by bidirectional roads associated with traveling ...
Logan's user avatar
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