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dc.js and crossfilter app to display multiple charts

Consider the following crossfilter / dc.js app (screenshot): ...
JasonAizkalns's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

D3 Updating stacked bar chart

In my data there can be different number of bars in each chart. Here is a picture: When pressing the button labeled change bars layout the view of the charts toggles between horizontal and vertical ...
user4602966's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Showing two d3.js charts on the same page

I created two graphs in d3js: a bar chart and a donut chart. These two graphs use the same json object for data and share an input range and the radio button. This is the code: ...
Katherine Maurus's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

D3js: transition from stacked bar chart to bar chart with different datasets

Could I get some advice on the following D3 code that transitions a stacked bar chart into a bar chart with two different datasets? I would like to know how to write cleaner and more efficient code. ...
jhjanicki's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

D3 stacked bar chart with linear x axis

In all the examples I've come across so far, (like this, this or this) I see stacked charts in d3 have an ordinal scale. I presume this is because stacked charts are considered an extension of bar ...
mrbrahman's user avatar
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3 votes
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Simple D3 code for drawing area charts

I am quite new to D3 and JavaScript in general, so I'm sure there is a way to write the following in a lot less code: ...
Oli's user avatar
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5 votes
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Visualize data on interactive map + plot via d3.js

I created an interactive web map with d3. I am fairly new to web programming and am interested what you think about the code. The map is based on unemployment rates for each NUTS-2 region in europe. I ...
obrob's user avatar
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