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write a wrapper for cosmos db calls to use the results as objects in python (technically an ORM)

As part of a larger program, I'm trying to find the cleanest way to architecture my program to query a cosmos db and use its return values (dict objects) as easy to manipulate and maintain objects in ...
Maxime's user avatar
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2 votes
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Providing different __table_args__ to SQLAlchemy mapped class depending on backend DBMS

I need to set different __table_args__ for the mapped class depending on the backend DBMS, e.g. mssql and ...
user229443's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Password field based on peewee ORM framework

I implemented a password field based on the peewee framework to handle passwords of accounts in web applications for Python 3.4. My goals were Secure hashing. No plain password leakage. Easy ...
Richard Neumann's user avatar
5 votes
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Implementing an enum field for peewee.Model

I implemented an enum field class EnumField inheriting from peewee.CharField. The reason that I use a character-based field is ...
Richard Neumann's user avatar
3 votes
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Implementing a JSON-serializable ORM model

I implemented a library which, amongst other things, implements a JSON-serializable ORM model based on the peewee framework. Here's the relevant excerpt: ...
Richard Neumann's user avatar