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Questions tagged [number-systems]

Questions about representing numbers in alternative representations, such as hexadecimal or Mayan

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4 votes
4 answers

Convert the number formats (Decimal - Hexadecimal - Octal) to Decimal

Problem statement: Write a program called multi_input.cpp that prompts the user to enter several integers in any combination of octal, decimal, or hexadecimal, ...
9 votes
1 answer

Convert integer to Roman numeral string

This is my 1st time developing PHP code and I am only 13 years old. I have experience in other programming languages like lua, python, and c++. This is a simple Number to Roman Numeral code I made for ...
4 votes
2 answers

Printing a number in binary in C

I wrote a short function whose purpose is simple: Print the binary representation of number to the console. I also aim to be as portable as possible, hence my use of ...
3 votes
2 answers

Time and space complexity of base conversion code

I have an algorithm that performs the base conversion. The input is a string and two ints b1 and b2. The string represents an ...
2 votes
1 answer

Increment a binary number represented as a string

I'm an amateur at assembly, but am trying to get better at it. For fun, I decided to write code that takes in a char array and increments the number represented in binary. Here are a few input-output ...
8 votes
2 answers

Encode and decode string as base-32 number

I wrote a program that can take any English text and transform it into an integer and vice versa. My method I use two dictionaries to map between letters and numbers. I chose base 32 because it is a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Decibinary for xth number (Python code)

I created the code for the problem description below. It works for \$N\le10^6\$ but after that it gives a time out error. What I don't understand is how to optimize the code using dynamic programming. ...
14 votes
1 answer

Implement numbering scheme like A,B,C... AA,AB,... AAA..., similar to converting a number to radix26

I want to implement numbering scheme like Microsoft Word uses for numbering. first one gets = A,next is B, next is C, .... then AA, then AB,....and so on. as shown below ...
2 votes
2 answers

JavaScript -- Convert decimal to another base

The Source code is maintained on GitHub and may be cloned via the following commands. A Live demo is hosted online, thanks to GitHub Pages. ...
0 votes
3 answers

Convert from decimal to binary and octal

I wrote a program that implements an algorithm that converts from decimal to binary and octal Please criticize my implementation. What else can I do to improve? ...
5 votes
1 answer

Simple Pretty-Bytes Size (SI System)

This is a simple and short "Pretty Bytes" javascript function using the SI Decimal System for quantifying bytes. The code does not use complex maths such as ...
3 votes
1 answer

Python 3 number convertor that converts floats between decimal and bases 2-36

This is a Python 3 script that converts any real number (ints and floats) from decimal notation to any positional number system ...
4 votes
4 answers

Convert Integer to Binary String

This code takes a user input number which is a positive integer, and outputs a string representation of the number in binary. For example, input 2 outputs ...
1 vote
1 answer

Converting decimal to binary in Assembly

The longest example program in my PicoBlaze Simulator in JavaScript is this decimal-to-binary converter: ...
0 votes
3 answers

Fractional binary number to decimal number

Write and test your own double abc (char * b) function in the program, taking in the form of a string the fractional binary number of the form "1101.101" ...
0 votes
3 answers

Converting whole numbers to binary in C/C++

5 votes
2 answers

Represent integer as binary in C

To practice my C, I've written a small function in C to display an integer as an 8-bit binary number. Please let me know how to improve this function, and other C-style coding conventions. Thanks! <...
5 votes
4 answers

C++ basic bank money class

I am trying to create a basic money class that fits into a small console banking application I am making. Money.h ...
0 votes
1 answer

2 ConvertToBase3 methods with great disparity of execution time

I have two methods to do the same thing: convert a number to ternary. ...
4 votes
1 answer

Number system converter GUI

This program converts from number system A to number system B as soon as you input something in it, as a rookie it took a lot of thinking to make it work a seamless and fool-proof way. It converts ...
10 votes
3 answers

Convert Persian and Arabic digits to English

I use the following utility method to convert Persian and Arabic digits to English using regex: ...
4 votes
0 answers

Binary to hex in ARM64 SIMD assembly

As an exercise in learning ARM64 assembly (aka AArch64), I wrote this function to convert 64-bit binary to hexadecimal with SIMD instructions. I'm most interested in feedback on the algorithm, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Early Stages of floating point class template in C++

I'm currently designing a class template to represent scientific notation or a floating-point number system. There are currently 4 distinct types: BIN, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Indian Numbering System - converting into the Official and Common-Use Numbering Systems Words/Strings

I have developed the following short JavaScript function to convert numbers to the Indian Numbering System formats; both the Official Numbering System and the Common-Use System (i.e. using the Lakh-...
9 votes
4 answers

Simple Number to Words using a Single Loop String Triplets in JavaScript

I have extensively reviewed 2 old articles on the subject: and
3 votes
0 answers

Large Number Scales Names Generator

This JavaScript code generates the full name of the numeral scales for large numbers under the "Short Scale Numeral System" using the Conway-Guy system for forming number prefixes. Some very ...
3 votes
1 answer

Implementing my own Integer.toBinaryString(int n) method

Our senior developer gave us (trainees/jr. developers) a small exercise and that is to make our own Integer.toBinaryString(int n) implementation. This is the answer ...
4 votes
2 answers

Program to convert number from any base to decimal

I have made a script to convert number from any base to decimal. I am trying to optimize the code because I think it is bloated and can be improved but if I change anything it affects error handling ...
7 votes
2 answers

Convert Exponential (e-Notation) Numbers to Decimals

I have the following short function code that converts Exponential (e-Notation) Numbers to Decimals, allowing the output of large number of decimal places. I needed to cover all the e-notation ...
2 votes
1 answer

Python binary to decimal converter (without using built-ins)

Any ideas how I could improve this? I already know that there is no checking for anything other than a 1, so you can enter a 2 ...
5 votes
1 answer

"Bigint" decimal to two's complement binary list of bytes in Python

I'm toying with the idea of writing a "bigint" library in 6502 assembler that would handle variable-length integers up to 255 bytes long. Since this would be unit tested using pytest, and to help wrap ...
4 votes
1 answer

Converting a binary string to hexadecimal using Rust

Once again, I am reinventing the wheel here to understand the fundamentals of rust. In a previous question I requested feedback on my function that performed a hexadecimal to binary conversion. In ...
7 votes
1 answer

Converting a hexadecimal string to a binary string using Rust pattern matching lookup

I am getting started in Rust, and as a part of my first exercise, I decided to write a small program that converts a hexadecimal string to a binary string using a pattern matched lookup. I would ...
10 votes
3 answers

Karazuba Algorithm with arbitrary bases

I'm working on an implementation of the Karazuba Algorithm. I created a class BN which represents a number in an arbitrary base (and supports elementary operations)...
1 vote
1 answer

Python Decimal to Binary converter (without using bin() or output formatting)

There is no input validation for this, but that aside, I would appreciate it if anyone could help me improve the logic of this script. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Hex string to Base64 in Haskell

This is my take on the first challenge on the cryptopals crypto challenges list. I think that i made it quite simple but i feel like it is possible to optimize it further. Any suggestion? The code: ...
5 votes
4 answers

Java code to convert between hex & binary strings

I have two methods in my code which are using the majority of the CPU time that convert between binary and hex strings and the reverse. I use a static lookup map to convert the individual characters ...
3 votes
1 answer

Interactive command-line binary to decimal converter

Is this the most efficient way to write this piece of code? Is there a better way of handling errors inside of a while/for loop, instead of calling back to the original function? I have tried using <...
4 votes
1 answer

Converting long values in Java to unsigned strings

This one is a research attempt to find out how to convert long values as unsigned long integers to Strings. It is much slower ...
3 votes
1 answer

Convert characters to octal, binary, and integer

I have implemented a sample program that converts vector of characters to its integer representation depending on the bit size specified. I was hoping to get some input on how to simplify the sequence....
2 votes
1 answer

256-bit ASCII Color Encoded Hex Dump in C

I made this hex dump after being dissatisfied with the free hexdumps out there. The biggest dissatisfaction is that the encodings for the char bytes were not color encoded, just like the hexyl hexdump ...
1 vote
2 answers

Convert a number from one base to another

I wrote a function to convert an unsigned integer number given by a string from one base to another. Can you please give me any tips to improve it? ...
6 votes
3 answers

Program that outputs binary values of input

I am looking to simplify my main() function. The nested if statements contain four lines of the same code, and I'm unsure of how to refactor and simplify it. I was attempting to use booleans, which ...
4 votes
1 answer

Python binary calculator

My task was to build a calculator in Python supporting binary addition etc. To begin I define a couple of custom exceptions : ...
0 votes
2 answers

Convert number to X base

As an educational exercise, I would like to make this code more efficient, with fewer lines, without using other standard functions. The goal here is to convert a number to X base and display it, (...
1 vote
1 answer

Simple Binary to Decimal Converter

I just recently began going over number systems again, granted I didn't pay very much attention to it the first time for lack of understanding its importance (I've only been coding for a year and some ...
5 votes
1 answer

Decimal to Binary in Rust

As a beginner in Rust i am trying to practice Rust with some little programs so here is my implementation of Decimal to Binary. ...
8 votes
5 answers

Convert decimal to binary

This program converts a decimal number to a binary number. This is one of my first C programs and I am wondering if I have used the elements of this language properly. Suggestions for improvement are ...
5 votes
1 answer

Base conversion: decode and encode base to integer

I encountered this question as I am preparing for my code interview. I was implementing a base function that can decode and encode any bases from base 2 to base 36. I think my ...
5 votes
3 answers

Hex dump of a list of 16-bit numbers

This is some code which prints a hexdump of a list of 16 bit numbers, at 16 bytes distance for each, after the "print data" comment: ...