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Interview practice: Integer to Roman

Student here. I'm practicing for coding interviews right now. In that context, how would you recommend I improve my code for this practice problem? ...
Travis's user avatar
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Base conversion: decode and encode base to integer

I encountered this question as I am preparing for my code interview. I was implementing a base function that can decode and encode any bases from base 2 to base 36. I think my ...
NinjaG's user avatar
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Decimal number to binary number conversion in JavaScript

I made this decimal to binary conversion as an exercise for myself and because it is obviously often asked during job interviews / tests. Any hints concerning possible improvements welcomed. <...
michael.zech's user avatar
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JavaScript function to convert decimal number to binary

I was recently asked this in an interview for a front-end position and I came up with something like the code below, which seems to work but is clunky. (...
WinchenzoMagnifico's user avatar