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Redact specific elements from JSON (for logging)

We need to implement a simple redaction function to redact (set to undefined) certain JSON elements when logging the JSON. The requirements are: We can't modify the current JSON object, as that ...
lincolnadym's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Updating class method to use data from new weather API endpoint while keeping same return value object structure as with old endpoint

I needed to update a class in Node.js that parses the response from a new weather API endpoint but still preserves the same object structure and key values from having been using the old weather API ...
Aaron Goldsmith's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using JavaScript to interface with REST APIs

The website TryHackMe came up with a challenge that involves using HTTP requests to interface with REST APIs (here, task #14/day 9). The challenge basically involves querying a basic REST API to ...
Aleksey's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Updating large and heavily nested JSON properties based on existing properties using nested forEach loops

The structure of the JSON is as such: Each parent record can have many DataGroups and each DataGroup can have many ...
Faahmed's user avatar
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Fetch JSON from several URLs

The exercise is Write a JavaScript package that is able to: fetch an array of URLs which contain JSON data return their contents in a promise I have already made a solution to this exercise, but I ...
Zubair97's user avatar
4 votes
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Fetching data from endpoint, retrieving coordinates, then merging into an output

I'm in no way a skilled developer (or even a developer at that!) but I did want to take a go at writing a script that fetched one endpoint's data, extracted some data, sent if off to be geocoded, then ...
markb's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

JSON4 parser in Typescript

Context I may have accidentally gotten a little sidetracked during homeschooling, and wrote a JSON4 parser in Typescript during the down-time. This project started as an idea that I got while ...
Patrick Hollweck's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

AJAX with Vanilla Node.js/JavaScript – POST JSON without a form

I am new to node.js, ajax, and asynchronous code. I’ve pieced together a working way to exchange json between browser and server and am wondering if someone with more experience considers the approach ...
Jim Thompson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Creating a Navbar Menu from JSON data with Lodash

I am trying to create a navbar menu from JSON data. Actually I have achieved it but I am looking for feedback not to call getItems twice? How can I improve my code? ...
nanokozmos's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

JSON to CSS in JavaScript

I'm working on a JSON to CSS converter in NodeJS, which takes a .json file and generates a .css file with its utility classes from it. .json example ...
Snr Naldo's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

“Real world” JSON transformation using Node.js

Background I transformed a non-trivial JSON response that uses arrays into a nested object eliminating some of the original properties inserting a new summary property that is a unique list of ...
Timothy Vogel's user avatar
4 votes
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Node JS | From Excel to Json

Intro -> I have to convert an excel file, which comes usually in this way: to a Json file that must looks like this: ...
Matteo's user avatar
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JSON flattening with object duplication on array property for CSV generation

I am looking for a way to transform JSON data into a flat "csv-like" data object. In some way, I am looking to "sqlirize" a mongodb collection. I have already check some json flat libraries in NPM ...
Alfredo's user avatar
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1 answer

jenkins deployment making the build very slow

I am new to Jenkins. I am doing a build through Jenkins, but the build is very slow. Is there any way I can speed it up? ...
zi zi's user avatar
  • 49
3 votes
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Updating entries in a JSON file

I have the following Data.json file and I would like to update some of the values. ...
Dave Murphy's user avatar
3 votes
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Testing whether pages can be fetched from two ports

I have an endpoint in my API which does a port test on 4455 and 4456 once a client GET's it. This is accomplished by requesting two web pages. The result will respond to the client with a JSON object: ...
Harvey's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Avoid existSync function on Node.js - Express API controller

I have many json files that I want to serve through an API. The json files look something like this: ...
MauricioRobayo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Create a hierarchical tree for a JSON response

There are approx 43.000 documents (unique nodes). Building a tree structure which has 4 levels. example of 4 different levels: 13000000 - segment 13010000 - main group 13010100 - group 13010101 - ...
Isak La Fleur's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Return a Promise for a JSON POST

Given this method, we don't know which syntax is the more appropriate. ...
BlackHoleGalaxy's user avatar
2 votes
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Cache for slow API

I work with an API which answers really slowly. I created a module which constantly asks the API and update some cached value. The code is degraded for study purposes: ...
kharandziuk's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

An interesting use of the reduce function to convert tab-delimited data into JSON

I am learning functional programming in JavaScript. This is some code from a video tutorial by funfunfunction. I am particularly concerned about the way the existence of the customer key is checked in ...
antonky's user avatar
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Extracting data for a tag cloud using Lazy.js

I've just started using Lazy.js, which is my first exposure to a "functional style" javascript library. I'm still utterly lost as to which of the hundred different functional javascript libraries to ...
Toadfish's user avatar
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4 votes
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Convert XML files to JSON and move them

What the code does (tested basic, no errors, usecase): Reads all XML files (ending in .yin) from a directory. converts each to JSON store it in another directory, ...
user3213604's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Saving and loading parts of configuration

I have a piece of code where I have string pairs (eg. 'a' and 'AA'), where both have their own unique ids. Id for first object is configured by user and second id is received at some point during ...
warbaque's user avatar
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Optimizing D3 Stream Graph Code

I have two javascript functions that generate a D3 Stream graph. I feel I may be excessively and unnecessarily iterating over my dataset to get it into the desired form. How might I optimize or ...
Colin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Generate URLs from a complex JSON object using recursion

My task is here as follows : Input : A complex/nested JSON object with nested arrays as well objects Output : A JSON object that contains a set of URLs with their titles: ( key,value ) ...
user44757's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Command line utility to output modified Markdown

What this command line utility does is to take a text file and update the content a bit before turning it into Markdown. For example, the first for loop searches all the straight quotes and replace ...
wyc's user avatar
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2 votes
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Node.js API route for POSTing a resource. Getting rid of callback pyramid

I'm writing an API for simple GET and POST routes. The app is a shared to-do-list. Users and lists are stored separately. A list can belong to many users, and a user can have many lists. ...
Victor Sand's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Node.js JSON searching & updating

I'm working on a web-based on/off controller for multiple switches. I'm looking for a good way to manage the current state of a switch and updating the current state on change. So far I've got a <...
rwxes's user avatar
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2 answers

Populating an unordered list from values in a JSON file

I have this view that populates an unordered list from values in a JSON file, which I am doing in Node. Is there a better way to do this, or a more 'node-like' way? Can I load the JSON file without ...
Antarr Byrd's user avatar