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Questions tagged [memory-optimization]

Memory Optimization is a subset of Optimization: it is the goal of reducing the memory consumption (the amount of memory used during compile or run time) of your program or of a specific algorithm

25 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Solar System simulation with real values in pygame

Inspired by TechWithTim, I built up the solar system including Pluto. I have added a camera feature, zoom feature and displaying information about the selected planet. Zoom in and out using arrow keys,...
RandomCoder59's user avatar
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Reduce size of minesweeper program to fit in qr code

I saw a guy who fit snake in a qr code and I wanted to do the same thing but with minesweeper. The maximum amount of data a qr code can hold is 3kb. My c program, without any compiler magic, takes up ...
TryingMyBest's user avatar
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Kadane's algorithms to leetcode "121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock"

I employed the conventional Kadane's algorithms to solve a maximum subarray problem in leetcode Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - LeetCode Description Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock ...
Alice's user avatar
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Two solutions to leetcode 127.wordLadder

I am working on Word Ladder - LeetCode Given two words (beginWord and endWord), and a dictionary's word list, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from beginWord to endWord, such ...
Alice's user avatar
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Cleaning up memory after loading Access DB into a datagrid

I wrote an app that pulls a MS Access DB into a DataTable and then displays it into a WPF datagrid. The dialog window has a search button which calls on a class ...
Phexyaa's user avatar
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Memory optimization when finding the Cartesian product in Python

My function gets the Cartesian product of a list of lists of tuples. The function is correctly producing the list of lists, but it's a memory hog (and leads to a MemoryError for large data sets, with ...
jda's user avatar
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screen recording application

I'm developing a screen recording application using java. I've modified code from where all the external jars required for this application are ...
Harry's user avatar
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Memcpy function optimzation

Here is my memcpy algorithm I've been working on: ...
Salmoncatt's user avatar
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Custom allocator for improved cache locality and fast iteration in C++

I am writing a custom allocator for my educational game engine project where I need to iterate through a collection of components(similar to Unity3D) every frame. There are game objects and every game ...
Vignesh Gunasekaran's user avatar
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Batch normalization code optimization?

I am trying to implement Deep Quaternion Networks. I was able to implement the batch normalization technique. But it requires a lot of GPU memory. Is there any way I can optimize the code provided ...
Shreyas Kamath's user avatar
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Minimization problem solving and its step limits

I am trying to solve the following minimization problem: $$ \min\lvert\lvert{x}\rvert\rvert_1 + \beta\lvert\lvert{x}\rvert\rvert^2_2 s.t. \sum_{m = 1}^M (y - \lvert{c}^{H} . x\rvert^2)^2 \le \epsilon ...
SuperKogito's user avatar
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Pandas data extraction task taking too much memory. How to optimize for memory usage?

I need to process some data (one of its columns contains a json/dict with params- I need to extract those params to individual columns of their own; catch- some rows have some parameters, others have ...
James Kumar's user avatar
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Populate MongoDB with random documents using a Go channel

I recently created a small app in Go that generates random bson documents and insert them in a database (MongoDB). See this question for details. After doing some profiling, I realised that garbage ...
felix's user avatar
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URLEncoder implementation Round 2

Half an year ago I posted an implementation of a URL encoder for review. I didn't have any time to work on it until recently, but now looking at my old code with new eyes I saw how unreadable the code ...
Svetlin Zarev's user avatar
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LinkedList of Nodes at each level - optimalization

That's already known problem: to return an array of linked lists that contain values of elements at each level. Eg for tree with depth n there should be n linked lists. I wrote the solution: ...
Malvinka's user avatar
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Dynamic heterogeneous container

I want to have dynamic continuous block of memory for different types, that inherit from single base class. I've written structure for that purpose. I know I play with a fire here, but I would like to ...
Šimon Gido's user avatar
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C# class to dump the memory of a process in several formats

I made this because I couldn't find any good C# classes/libraries that allow you to dump the contents of a process' memory into a file or a byte array. I haven't tested this on 32 bit systems but it ...
Cow Nation's user avatar
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Split a string into valid words

I am trying to solve this LeetCode question: Given a non-empty string s and a dictionary wordDict containing a list of non-empty words, add spaces in s to construct a sentence where each word ...
nz_21's user avatar
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Initializing Reinforcement Learning Q-Table State Space-Python

The code below is a "World" class method that initializes a Q-Table for use in the SARSA and Q-Learning algorithms. Without going into too much detail, the world has "Pickups" and "Dropoffs" that can ...
Rezkin's user avatar
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Partial file encryption with AES

Task is to encrypt part of the file using aes encryption algorithm. I did ...
Lolidze's user avatar
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"Partial solution" on Code Eval for Clojure FizzBuzz

I'm just getting started on the site CodeEval, and I submitted my first solution today. What I don't understand is why it's marking my (working) answer as only a "partial solution". The site doesn't ...
RGrun's user avatar
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Optimizing MJPEG stream handling in Service Worker

Background: I'm implementing a small react app in which an MJPEG stream transmitted by HTTPS is displayed. The stream is only accessible if the user is authorized (using Basic Auth). Therefore, I can ...
nimrod42's user avatar
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Sticky notes in a Virtual JDesktop

I made a very practical program consisting of a virtual desktop with a right-click pop-up menu that brings up a button to open a 'stikinote.' These 'stikies' are simply little note-windows where text ...
SteamPlayer's user avatar
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Here is some php code which i think is optimized but still want to optimize it more but not sure how to do it. ...
newtophp's user avatar
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Default food property wording when translation not available

I have food table having number of foods, each food can have specific properties in multiple languages (en, es) like name, description etc. But it is not sure if all of the properties are always ...
Ketan Upase's user avatar