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2 answers

Optimizing a Function to Generate a Row of Consecutive Odd Numbers in a Triangle

I've written a JavaScript function that generates a row of consecutive odd numbers in a triangle. The triangle looks like this: ...
XMehdi01's user avatar
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2 answers

"Frequency Counter Pattern", Can we get other better algorithm having like, O(n) or O(n log n)

Problem Statement : Write a function called matchSquare, which accept two arrays (arr1, arr2) Criteria: The function should return true, if every value in the arr1, has its corresponding values ...
RONE's user avatar
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iterating a big list of objects throws a memory issue

I'm writing a function which iterate through a list of objects and should return: true if all the items have the attributes (cp and type). false if all the items haven't the attributes (cp and type). ...
Slim's user avatar
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2 answers

which for loop has better performance in javascript? [closed]

I can't find out which loop is better performance than another, if you know help me. I try about loops in js and performance in this site and this is code snippet, you can run and check. ...
Mehrdad Kiani Anbohi's user avatar
3 votes
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json2CSV fails because of lack of RAM memory

I run this code on my Heroku Node.js server in order to get CSV for few hundred rows, but it fails with R14 - Memory Quota Exceeded. It worked fine when there were ...
kecman's user avatar
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2 answers

Check whether an array can be the result of merging two smaller arrays, maintaining order

I'm prepping for a tech interview coming up and trying to have a better understanding of what I should look out for in writing code. Also, feel free to correct the terminology that I use as I want to ...
thuynt13's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Count duplicates in a JavaScript array

This is actually a hackerrank interview question I have already solved but I need guidance on how to optimize it for the Time Space Given an array of integers, your task is to count the number of ...
Xameer's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Make To and From date range picker using jQuery UI

I implemented date range picker logic using the jQUery UI datepicker component: ...
Ankit Rana's user avatar
1 vote
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Displaying weather data from an Arduino

Please review my code, for performance and readability. 3 issues I am facing are Uncaught Exception : out of memory (in firefox) randomly Failed to load resource: The request timed out. Even if the ...
Ciasto piekarz's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Tic Tac Toe with Minimax (memory management optimization)

I've made a Tic Tac Toe game with minimax in Javascript. It works but I have to use location.reload(true); to automatically reload the page every time user starts a ...
Clarity's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Object-oriented JavaScript and Google Maps objects memory management

I have to draw various instances of HeatMaps, Winds and Polylines. Each layer will have one <...
nitansh bareja's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Two-dimensional array, modified one field at a time

Title says it all. I'm basically initializing a two-dimensional array and changing the fields one at a time. It might be a good idea to do this OO. A Grid class ...
Mast's user avatar
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