Questions tagged [jwt]

JSON Web Token (JWT, pronounced "jot") is an emerging type of token-based authentication used in space-constrained environments such as HTTP Authorization headers.

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Seeking Feedback on React Authentication System Implementation

I've developed a React authentication system for my application and would like to receive feedback on its correctness and potential improvements. Below is an overview of the key components and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Any possible issues with my approach to Access Management where I'm associating the list of Departments with the User class?

I have a spring boot project with JWT being used for Spring Security. I want to implement Access Management in my project and I'm using this approach. In my project, whenever a user is created, a list ...
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Express Auth - Session middleware to check the user is authenticated

I am building an API with Express and NodeJS. I have made this middleware to check before executing my controller, that the user is logged in. It has taken me quite a while and I would like if another ...
0 votes
1 answer

Code that checks whether there is a holiday by calling another microservice

I call another microservice to check whether there is any holiday on any particular day. This will then add a comment in the db if the rest call doesn't fetch an empty list(a list of size 1). Here is ...
3 votes
0 answers

Building an API for an e-commerce system to allow third party software to import products

I am working on an e-commerce website called Shopless, which is similar to E-bay/Gumtree. Our website integrates with other DMS systems, in order to allow organisations to import products into our ...
2 votes
2 answers

Decrypt incoming HTTP request headers

During each HTTP request incoming from my Angular front-end I send encrypted pair of access & refresh token. On the back-end ASP.NET web APIs are used. The way I decrypt them currently is by ...
3 votes
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JWT implementation in Crystal

I'm trying to learn Crystal. I made this to create a web token for authorization. I keep it updated on GitHub. Here is how I use it: ...
4 votes
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Reactive JWT authentication using Spring webflux

Greeting to all senior devs here. I'm trying to create a project for my small business. There are not many tutorial on how to create Reactive JWT authentication with Spring webflux. So I'm a bit ...
3 votes
1 answer

User registration and login service using JWT

I have created service to communicate with my backend for user registration and login. I use the JS fetch API and send all data through HTTPS. I use JWT tokens to authenticate queries once I have ...
1 vote
1 answer

Making my login function more readable and maintainable

I recently wrote a login function in my express application that does the following: Verifies the user's email and password are correct Generates a JWT Access Token with a short expiry date, and then ...
1 vote
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Signing in with "Remember me" option implemented with Spring and Kotlin

I'm trying to implement authentication with "Remember me" option using Spring and Kotlin. I would really appriciate if someone could help me find potential issues with that implementation as ...
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PHP JWT management base library for inclusion in larger projects

Edit: this is a base library for including in larger projects for the overall management of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that should be compatible with other JWT libraries that share an encryption secret - ...
1 vote
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Secure auth with Node.js, GraphQL, Nexus and passport with JWT's

I am trying to authenticate / authorise users with graphql, nexus, passport, prisma, graphql-shield and fastify for REST with JWT To answer possible questions: I am using passport because it handles ...
5 votes
1 answer

Generating public/private RSA key pair programmatically, using it for JWTs

In my app I'm using JSON Web Tokens for authentication purposes, using the pyjwt library. Instead of using static keys and/or worrying about key distribution, the server generates a public/private key ...
6 votes
1 answer

JWT Authentication Service

Recently I've built a service at my work to generate tokens with JWT (JSON Web Token) "protocol", I would like to show you the code and to get comments from you if that's good enough and if there are ...
2 votes
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ASP.Net Core WebAPI Authorization Policy for User or Admin [closed]

I have a controller that returns data about users. I want to set the authorization such that an admin can access this controller and retrieve data for any user, and a non-admin user can access the ...
2 votes
1 answer

SSO login & authenticate Wordpress users with JWT token

I'm in the midst of exploring SSO with JWT & Wordpress, I'm not too sure if it's a good practice or does this setup/flow have any security vulnerabilities. Currently JWT/SSO method i'm using is ...
4 votes
0 answers

Get current user middleware from JWT using express

I'm using Sequelize and Google oAuth for authentication, I want to create a middleware that Verifies the sent token passed in the headers matches the one the user was initially signed to. Finds the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Expiring JWT tokens in Flask

I've been using flask-jwt-extended for my application and one of the problems I had was logging a session out and making sure the token is not usable anymore. I've ...
3 votes
2 answers

JWT authentication between Django and ReactJS

I am currently using Django (2.1) to build an API, and I have added djangorestframework-jwt to manage JWT. Here is the configuration: ...
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1 answer

Create annotation to validate JWT in Spring controller instead of filter

I developed a Spring RESTful service that uses a JWT for authorization. To the validity of this JWT, i used two different implementations. Create a filter to intercept every request and validate ...
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Implementing secure API for use between other internal apps

My team and I are trying to implement a secure API and would appreciate some feedback on the following: If there are areas of improvement in the current code to improve security Recommendations on ...
1 vote
2 answers

JWT Authentication for REST API

Here is my code to implement authentication in a Node/Express/Sequelize project. This is my first time using JWT and I would appreciate any help! ...
10 votes
1 answer

Spring JWT authentication using cookies

I'm working on a experimental code which allows users to authorize using JWT's jjwt library. Here's what I have done so far on authentication and authorization flow....
2 votes
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Json Web Token-like implementation in Rust

I am new to Rust. I am making this to help me learn better. This code has two functions: ::make() and ::get_payload(). ...
1 vote
1 answer

Storing JWT in client side and putting tokens in all the future request

I have started using NodeJS with Express JS and PassportJS and JWT for User Authentication. I am able to authenticate the user and generate JWT Token. I am using Bootstrap for my front-end. By using ...
1 vote
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Generic JWT Handler

I'm developing a Go REST service that uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication. I've written a JWTHandler which validates the token using a Validation Handler. If validation succeeds, the ...
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Simple login using ReactJS

I have successfully implemented a simple login page using ReactJS by coding it all in JavaScript (a flexibility that I like) but I am still a beginner in React and would like to know whether this is ...
1 vote
2 answers

Logging in with multiple types of info

I'm trying to let users log in with multiple columns (e.g. ID, email, phone). If one fails, it checks the next column. I would like to minimise my if and ...
7 votes
1 answer

OAuth2 Implementation

I am trying to implement an OAuth2 service. I am not planning to use it anytime soon (like will write unit tests). This is my fun project I do to practice. I have used the python_jwt library to create ...
3 votes
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JWT - Simple API example

I have created this fake API just because I want to learn how to use JWT. It is a simple unsigned token exchange with two methods call: login and adminPassword. I've used
2 votes
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JWT with Firebase php-jwt

So my web app requires JWT authentication and I decided to make a mockup wrapper class for php-jwt before implementing it into my web app: ...
14 votes
1 answer

Web API 2 authentication with JWT

Please review my code for bearer token (JWT) authentication of Web API 2 (Self Hosted using OWIN) Are there any security issues in the implementation? Quick overview: Token creation and validation ...
3 votes
0 answers

Web API 2 - JWT with X509 certificate

I got my JWT generation working with X509 and wanted to ask if you would recommend any changes in respect to: Signing certificate storing / handling. Publishing for anonymous access public key ...
9 votes
1 answer

Authentication with JWT

Please review my code for 'JWT' authentication. Are there any security issues? Where should I store the secret's key, DB or InMemory? What's a good 'JWT' Lifetime? Should I send the 'JWT' in Header ...