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A simple recipe page in HTML, SASS and JS

I've been learning how to design responsive webpages. I got done the basics and can create code that closely resembles the design, but I was wondering what are the best practices in web development ...
smanna's user avatar
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Website using HTML/CSS/SASS/Bootstrap/JQuery

I'm learning Sass and responsive websites, I've made this simple portfolio website with the help of a bootstrap template (freelancer) and I'd like to know if I'm doing SASS correctly and ways to ...
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jQuery Mobile Menu plugin

I would like some opinions on this Mobile Menu plugin I wrote for work. We develop custom WordPress themes, nothing too advanced or anything. I would like if anyone could just take a look and provide ...
bebaps's user avatar
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3 answers

Toggle menu under specified screen width

I've created a simple toggle menu in jQuery, which is capable of specifying a breakpoint, but I'm afraid my code is too complicated. How can I make it simpler? I also have a question about ...
kr099's user avatar
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3 answers

Animated SVG pie chart with custom properties

I've made a small js/css/html module which purpose is to fill a pie chart up to a given percentage. Basically it could be used for instance as a filling pie chart that keep tracks of the amount of ...
Antonin Cezard's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Start of a responsive website for a legal firm

Please have a look at the HTML/CSS/JS (there is very little JS at the moment) and give me some feedback as to how my code looks to you, what level of skills it looks like I have and how I can improve. ...
Paula Hightower's user avatar
8 votes
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Google material ripple button effect

I have "translated" this example built with jQuery in vanilla JavaScript, but I'd like to know if there are better ways to do it. The jQuery version uses offset() ...
AlexDom's user avatar
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