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Questions tagged [interview-questions]

This tag is for questions that came up in an interview.

29 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Implement a micro service in Rust

Last year I tried to implement a micro service architecture in Rust. It was asked as a homework question in an employment interview process to be completed in a few days. The imagined use case was a ...
Simson's user avatar
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Async FIFO processing of database writes - naive implementation in .Net 6

One of the companies I was recently interviewing with gave me a following task to implement in a day or two using .Net, just to see where my coding abilities are at: Implement a Web API that gets ...
mi105's user avatar
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ANDROID - Receive and manage markers in Google Maps

Recently, I've received negative feedback of interview's test. They say that they need somebody with higher technical level, the quality of the task was not good enough. I upload it here, to request ...
Dani Nuñez's user avatar
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Interview: Appointment reservations

I have received this question during an interview I did earlier, but I found that my solution might not be correct. And I would like to know whatever there is a better way to solve this. Question: ...
samxiao's user avatar
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Find redundant braces in an input string

I am solving interview questions from here. Problem : Write a program to validate if the input string has redundant braces Return 0/1 : ...
Latika Agarwal's user avatar
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Robot on a Grid: Find a path between two corners with forbidden cells on the road

Problem statement The problem is defined in the book as following: 8.2 Robot in a Grid Imagine a robot sitting on the upper left corner of grid with r rows and <...
Igor Soloydenko's user avatar
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Coding style of solution of the "Regular Expression Matching" problem on LeetCode

"Regular Expression Matching" is a hard problem on LeetCode (problem #10): Given an input string s and a pattern p, implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*' where: ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
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Cron expression parser

Problem Write a command line application or script which parses a cron string and expands each field to show the times at which it will run. ~$ your-program "*/15 0 1,15 * 1-5 /usr/bin/find"...
CodeYogi's user avatar
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Rainfall challenge: procedural implementation

This evening I have seen the text of the Rainfall Challenge posted seven years ago by Hunter McMillen. I did not look at his solution (besides, I have no clue about perl), but I was intrigued by the ...
Luca Argenti's user avatar
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Find room required for lectures

I have implemented a code to resolve following interview question. Please advice how it can be improved folks. Thanks in advance. Given an array of time intervals (start, end) for classroom lectures (...
Erdenebat Ulziisaikhan's user avatar
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Find the largest contiguous sum of two or more integers in an array of positive or negative integers?

I received an interview question: Find the largest contiguous sum of two or more integers in an array of positive or negative integers. I wrote a brute force solution, which is slow at O(n^2). Is ...
drspaceman0's user avatar
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Create array given number of larger elements to right of each member

I want to improve on my original solution to this problem, my solution is O(n^2) and I think it's possible to solve in less time You have two arrays: A and B. A contains ints and B has pairs: (...
Maor Rocky's user avatar
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LeetCode: Number of enclaves C# Given a 2D array A, each cell is 0 (representing sea) or 1 (representing land) A move consists of walking from one land square 4-directionally to ...
Gilad's user avatar
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Event management system in C++

I have this question asked as home assignment for an interview. I submitted my solution and did not get selected. Wanted to know your feedback for the solution. Question: Write a very simple ...
ksh's user avatar
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KMP algorithm in scala

I implemented KMP pattern matching algorithm in Scala. My code works but it looks more imperative and a scala translation of C/C++ implementation. I am not able to figure out how to manage multiple ...
vikrant's user avatar
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Implementing key map with expire and size limit

Recently I have been asked to implement a key map with expire time for each key and possibility to limit the number of keys, in Python. I've used a dictionary + heap to store the entries, e.g.: ...
Eugene Yarmash's user avatar
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Three sum using binary search

Given an array and a value, find all the triplets in the array whose sum is equal to the given value. For example, if the given array is {12, 3, 4, 1, 6, 9} and the ...
Exploring's user avatar
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Leetcode 10: Regular Expression Matching

Problem statement Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'. '.' Matches any single character. '*' Matches zero or more of the preceding element. The matching ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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Learn trie through Leetcode 212

Problem statement: Given a 2D board and a list of words from the dictionary, find all words in the board. Each word must be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cell, where "...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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Time Schedule Intersection version 2

Time schedule intersection in my original question I gave an answer which has \$O(n^2)\$ complexity. Here is the new version of the same problem. I'm trying to get to O(N+K). please review the code ...
Gilad's user avatar
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JavaScript Node/React web developer interview code part 2 RESTful API

I recently applied for a job as a Node/React developer. I'm attempting to cross over from a research position to web development. I didn't get the job but all the feedback I got was that my code was ...
user1170304's user avatar
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Javascript node/react web developer interview code

I recently applied for a job as a node/react developer. I'm attempting to cross over from a research position to web development. I didn't get the job but all the feedback I got was that my code was ...
user1170304's user avatar
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Improving time efficiency of finding maximum area rectangles in a histogram

Here's my solution but I am looking for ways to improve the time complexity of solution. Also this question is categorized as being solved by stack so I would like to know how to approach it using ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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Find the number of carry operations needed to add two numbers digit by digit

I don't know if my test cases at the bottom cover every case, or if my mathematical logic in the reducer function is exactly right (referring to the math that starts with ...
Ganymede's user avatar
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Wildcard Matching with DFS and FSM

I'm trying to solve Wildcard Matching on Leetcode. I found a great solution using the Finite-state machine. The author builds an FSM and searches with BFS. I rewrite the solution with the same idea (...
huangbiubiu's user avatar
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Tic-tac-toe vanilla js

I'm trying to improve my interview skills so I wrote one of the typical assignments - tic-tac-toe game. The main goals are: time limit: 30 minutes - 1h use only vanilla js I'll attach source but I ...
makbol's user avatar
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Automating A Workflow Using Selenium - Best Way To Fetch Elements & Make Code More Generic

I'm a newbie to Selenium and I'm trying to get better at it by taking up interview assignments. This YouTube link describes the workflow that needs to be automated. The following points are worth ...
Dhiwakar Ravikumar's user avatar
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Symfony controller to register and activate users

I've been in an interview some time ago. They objected my Symfony API code with following line: Too much code in controller actions. Can be moved to services to keep the business logic apart ...
EresDev's user avatar
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Find the shortest path between two points in a 2D matrix with obstacles

I need to find shortest path between two points in a grid given an obstacles.. Given a 2 dimensional matrix where some of the elements are filled with 1 and rest of the elements are filled. Here ...
user5447339's user avatar