Questions tagged [installer]

An installer is a computer program responsible for installing other computer programs (aka software) on a system.

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2 votes
1 answer

Batch bash installer script for clean Ubuntu GNOME installation

I just finished (I think) writing a bash script to install all my essential software to Ubuntu GNOME. I'll be making more for different distributions but once I have one to go off of, I can do the ...
7 votes
1 answer

Automated owncloud installation script

Here is a shell script which installs and configure owncloud on a Debian server. It also installs apache2 and MySQL as dependencies and fail2ban with a specific rule for owncloud. Apache2 is also ...
3 votes
1 answer

Install Ruby using rbenv in a bash script

I want to write an automated bash script for installing Ruby and Rails using rbenv, but I am getting session reload issues in the terminal. ...
5 votes
2 answers

Install, configure, and maintain content for Ubuntu webserver

I made a script for my Ubuntu server(s) running on Google Cloud Platform. The idea behind it is I can create a new instance and paste this script in Google Cloud so it runs it on the new instance and ...
4 votes
1 answer

Automatic creation of python conda packages

I packaged a pure python library using conda. It is tested to work with 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6 and should work on all three mayor operating systems. I am quite surprised, that there is no command or ...
4 votes
2 answers

Bash script which downloads the latest linux stable kernel

I made this script when I started downloading the latest stable linux kernel's source from to compile it myself, now I have improved it a bit and decided to create a public repo ...
1 vote
1 answer

Bash script that creates a local environment for CHICKEN scheme (like virtualenv for Python)

Usage To create a localenv called sicp, do $ localenv sicp Activate the localenv: $ . sicp/bin/activate Check installed eggs in ...
8 votes
1 answer

LXC Bootstrap - A wrapper script around lxc utility scripts to create and set up an LXC container based on settings

So some background here. I recently discovered the ease of LXC containers on Ubuntu. I've been building some 'test' containers locally for testing things I develop on Ubuntu, but the evil thing is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Dynamic software update system using PHP

I have this code I have made to check after new release, when there is a new one it ask you for install it, and then installs it if you accept. The file is a zip file with the new folders and files ...
10 votes
1 answer

Simple Linux upgrade script in Bash

As I will be deploying this script on multiple machines with the very same system Linux Mint 18 with rather same configuration, I would like to be semi-sure I won't screw things up much. This little ...
2 votes
1 answer

Downloading and updating deploymentshare applications

I'm an absolute newb when it comes to PowerShell, and this is pretty much my first real script. I'd now like to know ways to improve it and if possible to shorten the code even further. I use it ...
0 votes
1 answer

External updater

I've created little block of code that should update a external program, but I've checked it through and have not seen possible error or warnings. There are no errors in my testing but I wan't to ...
4 votes
2 answers

MacPorts - Quick Install Script

I wrote this script to automatically install the relevant version of MacPorts. It's supposed to be used in a fashion similar to the official installer for HomeBrew. FYI: The real reason that I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Bash script to determine a distro, update, upgrade and install the apps I use

This is my first bash script. I am trying to learn scripting and needed an idea. This is the first idea I came up with. When I used to distro hop I had to reinstall everything. This helped me out once ...
6 votes
2 answers

An installer for shell scripts, written in pure sh

I wrote a tiny shell script that basically installs a script into your system by copying it to someplace like /usr/local/bin, chmodding it, and adding it to your ...
1 vote
1 answer

Destroy script for provisioning

Script intended to remove Vault & Consul setup before run re-provision them on server. This is my first Ruby script, so will be perfect to see my mistakes here. ...
9 votes
1 answer

Powershell Windows Service Deployment

Based on this with a couple of changes. Any issues you can point out would be great. param([string]$targetServer, [string]$user, [string]$pass) ...
1 vote
1 answer

Sh script to reduce version number in opkg status file

I have written a script to reduce/lower the version number stored in opkg status file using small shell script, This will enable us to force the opkg to install same version of a Debian package again. ...
10 votes
1 answer

Automating a WordPress install

I do not have a whole lot to do over winter break, so I wrote this little script to automate a Wordpress install (currently can only install once instance) on a fresh Debian server (tested, working ...
3 votes
1 answer

Listing an optional Python dependency in

I have a small project that requires a third-party module that's rarely updated (once every other year or so) and not maintained by any package management system. The context, here, is cognitive ...
4 votes
1 answer

Package management system

A short time ago, I discovered the LinuxFromScratch project. After getting a system up and working (after much struggling), I realized that if I wanted to continue using LFS, some sort of package ...
4 votes
3 answers

Bash script that checks if font is installed and installs it if necessary

This checks if a font is installed by using fc-list and grep. If the particular font is not installed, it offers to install it ...
6 votes
1 answer

Building/installing bash script

I'm writing a bash script that has these goals: to build a node program from sources to install the built program on Ubuntu Linux to allow the user to rebuilt from most recent sources to add a small ...
2 votes
1 answer

Ruby install script; packages+installs as a .deb or .rpm from source

Is this bad practice? Also, how can it be improved? ...
4 votes
2 answers

Installing and removing kernel module RPMs

First, the script checks to see if it is installing two kernel module packages or removing them by looking at the first parameter. If no parameter is provided it complains and exits. If installing, ...
11 votes
3 answers

Installing "mods" with Python

A little disclaimer: you're going to have a field day with this. It's horrible. Looking at it makes me want to vomit, and don't ask me to explain it, because I've long forgotten what I was thinking ...
3 votes
1 answer

Installation script for Mac OS tool

I have a bash script I'm trying to distribute to people in my class. The script requires some dependencies to operate, namely wkhtmltopdf and ...