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Questions tagged [haml]

HAML is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document without the use of inline code.

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Ruby on rails instance loops

I am trying to use a custom sql query to display different attributes for a product i.e. Size and Price. The query I have when running in console displays as it should ...
Boss Nass's user avatar
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2 votes
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View for displaying nounal and verbal pages

I've got this code in my View that just list two type of links. Here's an example output: Nounal Pages cleaners/house-cleaners Verbal Pages cleaning/house-cleaning Here's the view code. How ...
inigo's user avatar
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4 votes
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Ruby on Rails text editor

I'm currently building a text editor using contenteditable and RoR back end. As the editor is WYSIWYG and trying to follow DRY, I used only one file to 3 actions: Show, Edit and New. Edit and new ...
Alexandre Wiechers Vaz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Render dynamically vertical tabs and set classes depends on if statement

I would like to refactor code below and get rid of if statements for classes from view. ...
tomekfranek's user avatar
1 vote
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Complex dashboard using presenters and/or service objects

TL;DR I need a way to refactor a complex user dashboard with several objects and some complex data to display a accounting chart. I have read about both presenters (also called decorators or view ...
jokklan's user avatar
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5 votes
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Python parser for attributes in a HAML template

I'm working on a feature for the HamlPy (Haml for Django) project: About Haml For those who don't know, Haml is an indentation-based markup language which compiles to HTML: ...
waitinforatrain's user avatar