Questions tagged [flex]

Apache Flex is a framework for developing Rich Internet Applications that run in Flash Player or Adobe Air.

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5 votes
2 answers

Mathematical expression evaluator (C++) Using Flex and Yacc Attempt2

Attempt 2: First Try here. Usage: ./expression Then you can either type expressions that are evaluated when you hit ...
10 votes
1 answer

Mathematical expression evaluator (C++) Using Flex and Yacc

Based on this question, I thought I should show how to implement an expression evaluator using Flex and Bison. Updated: Here Currently it does not handle releasing the expressions (I only spent an ...
1 vote
1 answer

Lex code to convert C for and do while loops into while loops [closed]

This is my lex code to convert possibly nested for and do while loops into while loops. (Other control flows like if or switch ...
4 votes
2 answers

Zig-zag child element with Flexbox and JavaScript

Recently I found a question on StackOverflow that seemed very interesting: How to make HTML elements "zig zag" this way: ...
9 votes
1 answer

Date range validation

The following code is ran when the user presses a button to generate a log file based on the date selected. The DatePicker has a restrictive selected date range of ...
4 votes
1 answer

Getting better speed from adjusting rows in a DockableToolBar

I've been using FlexLib for its dockable toolbar feature. When you shrink the window, it will try to wrap rows if the stage width is less than the row width. Unfortunately, it won't reverse the ...