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8 votes
1 answer

Private methods and properties in jQuery "lightweight start" pattern

For non-plugin code, I generally use the module pattern, but I'm working on a jQuery plugin and decided to try out the "lightweight start" pattern. The problem is, I find myself needing ...
jbarreiros's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Leanmodel plugin

I have recently adapted the popular leanmodal plugin (with permission). Being "intermediate" with JS (need to learn more), I was wondering if anyone would like to review my code for efficiency. ...
Richard Peck's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Implementing plugins in my Ruby social aggregator app

Some time ago I started with a small Ruby project. I call it social_aggregator. This software aggregates information from different networks to one xml-stream, ...
Robin's user avatar
  • 137
5 votes
1 answer

Tooltip plugin for portfolio website

I am writing my own tooltip plugin for my portfolio website that I am currently working on. It works rather well, however, I feel that there is a lot I could improve. This is one of my bigger jQuery ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Replace radio/checkbox plugin

I've just created my first plugin, but I think I've written too much bloated code. Could you point me to the right direction? ...
John McGuinnes's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

jQuery plugin to ajaxify forms

This is my first foray into the wild world of jQuery plugin development. The plugin "ajaxifies" forms, which isn't particularly spectacular: It gets the basics (action, method) from the form itself, ...
yannis's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Wordpress filter post by metavalue

I am making a filter to get posts by status that are saved by post metavalue in a Wordpress plugin. It is a question and answer system, where the question and answer are post objects. ...
Munch Lax's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
1 answer

jQuery plugin best practice

This is a plugin I wrote a while ago and I'm trying to improve it. Is this the best practice for jQuery plugins? Should I use options for flexibility? The initial aim was to replicate the syntax for <...
Craig's user avatar
  • 177
5 votes
2 answers

My first jQuery plugin - blurStuff()

I've played with jQuery for some time now but have never written my own plugin. A question was asked: "can I blur an image using jQuery?" and I thought this to be a decent candidate to play with. ...
gvee's user avatar
  • 151
6 votes
1 answer

jQuery plugin that helps create a responsive Menu

I've just launched my first project on GitHub. It's a jQuery plugin that helps create a responsive menu. It deals with interactivity (essentially using toggle and some classes), and leaves all the ...
Diego de Oliveira's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

jQuery Color Picker Sliders plugin

I want to access some of the methods from outside of the plugins scope, namely showPopup(), hidePopup() and ...
styu's user avatar
  • 63
4 votes
1 answer

jQuery carousel plugin

I have recently written my first jQuery plugin. It is a responsive jQuery carousel plugin. It seems to be functioning well apart from on window re-size. Sometimes if the window is re-sized too fast I ...
tommyf's user avatar
  • 173
3 votes
1 answer

Display Twitter timelines and lists on a website

I've built a Twitter plugin recently and was wondering if I could get some feedback on it. There is also a PHP side that grabs the actual tweets and I can post that code if it's needed. http://...
Shan Robertson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Plugin for pulling Tweets

I've been working on a jQuery plugin for pulling tweets since the v1 endpoints were all closed off and you need oAuth now. This is just the jQuery part but if you want to see the php behind it I'll be ...
Shan Robertson's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

First jQuery Plugin - SmoothSlider

I've been working with jQuery, mostly consuming plugins and using bits and pieces here and there for other functionality. Anyways, I wrote some standalone functionality in jQuery for a project and ...
emgee's user avatar
  • 193
3 votes
1 answer

Custom event to match CSS :target pseudo-class

The following code makes jQuery trigger a new target event on elements when they become the target of the fragment identifier. For a very basic example, the ...
Barney's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes
1 answer

Allowing developers to quickly create image hover effects

I've created a simple jQuery plugin to allow developers to quickly create image hover effects with very simple markup. I also created an option to automatically create the mouseover or mouseout ...
Concept211's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

RSS Feed Calendar Plugin

This plugin is initialized like so: ...
Jonny Sooter's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

slideToggle plugin

I would like a code review for my first simple slideToggle jQuery plugin. Demo ...
Shivam Bhalla's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Plugin for WordPress and Foundation Reveal

I figure that someone here probably knows a much better way to do this. I'm still figuring out AJAX and jQuery, so I consider that I still need to master quite a bit of knowledge. My function ...
tnog's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
2 answers

First jQuery Plugin, Would like a code review

I created my first jQuery plugin over this weekend. I would like a code review so that I can improve my code in the future and learn from any mistakes I make. Any tips for Github would also be greatly ...
Shivam Bhalla's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Review my browser reward plugin

I've never put together a plugin before but I thought this would be useful to push technology forward. It's basically a browser sniffer, but if the user has a modern browser it will reward them for ...
Dandy's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
1 answer

Review my jQuery plugin structure

I'm trying to learn learning javascript and jQuery plugin standards, and after some googling and testing I've come up with this pattern: ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
1 answer

jQuery plugin authoring: Vertical Center example

I am fairly new at writing jQuery plugins. Moreover, I am a huge fan of best practice. I have written a plugin which centers an element inside its parent. I would love some feedback on how I could ...
tolborg's user avatar
  • 183
1 vote
1 answer

WordPress plugin for obfuscating a file URL

I'm making a WordPress plugin that obfuscates the real file URL and forces the download of one of this 3 types of URL: Local: ...
brasofilo's user avatar
  • 439
1 vote
1 answer

InstaSlider slider/carousel plugin

InstaSlider is a lightweight jQuery image slider / carousel plugin that populates content from an Instagram hashtag. After searching for a similar solution for one of my own projects with no luck I ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 111
2 votes
1 answer

Zepto / jQuery plugin base

I am looking for a starting point to code plugins, primarily for Zepto.js (with fall back for jQuery). These will provide reusable functions for Tumblr theming. However, I can't seem to find ...
mikedidthis's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Sencha touch with XML

Could you please review the following? My concern is XML parsing is hardcoded: ...
Jackie Chan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

jQuery dropdown plugin

I'm looking for OOP tips or advice. ...
Jeffpowrs's user avatar
  • 139
2 votes
1 answer

jQuery highlightNavigation plugin

I have written my first jQuery plugin using one of the design patterns suggested on jQuery's site: As listed below in the description comment, it's purpose ...
user24600's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is this jQuery Plugin for TreeView correct?

Looking for a review of my first published jQuery Plugin. It's for TreeViews, very basic example demo can be seen at: Demo Everything works fine, just looking to see if I can get some feedback on ...
goodcodeguy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Optimizing my jQuery form popup plugin

Im trying to get better at writing jQuery plugins. Was hoping to get some feedback on my notes, but also just about the general architechture and implenmentation of this pattern (dont even know this ...
ugreen's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
1 answer

Tooltip popup plugin

This plugin displays a tooltip popup with the data obtained via Ajax. I am sure there are better ones out there, but my objective is to learn how to correctly build a plugin, not find the best one ...
user1032531's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

CSS Good Practice on a JavaScript Plugin

I've realized a jQuery Plugin recently and made a basic default CSS for it. As I'm mainly a server-side guy, I'm not too familiar with CSS and would like to have insight about what could be improved. ...
Hugo Dozois's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

jQuery Object Oriented Plugin [closed]

Update: Great answers up to now, but I would still love to have a bit of review about possibility of variable caching and the filter I'm using for rows and page sets! After seeing a lot of Paginator ...
Hugo Dozois's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

jQuery plugin boilerplate jquib

Inspired by, I extended their boilerplate to fit my needs. Coming from PHP development, I wanted to have a good starting point for writing jQuery plugins with a defined API/...
Don André's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

jQuery plugin for easy CSS3 transformation

I wrote it more for educational reasons and less as something that can compete with existing alternatives. But I enjoyed writing it and wish to get some feedback, JavaScript is my second language :) ...
Eran Medan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Creating and referencing markup....cloning, etc. efficient system for this plugin

I am pulling multiple feeds from youtube that have a callback function which makes markup from each feed. They add that markup to a documentFragment stored in var data. When all the feeds have ...
m59's user avatar
  • 164
7 votes
1 answer

Pattern for creating a globally accessible custom plugin

I'm currently using this pattern to create and extend a globally accessible custom plugin to be used in a web application: ...
Jon's user avatar
  • 588
1 vote
1 answer

jQuery countdown - accuracy

I'm using this simple plugin to show a simple countdown in my pages, what I would like is to keep it more accurate, cause somentimes it seems it isn't accurate. This is the plugin: ...
Filippo oretti's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

jQuery plugin to detect Konami cheat code sequence

How can this be written a bit shorter? ...
yckart's user avatar
  • 141
1 vote
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Ajax plugin that binds to click and page load

I have an app that has a number ajax requests and instead of writing them all out, I created a plugin that takes options based on the request I am making. I would like the ajax requests to occur when ...
elgarcon's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

jQuery plugIn to manage forms

I have just created my first jQuery plugin. I am looking to suggestions on how to improve it, leading to a code optimization. ...
Waqas Ali's user avatar
  • 161
2 votes
1 answer

Review my first jQuery slider plugin

This is my first jQuery plugin. It is a simple slider that requires very little mark up in html. It works for my purposes but I am not a jQuery expert and I am wondering if there are mistakes or ...
Rob Chipman's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Library providing an extension mechanism

I have written a JS library (think, jQuery, but with much much less features, and targeted for newer browsers on mobile). This library provides an extension mechanism. One of the ways the extension ...
naikus's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Creating boilerplate for jQuery plugins

I've been writing some smaller jQuery plugins lately, and I've been thinking of writing up some boilerplate that I can use when writing new ones. I have code that works (for now), but I want to share ...
jackwanders's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

jQuery 'flip' plugin

A little while ago I wrote some jQuery code to make a div flip (similar to the Apple Dashboard). I know there is already code that has this idea from Jon Raasch, but this code positioned divs ...
Joshua M's user avatar
  • 135
1 vote
1 answer

Simple jQuery search on input element

Just wanted a way of attaching a jQuery search plugin to an input element (or collection) and be able to pass specific options at invoke time: This is the plugin code ...
MartyJ's user avatar
  • 11
2 votes
1 answer

jQuery dropdown plugin to prevent scanning the whole DOM on every click

Here is a simple plugin I have written for a jQuery dropdown effect. Simple show / hide (although open classes may be better). When you click the HTML the event searches the whole DOM for a specific ...
Craig's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Binding touch events and moving an element

I have the following jQuery plugin that binds touch events and moves an element. In the functions moveMe and snap, there is ...
Craig's user avatar
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