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4 votes
2 answers

Simple load balancer

I would like to know the possible improvements in design and concurrency of the following load balancer: ability to add/register new instance keep max of 10 instances for load balancer forbid ...
tinyzero4's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Handling exceptions of FileInputStream and XSSFWorkbook

Can you tear my code apart with code review comments? Below is a simple method which reads an XLSX file and does some stuff with it. I use FileInputStream and ...
AutoTester999's user avatar
1 vote
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Beginner Java Tic-Tac-Toe

I had a Tic Tac Toe assignment for class and the program seems to work fine but I feel like the exception/input handling could be done in a much better way. Is this a good way to approach the ...
Drosos-kal's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Spring boot shop application with error handling

I'm writing a simple online shop using spring boot, for learning purposes. Right now I have purchasing-service and a product-service. The purchasing-service makes requests to the product-service via ...
Eoin's user avatar
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1 answer

When to use IllegalStateException [closed]

I am implementing an API that implements an interface, but I do not need to implement all methods. In that case, is it better to just return null or throw an IllegalStateException because it if not ...
Neslihan Bozer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Spring boot: better way to handle response and exceptions

I am working on a quite a big Spring Boot web service and I wanted a standardized and simplified way to handle responses and exceptions by following fluent API design. So this is what I did and it ...
benjamin c's user avatar
5 votes
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Exception handling: using @JsonProperty value to make error message

If the validation in RestController fails, I need to handle MethodArgumentNotValidException and provide an errorMessage, that ...
Georgii Lvov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Android APP FTP uploading file implementation in Java

This is a follow-up question for Android APP FTP host profile class implementation and Android APP connect to FTP server in Java. I am attempting to perform the upload operation to specified FTP ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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Android APP user registration page implementation

This is a follow-up question for Android APP User class implementation. I am attempting to build a user registering system and this post shows the user registration page implementation. The ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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1 answer

Android APP Password Strength Assessment class implementation

This is a follow-up question for Android APP User class implementation. I am attempting to create a password strength assessment class which is named ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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1 answer

Read and sort 100 numbers from a text file

The program itself reads 100 values from a text file named input.txt. Then sorts those values in ascending order and writes the values to a new file called ...
HunterShaw's user avatar
1 vote
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In Spring framework, should the controller let the client know that something went wrong by returning a response entity with the proper error code?

Category Service: ...
Alexandros Kourtis's user avatar
2 votes
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Custom MediaController with full screen video image option

I have overridden setAnchorView() of MediaController class to display full screen option icon using below code.The code seems to be working fine in devices I tested but I have few doubts for which I ...
Android Developer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Tic-Tac-Toe in Java

I am currently learning Java; I could really use some help from more experienced programmers. How can I clean up my Tic-Tac-Toe code? What mistakes have I made? Can I use more exception handling? I ...
Xaver Csibri's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Code for adding a user to the database

I have a code that adds a user to the database, getting the username from the dialog.My fragment implements the interface with the onInputSend method, which is called by the dialog when the user ...
Destroyer's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Reader for graph-file with ugly return and questionable use of streams

I wrote a class that contains a static method that reads in files from NetworkRepository and converts them into a list of integer-arrays, each representing an edge. The file format from ...
Moritz Groß's user avatar
3 votes
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Java: Only log first error occurrence (with hourly reset)

I have a redis caching server. If that caching server is down, my app will query the database directly. I want to know from the logs if my caching server is not reachable. However, if I add a log ...
TeaCup's user avatar
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Beginning BMI calculator in Java

This is my first program so no doubt I've made mistakes. The code works and meets all requirements as far as I can see. (Further info: program to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) allowing user to ...
Julie Cohen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Poor error handling: Throw inside Finally

I have the following code which I am running through fortify. Why it gets marked for poor error handling, throw inside finally? ...
Karan Khanna's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Jsoup connection to URL

I have simple class that I want to ask if is there any possible to improve it? I mean, for me it looks poor. Is there any way to use here try-with-resources, stream or ...
mara122's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Thread-safe stack in Java with fixed capacity

Implement a multi-threaded stack, with freedom to use existing implementations of stack. On top of being thread-safe, it must block (not busy-wait) a pushing thread when stack is full and a ...
user5447339's user avatar
2 votes
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Validating that a Java program has two equal-length arguments

I'm writing a small almost one method Java class for a job application and the advice given was to write it as though it was a piece of commercial software. The ...
Joel Biffin's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

A more functional try...catch construct in Java

I saw a question on Stack Overflow asking for a review of a custom try...catch construct that made use of Optionals, and got the idea to try writing my own version. ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
0 votes
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Printing the status of a database insertion as JSON

The controller is currently inserting a record into the database and returning a JSON response as shown below in the try-catch block. I can see the ...
John's user avatar
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1 answer

Testing a probabilistic prime-testing algorithm that may fail

I have implemented Pollard's Rho algorithm in Java. Due to the nature of it there is a small chance for it to fail (have not seen it happening yet). Since I do not ...
Navarro's user avatar
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1 answer

Exception handling with null check in java

Hyeonseo Yang's user avatar
0 votes
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Logging util with static lambda function

So again, I am a bit confused about some notes that i'am getting from my reviewer. I have some kind of utils, to print/prepare log messages. Yea, maybe I am a bit fanatic java 8 lambda guy but I think ...
shutdown -h now's user avatar
3 votes
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Given a list of words, remove the shorter word of every pair

This is not a "please do my homework" question. I solved a problem two ways and would like to know which solution is better; better being defined by better readability, lower complexity and lower ...
npengra317's user avatar
1 vote
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Spring API that performs RSA encryption with exception handling [closed]

I'm creating a rest api using Spring which utilize javax.crypto as library to do some encryption stuff. While everything works well, I'm curious whether the error handling like this is acceptable or ...
imeluntuk's user avatar
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Retry Class in Java

I have the following Java code used to retry a certain actions/methods ...
MoonKnight's user avatar
2 votes
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Catching exceptions arised by different senarios and handle them differently [closed]

I am learning exception handling in java. Every time I am writing a function, I wonder if I should put the entire function code in a try catch block. What the function does: In the below function, i ...
rehas's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Given a sorted (increasing order) array, write an algorithm to create a binary tree with minimal height

I'm trying to find the complexity of this code and some suggestions for improving the code quality. and handling the code gracefully, esp in the areas of exception handling, checking edge cases, ...
user2769790's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Setter error checking

I have a class called Duration which has the attributes hours, mins, and ...
Brett Warren's user avatar
1 vote
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NullPointer Exception handling in the code [closed]

wandermonk's user avatar
1 vote
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utility class for reading in JSON

I'm reasonably happy with the execution: ...
Thufir's user avatar
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5 answers

Exception handling calculate power

I've to create a class MyCalculator which consists of a single method long power(int, int). This method takes two integers, and, as parameters and finds Math.pow(n,p). - If either n or p is negative, ...
user2769790's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is catching null pointer exception to handle it instead of null check beforehand always a bad practice or it depends? [closed]

I wrote a static method for an enum that returns the corresponding enum instance based on the source string, trimming any whitespaces and ignoring case as: ...
Vikas Prasad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Spring MVC @ControllerAdvice exception handling

This is about handling sql - foreign key constraint failure exceptions (SQL Error: 1452, SQLState: 23000) globally using ...
benjamin c's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it a valid use case of using java.util.MissingResourceException?

I have a factory method that returns an Object based on a argument passed to it : ...
Innocuous's user avatar
0 votes
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Refactoring code to throw a single exception per function [closed]

One of my functions must throws 2 exceptions, but I understand 1 exception per function is preferred (at least according to my client's Sonar ruleset). Can you ...
Joe Essey's user avatar
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3 answers

Processing an InputStream and writing to an OuputStream, and ensuring that both streams get closed

Is it a bad thing to do multiple file closings in single finally block? Relevant excerpt: ...
industryworker3595112's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Reinitialize cache periodically, catching and logging any Throwables

My existing code has a scheduler that we init when a DataStore constructor is called. ...
Naman's user avatar
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5 votes
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Send records and retry them if acknowledgement is not received

I am working on a project where I need to consume lot of records and then I am sending these records to some other system which uses zeromq. Here is the flow: Store all the incoming records in a CHM ...
david's user avatar
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Filtering out the correct car from a list of cars and retrieving only one car

I am filtering out a List<Car> based on the brand. Since each car is made by one brand, I want to make sure my method ...
OPK's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

URL decode a string but log an error after second exception

I have a method which does URL decoding on the string value passed along with using Charset: ...
user5447339's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Validating attributes of a page in Adobe Experience Manager

I am reviewing the following code written by a fellow developer. I am not an java expert but IMHO i did not feel this is efficient use of exceptions — the reason I feel so is: The below code throwing ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Job queue with threading

On many articles and blogs, I have read that exceptions should not decide flow of your code. I have wrote the following code using one thread: ...
Bhushan's user avatar
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SQL message logger run loop

I am learning Java by reading source code of other authors. This Java method handles communication with SQL database. While the code does work several things concern me. For instance the ...
sixtytrees's user avatar
3 votes
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Command sequence executor with error handling

I've recently learned that as a Java developer my methods throw exceptions way too often, even when the reason for throwing is related to a business rule, when returning an error code instead could ...
Piovezan's user avatar
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4 answers

Throwing exceptions if there is not exactly one box retrieved

(Note: this is originally posted as this SO question ) I'm trying to refactor the error logging and exception throwing into a method. Original code: ...
XoXo's user avatar
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