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Spring boot: better way to handle response and exceptions

I am working on a quite a big Spring Boot web service and I wanted a standardized and simplified way to handle responses and exceptions by following fluent API design. So this is what I did and it ...
benjamin c's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Modify original JSON few times and post http request

Follow up question from here. I am working on a project where I need to do below things in Python: Take few input parameters like - environmentName, ...
AndyP's user avatar
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8 votes
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Post json using http and verify whether all actions completed successfully or not

I am working on a project where I need to work with http apis and call them using Python language. Below is what I need to do: Take few input parameters like - <...
AndyP's user avatar
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1 answer

Part 2: Send HTTP request for each row in Excel table

This script was previously reviewed here: Send HTTP request for each row in Excel table (Part 1) I've made the changes that were suggested in the Code Review answers as well as added a few of my own. ...
User1974's user avatar
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3 votes
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HTTP download function in Rust (async/await)

Why am I fighting the compiler? - Wrote this, which works, but I feel like I'm breaking every rule in the book: ...
A T's user avatar
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2 answers

Generic function that accepts both Actions and Func's as parameters

I've created a generic try catch I can apply throughout my code so I'm not repeating myself. ...
Jack Tyler's user avatar
4 votes
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Node.js http retry do while mechanism

I have implemented a simple do/while loop to handle a http request to a third-party. I don’t know when the data I receive will have elements in its array so I retry up to 10 times until the array ...
user195155's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Fetching data through HTTP and caching JSON result in a file

The task is to fetch some JSON data from an API with a GET request. If the location is not available for any reason, read a cache file. Otherwise write the cache file for future use. The following ...
ProfHase85's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Customizing errors based on HTTP status code in golang

I want to collect errors and its causes by defining custom errors (HTTP status 40x & 50x). For example, if user's request was bad, I want more specific reasons for the error. A customized error ...
philipjkim's user avatar
1 vote
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HTTP download with dynamic reallocation and retries

This code is for downloading a file via winhttp lib, It's invoked by StartDownload function which tries to download n times before returning false if maximum tries ...
randomdude's user avatar
5 votes
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Downloading images from Reddit using Python 3

I have been working on this small project in order to fetch top-notch images from Reddit. Overall I am pretty confident about the code below but I am not entirely sure about whether my error handling ...
間澤東雲's user avatar
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Haskell Servant - login endpoint with two error states

Here is one a handler for dealing with logins, I've recently refactored it to try and make dealing with the different error cases a bit more elegant, though I still think there is room for improvement:...
danbroooks's user avatar
3 votes
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Timeout implementation of fetch

After doing some research on google i didn't find any good info on how to implement timeout with fetch (looks like there are multiple proposals but that's about it so nothing has implemented it). For ...
coding4fun's user avatar
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error management when parsing multiple floats

I am writing a handler to render a GIF of a Lorentz attractor. I need to parse floating point numbers from the some querystrings attached to the GIF path. If any of them are bad, I need to log an ...
yberman's user avatar
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Downloading images using a thread pool, with exception handling

I'm currently using a broad Exception handler in my code and I would like to remove this broad exception. Which exceptions should I handle? Are these exceptions generated in my function "func" or ...
gogasca's user avatar
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8 votes
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Elegantly handle github API requests exceptions

I have this code which creates a team using the github API and returns the team-id(success) or -1(failure). My problem is with the error handling. When the request responses with an error status code ...
Ken's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Getting JSON data from an HTTP response using conditional binding

I am new to Swift and I am trying to use the optional binding feature in as efficient way as possible but I am a bit confused on how to use it (if I can) in this scenario: ...
frezq's user avatar
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2 answers

Asynchronous lookup over HTTP and checking the status

For some reason declaring ApiResult before checking if the answer is in a correct status doesn't look good. I wonder if there is any better way to check the status ...
tribet's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Single class which holds response and error message

I am working on a library which will make HTTP call to my rest service basis on inputs passed to this library. And whatever response comes back from service whether it is successful response or ...
david's user avatar
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Retrying a web request in Python

Is it fine to retry a web service call like this in Python? Would there be any scenarios the exception might not work the way we expect it? I expect it to continue only if it's fine, otherwise just ...
Nishant's user avatar
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Retry storing HTTP response into a variable until specific code

I want to keep trying to get response until its code is 200 or unknown yet. In first case it should be stored in response variable. In another case I should raise ...
Nakilon's user avatar
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Calling other machines from the LinkedList if one is blocked or down

This is a follow on to : Simplifying asynchronous "executeAsync" method along with "onFailure" callback. I am using AsyncRestTemplate as my <...
david's user avatar
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3 answers

Simplifying asynchronous "executeAsync" method along with "onFailure" callback

I have a system in which user id is "sharded" across all the machines which means each machine is responsible for certain user id data. I am working on a library which will take ...
david's user avatar
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Logging of various exceptions in the callback

I am working on a library in which I need to execute my URL using AsyncRestTemplate and after that I will get a json response back if it is successful. I am also making ...
david's user avatar
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4 votes
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Custom 503 page for MySQLi connection error

I redirect all my requests to index.php via htaccess and the code below is in my index.php. Is this code properly set for a custom 503 page for an unsuccessful MySQLi connection trial? Is it also ...
Andre Chenier's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Exception handling for HTTP request timer

This method is used to check a URL and return the time it takes to check and the HTTP status code: ...
moto_beats's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Retry loop for asynchronous HTTP requests

I've got a method that needs to PUT data to a web API. Sometimes the connection fails, so I needed a way to do retries, but if the retries fail, I still need to capture the exception and re-throw it. ...
Chase Florell's user avatar
3 votes
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JSON fetcher for Eclipse plugin

This is a client module of an Eclipse plugin. I am planning to use this code as a "good exception handling" code example in one of my papers. How does it look? ...
Masud Rahman's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

HttpURLConnection response code handling

This snippet from a downloader callable handles HTTP status codes. I need critique on both the style (for or do-while loop ...
Konrad Höffner's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Exception handling, et al - How do I make this web downloader not "poor"?

I haven't done Java coding in years, but I thought I would give it a shot for a job interview. I have a few questions: Why is this error handling considered poor? How am I supposed to be doing it? ...
Dave Babbitt's user avatar