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Testing a probabilistic prime-testing algorithm that may fail

I have implemented Pollard's Rho algorithm in Java. Due to the nature of it there is a small chance for it to fail (have not seen it happening yet). Since I do not ...
Navarro's user avatar
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4 votes
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Given a sorted (increasing order) array, write an algorithm to create a binary tree with minimal height

I'm trying to find the complexity of this code and some suggestions for improving the code quality. and handling the code gracefully, esp in the areas of exception handling, checking edge cases, ...
user2769790's user avatar
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JUnit test case to check that an exception of type javax.mail.MessagingException is not thrown

I have a method which will send a text mail using JavaMail API and I am trying to write a test case for this method which will check if an Exception of type ...
Sandeep Chatterjee's user avatar