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Handling exceptions of FileInputStream and XSSFWorkbook

Can you tear my code apart with code review comments? Below is a simple method which reads an XLSX file and does some stuff with it. I use FileInputStream and ...
AutoTester999's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Android APP FTP uploading file implementation in Java

This is a follow-up question for Android APP FTP host profile class implementation and Android APP connect to FTP server in Java. I am attempting to perform the upload operation to specified FTP ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Retrying to read a file [closed]

I have a piece code which retries 3 more times to open a file (see below). Are there potential problems or side effects with the way it is written? How can it be improved? Also, why would one use <...
Qrious's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Exception handling and general check in Java

Are the catch statements ok or must I put in a println()? In general, is the code good-looking enough? ...
Highlights Factory's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Proper way of handling exceptions while reading user input from file

I am parsing a text file (UTF-8) and checking for several conditions that need to be satisfied for the code to be happy. If not, then there is no point to continue and the program should die. At the ...
Erki M.'s user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Executing a file through a swing button

I am making a Swing application for light local database management and I have the button Run XAMPP. When that button is pressed this code is executed: ...
Aki K's user avatar
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