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5 votes
1 answer

Code for sorting items in recyclerView

I'm have recyclerView which is needed for displayed for show list of my audio records. I added the ability to sort my audio records. Please take a look at the code that I use for sorting and tell me ...
Destroyer's user avatar
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Pre Java 8 a lot of Comparators implementation

Looking for critiques on my implementation of a list of countries that offers many ways to sort it in a useful and easy way for a client. The main concern is about the design of the enum that holds ...
Miguel-David's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Function to compare objects based on type enums

I'm looking for a better way to implement a huge CompareTo function that relies on an Enum to perform sorting. The data structure is essentially a flattened Multi Level Group. Any ideas and concept to ...
Florian's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Sort files by the type of file

I need to sort files by the type of the File. To accomplish the task I first wrote the code below: ...
mak's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Enumerated rank comparator utility class

A common task I often face is ordering a collection of items according to some predefined model, typically expressed as an ordered list of ranks. For example, credit agencies might rate financial ...
janos's user avatar
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