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Project Euler Problem 31 (Coin Sum)

I just finished Project Euler 31: Coin sums, which asks how many ways there are to make £2 using British coins (1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, and £2). When I compared my code and the problem review'...
Quang Truong's user avatar
-3 votes
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Counting the number of ways to break an amount into coins

I have an algorithm here that counts the number of ways that n cents can be represented using the following denominations: quarter: 25 cents dime: 10 cents nickel: 5 cents pennies: 1 cent There are ...
redixhumayun's user avatar
2 votes
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Coin Change Problem with Memoization

Purpose Another take on the classic Change-making Problem: Given some set of coins and a value, find the minimum number of coins necessary to add up to this value In my implementation, instead of ...
Jae Bradley's user avatar
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Coin change with Dynamic Programming

I have made an implementation of coin change problem solved with Dynamic Programming. Could you guys help with renaming some method and variables? Here is my implementation - ...
yadav_vi's user avatar
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Coin change algorithm

I've implemented the coin change algorithm using Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithm w/ backtracking. The description is as follows: Given an amount of change (n) list all of the possibilities ...
Eric's user avatar
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5 votes
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Change-making problem with specific constraints

I am a new Pythoner. I have solved a OJ project with Python. Can you tell me how can I solve it more Pythonically? Problem Description: There are n coin denominations, each with an unlimited supply ...
Cherlex's user avatar
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Coin Change: Minimum number of coins

Problem: You are given n types of coin denominations of values \$v(1) < v(2) < ... < v(n)\$ (all integers). Assume \$v(1) = 1\$, so you can always make change for any amount of money \$C\$....
CyberLingo's user avatar