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Questions tagged [django]

Django is a Python-based framework for creating web applications.

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25 votes
3 answers

Music info model

I'm learning Django as I go. I know this model is missing user authentication, registration, comments/comment threading, and voting. But this is my starting code for my model. What are some of the ...
dassouki's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Django Rest Framework - ManyToMany relationship through intermediate model

I'm new to Django and have just started to learn the basics. I have some questions about how to structure the code, how relationships should be written, and where the business logic should live. I ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 311
16 votes
1 answer

Django Rest Framework - add/remove to a list

I have a model Collection which has a many to many relation to a model Item. I want to be able to add or remove items to this collection using Django Rest Framework. Option1 - make an action: ...
j-a's user avatar
  • 591
16 votes
0 answers

Let's register that Django user

Short intro So, I've been using Django for a while now and thought it would be nice to start a simple application. In an ideal World, each app must have a way of letting its users register and that's ...
Grajdeanu Alex's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Building Slack message

I have the function which builds and return Slack message with text and attachments. How can I refactor this function to make it ...
ryche's user avatar
  • 253
15 votes
1 answer

Modeling a Mage character from nWoD, using Django

Goal Design a representation of a mage character from the World of Darkness RPG, as well their associated spells. Here is a visual representation of the schema. You can see it more closely on ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Django on virtual machine - watching changes in static files and autocompiling LESS without inotify

I'm setting up a Django development environment using Vagrant to run an Ubuntu virtual machine on VirtualBox. As this is a student project run mostly by very amateur coders and I want everyone to be ...
Waiski's user avatar
  • 378
13 votes
1 answer

Replacement for commit_on_success

I am porting an application from django 1.4.5 to django 1.6.1. I found that commit_on_success has been deprecated. Moreover I found specific incompatibilities when ...
kasperd's user avatar
  • 277
11 votes
2 answers

An idiom to use the same view function to create or edit an object?

Here is the skeleton of my (first!) Django app: ...
Xavier Nodet's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Sending notifications with Django channels

I have project on Django wich use Django Channels. I use Django Channel for sending notifications to users who are subscribed to articles changes (adding/editing/deleting comments on article). So I'...
KIN1991's user avatar
  • 211
10 votes
2 answers

Faster Django CSV generation for several million database entries

I am writing a CSV file generator that's filtering through about seven million database entries (MySQL backend). This part is especially slow and I was wondering if there is a way to make it much ...
tr33hous's user avatar
  • 205
10 votes
1 answer

Python application to create Google Map image

I have written a Django app that would get some input and give you an image as output. The output image has 3 layers: Google Map image rosreestr (russian docs layer) data from geojson layer I hear ...
Denny's user avatar
  • 141
10 votes
1 answer

Speed up my search

I have a django app with search powered by haystack. The general search goes very quickly, but I need to filter the results by their model type. It works but is very slow. I've never really worked ...
thumbtackthief's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Generating a unique ID for a filename

This function generates a unique id for my files, which will be stored in the database to reference them. It returns the id if unique, if not, it generates a new one. My separate file server can then ...
Sebastian Olsen's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

CreateView set foreign key from URL parameter

I want to be able to create a lorum, using a ipsum_id (ForeignKey) that has been supplied in the URL. Using Django's class based views. Given the following URL: ...
Penguin Brian's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

TDD tests for every view and its permissions in a REST API

I am currently developing a Django Rest Framework API with TDD. I have 15 tests and counting for two views, which doesn't seem right to me. It takes me a lot of time to write the tests and a lot of ...
 DJN's user avatar
  • 81
8 votes
2 answers

Django API Implementation

I am building a backend to a mobile application that will be hosted on a Django site connected to a PostgreSQL database. I have never built anything to accomplish this before and this is my first go ...
KDEx's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to DRY up my

I have two ModelForms that are the same, except that one of them has its form layout built in a view and one has a submit button. These are pretty long and I have a ...
broinjc's user avatar
  • 375
8 votes
1 answer

Django shopping cart, and testing

For an e-commerce web application I have written a shopping cart, and some tests for it. I have used a course on, on building an e-commerce website, as inspiration on how to build the ...
Rik Schoonbeek's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Save 2 related models through a single form

Here are two models - Property and Developer: ...
utkbansal's user avatar
  • 223
7 votes
2 answers

Building SQL query

I wrote a messy function and I am wondering if you see any way I could clean it up. Essentially it takes in a list e_1=2&e_2=23&e_3=1 and makes a queryset ...
broinjc's user avatar
  • 375
7 votes
2 answers

Implementation of lru_cache for daily "top categories" query

In my website, I want to show top categories by products' view / sell counts. Since this is not something changes every hour, I want to fetch real results only once a day from database (may be once a ...
alioguzhan's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Bank account model implementation in Django

There is a draft of my What can I do for code quality and readability increase? ...
Vassily's user avatar
  • 215
7 votes
1 answer

Model classes for a quiz app in Django

I am creating simple quiz app in Django. It works, but I think that way I've done it is not the best. I have Exam detail view, which display questions related to that exam and answers for these ...
Paweł Kosiński's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

School applicant form

I have created, in Django 1.6, a site for a school, where an applicant can get registered. It's a form that requests some information from the registrant and creates a random code for each applicant. ...
Rodrigo Caicedo's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Database modeling for products and store

I am planning to develop a virtual shopping mall where stores of any kind can be registered, such as in a physical shopping mall. First I want to develop an efficient and effective database modeling ...
Tushant's user avatar
  • 231
7 votes
1 answer

Finding the profile name for a join in my Facebook auth backend

I've written a project for handling various Facebook things and I ran into the issue where one project named the users profile Profile while normally they would be ...
Kit Sunde's user avatar
  • 690
6 votes
2 answers

Password generator in Django

I am a system admin, not a developer, so this might be pretty horrible code. This is a password generator. The point of the attempt was to become more familiar with Django at a lower level. I current ...
digitaladdictions's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Django query_set filtering in the template

Can I make my template syntax simpler? I'm hoping to eliminate the if and maybe also the for block. This worked in the shell ...
citadelgrad's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What are the latest Odds?

The main problem the following query is solving, is the following: Each Offer has multiple Odds (...
Martol1ni's user avatar
  • 173
6 votes
1 answer

Creating a pythonic snippet to read and clean .csv files

I am trying to import a .csv file, clean the contents, and make sure all the errors are eliminated. IO error file format error data error I am using the snippet below. Could someone help me clean ...
Ram Kumar's user avatar
  • 161
6 votes
1 answer

Get list of claims based on priorities

I have written the following function which works as expected but I still see there is some room for improving its readability ...
E_K's user avatar
  • 163
6 votes
1 answer

Showing different forms for user type with Django/Python in

I have 4 user account types, realtor, insurance broker, auto insurance agent, and mortgage broker. Each one of the users will have a different form for each to submit. I have the following in ...
jeffci's user avatar
  • 248
6 votes
1 answer

Handling SMS replies to register/unregister phone numbers

I'm working on a Django Twilio app, and I believe it's coming along well. I just want to improve my code writing skills. How can I improve the below code? ...
joshlsullivan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

NHL Stats web app

There is a web app. My first attempt to use NHL API have been reviewed here. I'm interested in any kind of refactoring of this code. But I have some questions that I want to point at specifically. ...
edvard_munch's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Django controller method to list the top characters, guilds, and killers

I've been reading the Chapter 8 of this book. Here's the view I'm currently coding. It list all characters/guilds according to the type of URL. ...
Bruno's user avatar
  • 161
6 votes
1 answer

Model structure for Player Team and Match in football application

I'm creating an application for foosball matches. I have models like below: ...
Robson's user avatar
  • 163
6 votes
1 answer

Improving models for a Django quiz

I'm working on a little django quiz taking app. Currently I'm making it's models. So far I've got Quiz, Question, ...
broinjc's user avatar
  • 375
6 votes
1 answer

Django Rest Framework Totaling API values in different ways

I am working on a stats website for my softball teams that I manage/play for. Here is my current Stat model: ...
Shak3nNotStur3d's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Xero API Client in Django

I'm not actually that new to writing Python. But I've no formal training and have only learnt to build applications to solve problems for my job out of necessity. Starting to bring my existing skills ...
Simon's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes
3 answers

Todo app for displaying a list of tasks

The main view in my (toy!) Todo app is, of course, to display the list of tasks. These are grouped by some criterion, and the tasks structure below is actually a ...
Xavier Nodet's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Converting an already-uploaded file and saving it to a model's FileField

Please review this: ...
Chantz's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Python parser for attributes in a HAML template

I'm working on a feature for the HamlPy (Haml for Django) project: About Haml For those who don't know, Haml is an indentation-based markup language which compiles to HTML: ...
waitinforatrain's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Django model to do accounting for a Litecoin miner pool

I'm coming from Java so I am used to performing calculations I require in separate functions. I would like to know if the below code makes sense in my Django model especially the loop and calling ...
Josh's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Civil status database with Django

I'm beginning with Django and I have a Civil Status project. I created my first in order to get a Form, but I had some advices in order to normalize my database. I made this process and I ...
Essex's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How would you rate this python code? (Django AJAX)

This code comes straight out from the example code in a Django book. I find it quite bad, mainly because the use of flags (if ajax then again ...
Enno Shioji's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Preventing code duplication in Django

I have these 2 functions that are almost the same: ...
kambi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Test Driven Development with Django

I'm learning TDD with Django and currently I'm testing my CreateView class. I feel like I'm not using best practices but am not sure on how to improve my code. ...
intelis's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Model design for Online Food order app

I have been trying to develop online food order application. I have taken the concept of where a user or say owner registers his/her restaurant. After adding the restaurant, an executive ...
pythonBeginner's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

First attempt at weighted search

My concern is speed, since this may be used in an e-commerce website I want it to be as quick as possible. Where can I improve? ...
Jared Mackey's user avatar

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