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Questions tagged [depth-first-search]

Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. One starts at the root (selecting some node as the root in the graph case) and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking.

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4 votes
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(Leetcode) 24 game in Python

This is a Leetcode problem - You have 4 cards each containing a number from 1 to 9. You need to judge whether they could be ...
Justin's user avatar
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5 votes
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LeetCode: Add and Search Word C#

This is a Leetcode problem: Design a data structure that supports the following two operations: void addWord(word) ...
Gilad's user avatar
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Find all concatenated words in a given list of words

This is a Leetcode problem - Given a list of words (without duplicates), write a program that returns all concatenated words in the given list of words. A concatenated word is defined as a ...
Justin's user avatar
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2 votes
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Leetcode: Flatten binary tree to linked list C# Please comment on performance Given a binary tree, flatten it to a linked list in-place. For example, given the following ...
Gilad's user avatar
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Return all valid paren strings with a given length

The problem is Given a non-negative integer n, return all valid parentheses strings with n open parens and ...
Eric Auld's user avatar
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Find number of islands Leetcode

Here is the question: Given a 2d grid map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent lands horizontally ...
Mosbius8's user avatar
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Java Maze Solver (DFS)

I was asked to create a Java program that will navigate through a series of mazes. I would like to know if this is the optimal way of using a DFS or is there a better way and I am doing something ...
Master Chiff's user avatar
4 votes
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Find the longest connect cells region per color

I have been studying graphs/BFS/DFS. working on wrapping my head around the following problem Given a grid [m,n] where each cell has a value denotes a color, find the longest connected region that ...
Rami Alshareef's user avatar
4 votes
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Two versions of Word Break II - exhaustive combinations

I am solving Word Break II from leetcode: Given a non-empty string s and a dictionary wordDict containing a list of non-empty ...
wispymisty's user avatar
10 votes
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Generating the powerset in C

I am solving another problem in leetcode. Given a set, generate all the subsets of the set. Input: [1,2,3] Output: ...
wispymisty's user avatar
1 vote
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Count number of islands 2d grid

This is a recursive approach using DFS to counting the number of islands. However, I would like to improve performance, while keeping the code clean concise and readable. Better yet can this be solved ...
Rick's user avatar
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DFS logic to traverse a graph

I tried to literally convert recursive algorithm taught here to iterative, by simulating the recursive stack exactly as much as possible. I have tested my code and it passed all test cases. Please ...
AnV's user avatar
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5 votes
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Searching a maze using DFS and BFS in Python 3

I solved the problem posted from Make School Trees and Maze article, which asks me to searching a maze using DFS and BFS in Python. Here's the final output from PyGame: I would like to ask for code ...
NinjaG's user avatar
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Max flow Ford-Fulkerson using DFS augmented path retrieval

I have written a naive max flow with DFS, could anyone review my below code. What can be done to improve the code and what are the worst cases where this won’t work acceptably? ...
Sazzad Hissain Khan's user avatar
0 votes
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Depth First Search of graph in Python

Task: Do DFS traversal from a given given graph and print output. Is this code the correct implementation of DFS traversal in Graph? ...
Latika Agarwal's user avatar
6 votes
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DFS in a binary tree

Problem statement: Perform a depth first traversal on a BST and print the elements traversed. ...
Latika Agarwal's user avatar
7 votes
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Cheapest flights with at most k stops

This is the Cheapest Flights Within K Stops problem from There are \$n\$ cities connected by \$m\$ flights. Each fight starts from city \$u\$ and arrives at \$v\$ with a price \$w\$. ...
TTT's user avatar
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Directed Graph Implementation in Java

Here I've attached my java implementation of a directed graph. I've used a modified adjacency-list mechanic to utilize a map instead of a list for quicker lookup times. Looking for comments / ...
koprulu's user avatar
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Binary Search Tree Implementation in Java

Looking for critiques on my BST implementation, particularly to check if I'm building the common operational methods and traversal algorithms properly. Code has been lightly tested, and I've tried to ...
koprulu's user avatar
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DFS implementation

I implemented DFS using recursion in Go. When I dfs the graph, I am able to get the path of traversal. But I'm unsure what else could I add to this DFS in order to make the search better. Also, Is ...
SKSV's user avatar
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DFS implementation in Rust

Ethan McCue's user avatar
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I want to check neighborhoods of cell in two dimensional array in C++

I want to write a function which will return all possible/valid 'X' moves around my Target cell depending on it position inside the following two dimensional array. ...
P.Doe's user avatar
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At least 2 paths down the binary tree have the same sum

Problem statement Write a function that given a binary tree, returns true if at least 2 paths down the tree have the same sum. A path is a series of nodes from the root to the leaf. Examples: ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix from leetcode

Solved this: Given an integer matrix, find the length of the longest increasing path. From each cell, you can either move to four directions: left, right, up or down. You may NOT move ...
noman pouigt's user avatar
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BinaryTree traversed in postorder (DFS), iteratively

I was given this coding question for a technical interview: Given a binary tree, implement a method to populate the list post_ordered_list with the data of the nodes traversed in postorder, ...
NinjaG's user avatar
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Sudoku solver recursive solution with clear structure

Problem statement Similar to Leetcode 37 Sudoku solver, the algorithm is to determine if the sudoku board can be filled with ‘1’,‘2’,…,‘9’. A sudoku board is represented as a two-dimensional 9x9 ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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templated Depth-FirstSearch algorithm

I have worked on a simple iterative implementation of the common DFS algorithm for my personal template library. The algorithm itself works, but I try to get a feeling for how to seperate the data and ...
DNKpp's user avatar
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Breadth- and Depth- First Search in C#

Another recreational implementation for review! As a side comment, for some reason I just feel like if (visited.Contains(vertex)) { .. } isn't necessary, as this ...
T145's user avatar
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Make DFS Implementation faster for 8 puzzle problem in Python

I am implementing DFS algorithm for the 8 puzzle problem which works fine if the goal is reached in less than 10 iterations. But for longer number of iterations, my implementation doesn't return the ...
Learner's user avatar
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2 answers

Depth-first search of a graph in C# (HackerRank problem)

I'm trying to solve a problem from HackerRank. I got the correct algorithm, but it seems to be too inefficient. After checking the code with 10 given test cases, 3 cases are good and 7 return a ...
Julez's user avatar
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Given two words and a dictionary's word list, find all shortest transformation sequence

This is a leetcode problem ( Given two words (beginWord and endWord), and a dictionary's word list, find all shortest transformation sequence(...
Stack crashed's user avatar
6 votes
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Recursive Depth First Search for finding valid sudoku boards in Python 3

I am not an experienced programmer, and I decided to make a program that could find all possible sudoku arrangements just for fun. As far as I can see, the program is working all right, but I'd like ...
frix's user avatar
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5 votes
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Depth-first Search Non-Reursive Implementation in Clojure

I've created a non-recursive dfs implementation in Clojure. I'm using the wikipedia article on dfs as a guide. I'm very new to Clojure and functional programming in general. Any tips to improve ...
cwithmichael's user avatar
3 votes
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"The Story of a Tree" solved using depth-first search

Found this problem in hackerrank. One day Bob drew a tree, with \$n\$ nodes and \$n-1\$ edges on a piece of paper. He soon discovered that parent of a node depends on the root of the tree. The ...
newbie_old's user avatar
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Skiena's DFS on unweighted graphs, in Python 3, with adjacency-list implementation

In the Algorithm Design Manual (2nd ed) pp 172 - 173, Skiena writes: As algorithm design paradigms go, a depth-first search isn't particularly intimidating. It is surprisingly subtle, however ...
LiavK's user avatar
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Find Eulerian Tour Algorithm - with multithreading and random permutations

After struggling for a long while on this through the algorithms course on Udacity, I finally understood enough of the concept to develop this implementation. However, it lacks efficiency and finesse. ...
user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Depth First Search Implementation (iterative)

Here is my code for Depth First Search and, as far as I know, it is working fine on most cases. It is not very efficient as I have implemented it for the very first time.. Warning: It is only for bi-...
Ateeb Ahmed's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

DFS and BFS in a graph in C++

Here goes the depth first search: ...
Yksuh's user avatar
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Hackerrank - Maximum Disjoint Subtree Product

Problem statement We define an unrooted tree, T, with the following properties: T is a connected graph with nodes ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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A DFS sudoku solver

This is my attempt at a Sudoku solver using a DFS approach. I mainly developed it to become a better Rust developer, but if you have any performance tips, I will be glad to hear them :) My program ...
Rakete1111's user avatar
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Find the longest rectilinear path in a matrix with descending entries

Problem (Skiing): Each number represents the elevation of that area of the mountain. From each area (i.e. box) in the grid, you can go north, south, east, west - but only if the elevation ...
RoyaumeIX's user avatar
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Depth and breadth first search

I am practicing interview questions, I wrote this code to perform BFS and DFS on a graph in Python. How can it be optimized, and how can it be made more readable? ...
Harsha's user avatar
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Given a binary tree, \$T\$ whose nodes have positive values, find the value of the maximal path

Problem Problem is Maximum sum path from Given a binary tree, \$T\$, whose nodes have positive values find the value of a maximal path. A path is a simple path from a node to ...
josfervi's user avatar
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9 votes
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Hacker Rank: Journey to the Moon (Graph Theory)

I am attempting to complete the "Journey to the Moon" problem described below: There are N trained astronauts numbered from 0 to N-1. But those in charge of the mission did not receive ...
MrSynAckSter's user avatar
7 votes
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BFS/DFS Web Crawler

I've built a web crawler that starts at an origin URL and crawls the web using a BFS or DFS method. Everything is working fine, but the performance is horrendous. I think the major cause of this is ...
123's user avatar
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Ternary tree preoder traversal (recursive implementation)

Problem statement: Print out to console the ternary tree preorder traversal. Suppose that the tree can have at most 3 children, left, middle and right. Preorder traversal is to visit the middle ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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Leetcode 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

Problem Statement Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent. A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below. ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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Depth First Search (Adjacency List) in JavaScript

I am trying to implement a DFS search and graphs. How can I make it better? ...
Rohit Katyal's user avatar
6 votes
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Graph and Node classes with BFS and DFS functions

I've created a Node class and a Graph class ...
123's user avatar
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CLRS Implementation of BFS and DFS in C++

I tried to implement BFS and DFS from Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen. Any suggestions on how to improve my code? GraphStructures.h ...
aig's user avatar
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