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How does one write DFS in python with a Deque without reversed for Trees?

I have implemented a correct version of DFS (with comments explaining the implementation): ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
2 votes
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Sum of all Paths in Binary Tree

Problem For the given binary tree return the list which has sum of every paths in a tree. i.e Every path from root to leaf. I've written following solution. ...
Ashish Pawar's user avatar
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Depth First Search vs Breadth First Search

So after years of teaching myself, I think I'm ready to stand on the shoulders of giants and ask you a good question! I have a tree of nodes. What I want is a function that returns an array of the ...
aName's user avatar
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Javascript Tree Class 2

This question is the second version of the code here. I'm writing a general tree class. Specifically, each node should have oen parent, some number of children, and hold a value. I'm looking for ...
Alex F's user avatar
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Javascript Tree Class

I got caught in the trap of implementing my own data structure. I've created a very general tree structure, where each node gets one parent, some children, and holds a value. I'm mostly looking for ...
Alex F's user avatar
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Leetcode: Flatten binary tree to linked list C# Please comment on performance Given a binary tree, flatten it to a linked list in-place. For example, given the following ...
Gilad's user avatar
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Binary Search Tree Implementation in Java

Looking for critiques on my BST implementation, particularly to check if I'm building the common operational methods and traversal algorithms properly. Code has been lightly tested, and I've tried to ...
koprulu's user avatar
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At least 2 paths down the binary tree have the same sum

Problem statement Write a function that given a binary tree, returns true if at least 2 paths down the tree have the same sum. A path is a series of nodes from the root to the leaf. Examples: ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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BinaryTree traversed in postorder (DFS), iteratively

I was given this coding question for a technical interview: Given a binary tree, implement a method to populate the list post_ordered_list with the data of the nodes traversed in postorder, ...
NinjaG's user avatar
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"The Story of a Tree" solved using depth-first search

Found this problem in hackerrank. One day Bob drew a tree, with \$n\$ nodes and \$n-1\$ edges on a piece of paper. He soon discovered that parent of a node depends on the root of the tree. The ...
newbie_old's user avatar
6 votes
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Hackerrank - Maximum Disjoint Subtree Product

Problem statement We define an unrooted tree, T, with the following properties: T is a connected graph with nodes ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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Given a binary tree, \$T\$ whose nodes have positive values, find the value of the maximal path

Problem Problem is Maximum sum path from Given a binary tree, \$T\$, whose nodes have positive values find the value of a maximal path. A path is a simple path from a node to ...
josfervi's user avatar
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Ternary tree preoder traversal (recursive implementation)

Problem statement: Print out to console the ternary tree preorder traversal. Suppose that the tree can have at most 3 children, left, middle and right. Preorder traversal is to visit the middle ...
Jianmin Chen's user avatar
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11 votes
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Yet another minimax tree for TicTacToe

I have written a working minimax tree for Tic-Tac-Toe. What I have done so far is create a tree with end node having value 10, 0 or -10 base on win, lose or draw. After I create a tree I then ...
pokche's user avatar
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C++ - printing a binary tree vertically, Depth first [closed]

SidShah's user avatar
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Path sum in binary tree

Root to leaf path sum equal to a given number Given a binary tree and a number, return true if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given ...
Mehrdad's user avatar
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5 answers

DFS in Binary Tree

I have written this code for DFS in a binary tree and would like improvements on it. ...
Mehrdad's user avatar
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Search iteratively in a ternary search tree

I was trying to write an iterative search function for my Ternary Search Tree class based on a pseudo-code, and now it seems to work, but I think it can definitely be improved. ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Equivalent binary trees (A Tour of Go)

Any suggestions on how to improve the code shown below for the Go-tour exercise? Exercise description: There can be many different binary trees with the same sequence of values stored at the ...
P5yx's user avatar
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Functional tree iteration in Common Lisp

I'm adding some functionality to an existing library of data structures in Common Lisp, with a view to asking the original author if I can take over maintenance and development of it. While the ...
Daniel Shapero's user avatar
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Search for Tree

Here is a search implementation for my tree. It searches each node in a breadth-first manner first, but it goes deeper in a depth-first manner, in the event it needs to go deeper. I know there may ...
user avatar
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Parse a tree & return the various paths

Input: { 1: [2,3], 2:[4], 3: [5,6], 4:[6] } Expected output: [[1, 2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 6]] My Code: ...
rtindru's user avatar
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DFS on a binary tree: marking nodes as visited

I wanted to write depth first search reversal iteratively in Java. Can someone review my code? I'm not that much interested in naming of the variables, but in the structure of the code, i.e. I don't ...
user3371223's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Missing level of technical depth (Flatten Tree)

I recently have given a coding test in a reputable IT company. There were three coding questions. They refused me by saying that as we felt they didn't demonstrate the level of technical depth we'...
AAhad's user avatar
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How to enumerate the internal nodes and leaves of a tree more elegantly?

Might there be a simpler way to write this code? I'd like to learn to write code more efficiently. ...
muros's user avatar
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Returning a list of the values from the binary tree

I want to return a list of the values from the binary tree. Is there a shorter and more efficient way to write the method for numbers? ...
muros's user avatar
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