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Questions tagged [datetime]

DateTime objects in many programming languages describe an instant in time, expressed as a date and time of day. Use on questions about reviewing code involving date/time logic.

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a Hebrew Date picker package in Flutter: single and range date selections

I have implemented a working Hebrew Date Picker package (link on in Flutter that supports both single date and date range selection. Here's what the date picker looks like in action: Single ...
MendelG's user avatar
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Rust implementation of an algorithm I invented (RANDEVU) #2

I came up with an algorithm and created a Rust implementation of it. I've already posted it for code review previously but created another post since I've made many changes to it, including the ones ...
TypicalHog's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Plot number of concurrent jobs on time axel

Description: Calculate the number of concurrently running jobs for any given minute during a day. Each Job is scheduled to run X ...
David's user avatar
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3 votes
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Evaluating Extended Operating Hours Past Midnight Across Timezones in PHP

I am working on a project that involves tracking the operating hours of businesses across different timezones. Some of these businesses operate past midnight, and to accommodate this, operating hours ...
tony's user avatar
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Return a set of geodetic coordinates for a particular moment in time

Use case The user is interested in supplying a timestamp of a particular moment in time. This python application will perform two astronomy calculations for a set list of planetary bodies: Calculate ...
Hunter's user avatar
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RANDEVU - Rust crate implementing a simple algorithm I invented

I've created a simple algorithm, implemented it in Rust, and published it as a crate on My code seems pretty clean and idiomatic to me, but I'd like to know ...
TypicalHog's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Goal: Writing Effective Unit Tests to Ensure a Datetime Conversion To/From Local-UTC Works

As the title lists, I am trying to write an effective unittest suite to ensure that the function that converts a date to UTC from local or vice-versa is doing as planned. But it seems hard because ...
0004's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Subtract two lap times (m:ss:fff)

I have two lap time strings I need to subtract, the format is minutes, seconds, milliseconds. This is to compare a new world record time to the previous holder's ...
Soda Party's user avatar
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Python: Return list of keys if current time is within the range

This is the program I have written to return the list of keys if the current hour is present within the range provided. ...
Tony Montana's user avatar
5 votes
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Determine if it is EU summer time in Java

I wanted to write a utility method for learning purposes to determine if a given date (year, month and day) falls within EU summer time or not, without using any of the Java library methods. Is here ...
tgrothe's user avatar
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4 votes
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Convert durations to a single unit

In the codebase I inherited, I have this function which converts a number and unit into milliseconds: ...
LocustHorde's user avatar
2 votes
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Four functions to measure and compare months of duration from one or two dates

I decided to write a few related examples of code, and honestly I don't know if I am overthinking, or just trying to find what is that right way to write functions and how to use them, so that ...
Erasus's user avatar
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2 answers

Receiving a daily reward

I'm doing a daily reward system on my site. Users can pick up the reward only once a day. The next reward can be picked up the next day, also, only once. When a user visits the site to pick up a daily ...
Andrew Ourst's user avatar
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3 answers

List consecutive days

I created this method for consecutive days to be listed with a dash, non-consecutive are separated by “and”. In my UI control I am only getting back a ...
Jefferson's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Date Checking in C++

I am working on one of my assignments (Hash Tables) for my Data Structures class(1st year), the assignment focuses on OOP and understanding of Hash Tables. Restrictions: Usage of raw pointers C++11 ...
I_throw_but_dont_catch's user avatar
1 vote
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Comparing date in RPGLE

I have an RPG program which processes a file containing records of subscription details of users. Each subscription record has a "valid from date" and "valid to date" - indicating ...
Theju112's user avatar
3 votes
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Calculate overlap of two datetime objects

I would like to find out how much time lays in between 22.00 and 6.00 o’clock for a given event per day. So if the event start at 21.00 and ends at 23.59 the result would be 1.59. For a start at 22.00 ...
kiaora's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

A function that uses a regex to parse date and time and returns a datetime object

The code works, but I think can be simplified, I don't know which specific steps, but my version seems to me quite complicated I build a function that takes a specific string format and returns a <...
Andrea Ciufo's user avatar
2 votes
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How to handle optional date parameters?

When creating a function to be reusable throughout the project I came across something strange. After looking at this function it looks very much like it could be refactored. The function should only ...
ARNON's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Determine age from given birth date

So this is my first ever attempt so it's obviously bad. There has to be a better way to do this. A big thing I haven't implemented is trying to guarantee the structure of the input(i.e making sure ...
malibooyah's user avatar
3 votes
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Generates list of intervals using the biggest different time unit within period

I've created a function to split a period into the biggest different time unit possible. It can be years, months, ...
CIRCLE's user avatar
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Algorithm that prints day, when submitted date

I would love to know your opinion about this algorithm that we wrote in class. I was thinking about how I can optimize it (in terms of size of code/complexity) without using library functions (...
Adrian Rudy Dacka's user avatar
3 votes
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PHP Laravel Check if given date is a week or a regular day

I have a problem. In my project the user can copy a menu for a specific day or for a specific week. The value that will be sent to the back-end will be something like: ...
A. Vreeswijk's user avatar
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Simple ISO date, time and datetime implementation

I am getting started with rust. To get familiar with the language I implemented a datetime library: ...
Richard Neumann's user avatar
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Saving and reading the last successful execution as a json-file

I've got some tools that run perdiodically like weekly or monthly that don't support any retry mechanism. In order to increase their chance to succeed in case a database wasn't reachable or some other ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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Unix epoch seconds corresponding to midnight in a local time zone

I came up with the following function to obtain epoch seconds that correspond to previous midnight in a local time zone: ...
Cattus's user avatar
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5 votes
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Simple TimeStamp class in Python

For a project I'm working on we need a basic time holder class. This is written in CircuitPython, which is a stripped down version of CPython that's missing a number of libraries, including the whole ...
dgnuff's user avatar
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Generating a selection of dates from a given date to the current one, in equal three-month intervals

I need to get a selection of dates from the given to the current, breaking the range of dates into equal parts of 3 months. My code works, but it's clearly not perfect. Give advice on code refactoring....
Novice's user avatar
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timeConversion - C function to convert 12-hour AM/PM format into military time [closed]

I have written a program in C, which given a time in 12-hour AM/PM format, converts it to military time (24 hours). Function Description The timeConversion function should return a new string ...
jr.çhåvez__07's user avatar
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Search between dates in a WP Query

In the posts I have a date field and a start and end date range. I need to query if it matches date or if it matches between the dates in the range. This Query works, but how can I optimize? ...
cRiSs rOcCa's user avatar
5 votes
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Formatting timestamps during autumn DST switchover

I've written code that 99.x% of the time does the same thing as def format(timestamp: datetime) -> str: return timestamp.strftime("%X") but ...
Sören's user avatar
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Constraining a templated method to accept any integral std::chrono::time_point

Recently I was writing a class that had overloaded read methods for various data types. One of the sets of types I wanted to handle were integral ...
md5i's user avatar
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JS function to check if a date is in the correct format

I wrote the following JS function to check if a date comes in the right format and can be used further down in the application ...
Jakub's user avatar
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Check how many days a country has been independent

I have been using a website called 'CSNewbies' to learn Python and one of the tasks was to create a way for a user to check how many days a country has been independent. The countries are limited to ...
user19191583's user avatar
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3 answers

Removing medications older than 180 days ago from a list

I have the following code which removes a dict from a list of dicts in Python based on ...
pee2pee's user avatar
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Clear output line in terminal after use for countdown (different length strings)

The method to overwrite the same line is well known and I use it for countdown, but what about when the next output string has a different size and will be generated by a single print? That's the ...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
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Convert string to date C++

New to C++ here, by combining different pieces of code I've found, i came with this solution below to convert a date in string to a date object. It works as I want but I'm not certain to do the ...
TmSmth's user avatar
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12 hour to 24 hour time conversion

doing hackerrank challenges and been learning python3 for a month now, made this code to convert and return 12 hour to 24 hour time format in one of the challenges ...
Physcofury's user avatar
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Extract the last row in a dataframe with a timestamp before some given time

Related questions: I need to take specific row from different df to generate new df. How can I make my code faster? I want to take the last data before the specified time from different time intervals ...
jaried's user avatar
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Generate date_range for string intervals like 09:00-10:00/11:00-14:00/15:00-18:00 and calculate the working minutes

I'm a bit new in python and I'm trying to achieve what I can't with VBA, get things faster. I have large datasets like this in the source(just a sample): This is done also by python and it's a CSV ...
Damian's user avatar
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1 answer

Calculate working Hours in given shift time

This is simple program to calculate working hours in given shift.. It is also return user sessions and presence of user shift. while this works fine. I would like suggestion to improve it. ...
1258259's user avatar
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Extraction of subsets by date and intervals from a dataframe with a specific date format

Given the following dataframe: ...
Carola's user avatar
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deprecated strftime in PHP 8.1

I saw that strftime is deprecated in PHP 8.1. I saw I can use a class include in intl but I'm not sure to understand how to use It. On my site I use this function with the array $datesToConvert{020222,...
Nasty Phoenix's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Get random time between two time inputs

This code takes two times as input and then calculates a random time between the two inputs. ...
DumbMathBoy's user avatar
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Create a formatted calendar

I'm working on a project that creates a calendar based on user input of a month and a year. With that information, the code should count the number of days in that month and output a calendar. I would ...
BouncexTr's user avatar
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Calculate time interval excluding breaks

I have a solution for a question I asked on SO: I am trying to create a database where I also need to find the time difference inside a record. However, timediff() ...
Memo Haldan's user avatar
6 votes
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Date range generator

An app has a feature that's much like any calendar application (like the Outlook calendar for example). Consequently, I need to do a lot of date logic. I wrote a class with date calculation methods ...
user2190492's user avatar
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simulation of updating a dataset from real time data

In this code (reproducible example) I want to generate a dataframe composed by random dates in the first col, and by random numbers (in reality they will be generate from a socket) in the second ...
Carlo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Javascript date / time display

I'm writing a simple start page and it's my first time with JavaScript, my previous background is Python/VBScript. Is it good enough? What best practices should I apply? Should I compress and nest the ...
Fabio Craig Wimmer Florey's user avatar
5 votes
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Find the earliest date from a series of inputs

I need to find minimal date (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds). My code is working, but it looks terrible and it's very long. What can I do to avoid this ladder and make my code readable? (I ...
Handcrafting Country's user avatar

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