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Formatting a table using unicode symbols in python

The goal of the project is to take in input for a data, perhaps in the future as a csv, then print it out using UNICODE box-drawing characters. The main function ...
Saphereye's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Draw a 2d graph using slashes

Given a list of integers a 2D graph has to be plotted taking 1st, 3rd, 5th, ... numbers as upward slope and 2nd, 4th, ... numbers as downward slope. I have used a Python list to do it. Is there any ...
Maghil vannan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Word count graph

I created a program in python that reads a file and outputs a frequency graph of the words it contains. Any feedback or tips would be appreciated. ...
Joyal Mathew's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Program which accepts grades and prints grade distribution

I'm doing the MOOC Java course (CTRL+F "distribution"): The input of the program is a set of exam scores of a course. Each score is an integer. When -1 is entered, the program stops asking for ...
Ameer's user avatar
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Galton Board Simulation

This program is written for Windows 7 under MinGW using gcc. I'm seeking recommendations for improving the program's portability. ...
Verbatim's user avatar
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3 answers

Print the length of words as input to a histogram with horizontal bars

It works, but I'm sure there's a lot of improvement I could make here. I didn't try to get it to work for words over 10 characters in length, and I also didn't want to use built in properties like <...'s user avatar
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