Questions tagged [converting]

Converting involves changing data from one data type or format to another.

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3 answers

Mutual conversion operators

What is more readable? value / 60 / 60, value / 3600, or ...
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Setting Entity Framework up for success

So I am working on an application (top-secret!) that I need settings for, these settings are pretty basic, but I don't want to make a single-row table with a bunch of serialized settings, or a single-...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
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1 answer

Brainf**k to Ruby interpreter -- v3

Previous iteration. I think this is about as good as it's gonna get, but just for kicks, let's do one more round of iterations. As before, it's a very simple substitution from Brainfuck to Ruby, ...
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ConcurrentLinkedQueue to unmodifiable list

I have a ConcurrentLinkedQueue where I put some mails in. Now I have a visual page where I want to see what's in the Queue, but ...
chillworld's user avatar
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Binary to ASCII converter

This is a program I wrote to convert binary to ASCII. I am still learning ARM assembly. How can I improve my program? Are there any bad programming habits in my code? I've tested it on Raspberry Pi ...
kyle k's user avatar
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Converting an array-returning function to a lazy evaluator

Take a look at the following function: ...
Nasser Al-Shawwa's user avatar
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Program for importing autotask contracts into dynamics CRM 2011

We regularly have to convert a bunch of autotask Contracts to a custom CRM entity because we have employees who don't work in Autotask but need those contracts. I wrote the above code to handle this ...
Nzall's user avatar
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Roman numeral converter in Ruby

For a Project Euler problem, I made a Ruby roman numeral converter: ...
ahuth's user avatar
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C++ String Conversions using Iconv

Since charset conversions is so darn badly implemented and most standard options are deprecated I recently wrote a wrapper around iconv that converts from system narrow / multibyte character set to ...
rioki's user avatar
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1 answer

Python 3 script to phonetically transliterate written English to Cyrillic and/or Greek

This is a Python 3 script I have written over three days that transliterates (not translating) English orthography written in Latin alphabet to the Cyrillic alphabet, the Greek alphabet or a mixed of ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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2 answers

Parsing from one enum to another

I face a problem I think I am not approaching appropiately. I have two independent enumerators that both will contain the same members, the only difference being the values given. I have to be able ...
Oscar Guillamon's user avatar
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1 answer

Hex to Double converter

I stumbled on this SO question which was asking about a way to convert larger hex values to a positive numeric value: ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
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2 answers

Convert impute2 files to mach format

Here is a program for converting Impute2 files into MaCH format (related to genetics). Source files include one xxx_haps file and one xxx_samples file, for example: ...
qed's user avatar
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2 answers

Numbers to Strings in Python part 2

After implementing most of the suggestions from the first question, This is the code I got: ...
mleyfman's user avatar
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1 answer

Conversion from postfix to infix in C

Just over half way through in K&R, came across an exercise to convert from postfix ("reverse-Polish") notation to infix (standard) notation. Basically I'm posting here to see if there is ...
samrap's user avatar
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1 answer

Python converter: number-to-English - Project Euler 17

So I wrote this function to convert a given number to its interpretation in the English language as part of the Project Euler exercises. It works fine, but I sense that it's rather sloppy and ...
asteri's user avatar
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3 answers

Converting base-10 numbers into base-26 letters

I'm writing something that basically takes a bunch of files and renames them into a nice format, such as pic_000.jpeg, ...
Michael's user avatar
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4 answers

Temperature converter that seems to violate SRP

I've written this class for two purposes (I think only this fact shows that this code violates SRP): convert weight from one unit to another and to represent them accurate or not accurate. So class ...
Antiarchitect's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting a binary string to hexadecimal using Rust

Once again, I am reinventing the wheel here to understand the fundamentals of rust. In a previous question I requested feedback on my function that performed a hexadecimal to binary conversion. In ...
sc_ray's user avatar
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2 answers

Convert data frame to list of lists by row

I am rewriting some old code where I take a dataframe in r and convert it using the tidyverse packages to a list of lists, where ...
G_T's user avatar
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Convert FoxPro/dBase DATETIME field to Win32 SYSTEMTIME struct

I'm trying to write a complete driver for Visual FoxPro's DBF format for Win32. I found that the way that fields of the DATETIME type are stored in dBase files is ...
Govind Parmar's user avatar
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Byte-to-binary conversion function

My implementation of a binary-to-bits converting function: ...
Genis's user avatar
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Motor degree movement function

I want to control a motor which rotates a device over a gear. Input values for the device are from 0 to 360 degrees. The motor should always rotate the device the shorter way around. For example, if ...
wenzul's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting English Measurements to Metric and vice versa

I finished answering Exercise 3.3.1 of How to Design Programs where: Exercise 3.3.1. The United States uses the English system of (length) measurements. The rest of the world uses the metric ...
exilyte's user avatar
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Constructing constrained/validated objects

I'm trying to do some rudimentary DDD in validating my objects to ensure they are of a particular type. I.e. an Email object would always look like "[email protected]" ...
Druckles's user avatar
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2 answers

Basic distance conversion program

This is a simple program to convert miles, yards, feet, and inches appropriately. Everything intended for works but I feel my program is very redundant. How can I make it more efficient and less lines ...
user85942's user avatar
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Convert between two bases, each between 2 and 36

I'm doing some Python practice for fun and I wrote some code that converts between two bases. I'm thinking about expanding on this later, so the docstrings are pretty redundant from function to ...
Dan D's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting float from arbitrary base to arbitrary base

I needed to write a small program to convert floats from any base to any other base. The thing is, it got big. I know there are other ways to implement the conversions (such as doing subtractions ...
Alex's user avatar
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Fahrenheit <=> Celsius converter in Rust

It's one of the tasks suggested in the Rust Programming Language book by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols, and to a complete Rust newbie like me, figuring out converting scale from ...
szychy's user avatar
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1 answer

Get local datetime from UTC time

One of the app is inserting date in UTC format (column CreateDate). When reporting from this table, I used a difference in hours between the inbuilt ...
Ashish Gupta's user avatar
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Extending COERCE to other reasonable object type conversions

It's a basic principle in AI that different problem representations can either facilitate or impede a solution. Being able to readily switch data representations while programming in Common Lisp may ...
davypough's user avatar
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2 answers

Java Temperature Converter GUI

Today is my first time working with GUI, so I'm really interested in the best ways of handling various events to get the best habits from the jump. Most of the GUI-related code for this project was ...
BrainFRZ's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert tree to circular doubly linked list

I want you to pick my code apart and give me some feedback on how I could make it better or simpler. This code converts a binary tree to a doubly linked list (in order). ...
JavaDeveloper's user avatar
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Unit Converter App

Please review this Android UnitConverter App which has been designed using Strategy Pattern. ...
somenath mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Translating Python to Rust: reading a Salesforce ID from a string

As a first project in Rust, I'm translating an existing, working piece of Python code. This code's purpose is to convert a 15-character Salesforce Id (which is guaranteed to be ASCII, exactly 15 bytes ...
David Reed's user avatar
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0 answers

Blender exporter for Unreal Engine 1 brushes

Unreal Engine 1 nowadays is slightly useless, but it still is (kinda) flexible and allows for modifications of extensive kinds, including many sorts of maps. However, one of it's editor, Unreal ...
wallabra's user avatar
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0 answers

Parsing an infix notation expression and converting to reverse polish notation

I'm pretty new to Go, and I do not know the best or idiomatic ways to do most of the stuff, so I'd appreciate feedback on how to make my code better, faster or more idiomatic. My program is a set of ...
Marc's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Best C# idiom to convert the items on an object array to a string?

I have something akin to ...
Vinko Vrsalovic's user avatar
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Convert number 1-5 from its spelt-out form

I'm working with an API that for some strange reason returns star ratings as words, like FIVE,FOUR,THREE,TWO,ONE. As far as I can see, there's no way to just get ...
Sensanaty's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting numbers to English words

This is a simple program to convert a number, from 0 up to 99999999, to English words. Example: If the input is: 1234 The output would be: one thousand two ...
MORTAL's user avatar
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Binary/decimal/hex converter using Tkinter

I debated long and hard before posting this question, and I did a lot of experimenting. I just can't seem to work out an 'elegant', concise way to get done what I want done in the manner I want it ...
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2 answers

Integer to English Conversion

I wrote some code to translate numbers ( for now just positive, up to the 32bit limit ) into English words. Everything works and I'm happy. I searched through the site looking for a comparison code ...
WhiteEyeTree's user avatar
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4 answers

Temperature conversion program with a lot of repetition

My son (9) is learning Python and wrote this temperature conversion program. He can see that there is a lot of repetition in it and would like to get feedback on ways to make it shorter. ...
Matthew Murdoch's user avatar
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2 answers

Implementation of itoa

Edenia's user avatar
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Convert hex encoded string to byte array

The following should read a hex string such as "ece998a2fb" into vector 236 233 152 162 251. I was unable to find any built in ...
psaxton's user avatar
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2 answers

Currency conversion class with caching

I've just made this class, which supports caching. I'd really appreciate any comments on how to make it better etc. Code ...
purpletree's user avatar
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Excel To CSV Converter Ch 9 ATBS

I am learning more about python using the book "Automate The Boring Stuff". The problem I completed was "Excel To CSV Converter". I want to kick bad habits to the curb, and make sure I'm learning the ...
Linny's user avatar
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Map strings to (const) ints

I'm imagining go generate would be a good tool for this. I want to convert strings to ints to save space. ...
Filip Haglund's user avatar
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3 answers

Hexadecimal to string without C++ standard library functions

For the purposes of this code review, I will use the standard library, but pretend that <cstddef> is <stddef.h>, ...
user52953's user avatar
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An up-cast for C++

Usually in C++, the language rules automatically widen types as necessary. For example, I can pass a pointer-to-derived in place of a pointer-to-base, and the same with references. There are ...
Toby Speight's user avatar

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