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jQuery Mobile Menu plugin

I would like some opinions on this Mobile Menu plugin I wrote for work. We develop custom WordPress themes, nothing too advanced or anything. I would like if anyone could just take a look and provide ...
bebaps's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Configuring a DataTable using CoffeeScript

I am working on a simple Rails app. For the Expense resource I use a DataTable. So, in my CoffeeScript for this resource I basically do several things: initialize ...
Alexander Popov's user avatar
1 vote
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Extracting a list of hyperlinks [closed]

I need to produce a list objCollector with some results: ...
Jesus_Maria's user avatar
4 votes
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Flood game implementation

There is the implementation of flood game on my GitHub. The is the main part of project: ...
kharandziuk's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Get <TH> texts into a tab separated string

table_with_headers = $(this.dom.table).find("thead tr th").map(-> $(this).text() ).get().join("\t") Can one write it nicer? I especially don't like the inner ...
andilabs's user avatar
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Navigating around ul li and looking for the active state on the current slide

How can I rewrite this in a simpler way? ...
r23712's user avatar
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Set up event on class and initialize state [closed]

Very similar to this question, I'm curious about common patterns/best practices for handling events in coffeescript classes, particularly when you also need to call the event handlers immediately to ...
Jared's user avatar
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Initializing events on class

I wrote a simple class that substitutes all file inputs in an HTML for a more complex template and set some actions on it. The code is rather small, but I'm not used to write JavaScript. I wonder if ...
fotanus's user avatar
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10 votes
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Tabbed navigation to hide and show pages

I'm new to jQuery and trying to learn how to refactor my bloated code to make it nicer and better maintainable. I have a tabbed navigation which I'm using jQuery to hide and show pages depending on ...
user1502223's user avatar
8 votes
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Simple CoffeeScript navigation menu

I'm using simple script to handle tab menu like this: HTML: ...
Eternal1's user avatar
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3 votes
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Paginating a Backbone collection

This is part of a class for paginating a Backbone collection. The paginateTo method is for paginating to a model id. It returns ...
meleyal's user avatar
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Dynamic dropdown update for site reuse

This is based (somewhat loosely) on the code written in this railscast. I'm planning to re-use it in different places throughout the site, so I made it a bit more generic rather than based on IDs. ...
Drew's user avatar
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2 votes
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Refactor jquery (coffescript) code with checkboxes

I have two different set of checkboxes. With the coffescript code below I set the maximum amount of checkable items at 3. I would like to refactor this code, to be cleaner and compact, but I can't get ...
framomo86's user avatar
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Memory leak in a scraper [closed]

This is a scraper written in CoffeeScript for NodeJS. It is run in an interval (set to 5 seconds here to dramtically show the leak). Somewhere this code leaks memory. I already tried nulling a few ...
Lincoln's user avatar
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Similar but slightly different JavaScript functions

I have two very similar functions that exist mainly for syntactic sugar. ...
Toast's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Coffeescript beautification and refactoring

As much as I try, I cannot seem to get this Coffeescript code to look beautiful (I'd like to think it is possible). I have tried both Javascript and Coffeescript. Just to be clear, this code works ...
S W's user avatar
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